Mastering Game Controls, Villagers, Commands, and Essential Items
Joystick Controls
- UP: Move forwards
- RIGHT: Move Right
- LEFT: Move Left
- DOWN: Move Backwards
- Crouch
- + Shield in hand: Use shield (forces crouch)
- + Up: Look up
- + Right: Look Right
- + Left: Look Left
- + Down: Look down
Button Controls
- Jump
- Critical Damage (While falling back to the ground after jumping)
- +
: Move item in inventory
- Select item in inventory
- Drop item
- Exit Menu
- Open Inventory
- (Functionality unknown)
- Block selector (allows you to pick the block in front of you for faster building)
- Scroll to next item in hot bar
- Scroll to previous item in hot bar
- Attack/Break block
- Eat/Place block
Villager Trades
- Lectern: Librarian
- Smithing Table: Tool Smith
- Brewing Stand: Cleric
- Blast Furnace: Armorer
- Smoker: Butcher
- Cartography Table: Cartographer
- Composter: Farmer
- Barrel: Fisherman
- Fletching Table: Fletcher
- Cauldron: Leather Worker
- Stonecutter: Stone Mason
- Loom: Shepherd
- Grindstone: Weapon Smith
Most Useful Villager Trades
- Librarian
- Farmer
- Cleric
- Armorer
- Fletcher
- Weapon Smith
(* = Usable without cheats)
/Give @p [item ID] [amount]
(Gives all players an item)/Summon [entity ID]
(Summons a mob)/Kill @e
(Kills mobs)/Kill @p
(Kills all players)/Kill @e[type=[entity ID]]
(Kills a SPECIFIC entity)/Enchant [enchantment ID] [level]
(Enchants the item in your hand if enchantable)/Effect @p [effect ID] [level]
(Gives all players your desired effect. Example of effect ID – slow_falling)/Seed
(Gives the seed of your world)*/Locate structure [structure ID]
(Locates any structure)/Locate biome
(Locates any biome)/Tp @s [coordinates (x,y,z) /playername]
(Teleports you to specific places or players)/Time set (set a time, can be specific numbers or you can just say Day/night/noon/midnight)
/Weather clear
(Clears weather)/Gamemode [desired gamemode] {Survival, Adventure, Creative, Spectator}
/Gamerule [rule ID]
Note: @p can be replaced with @s to only apply it to yourself instead of everyone
Fall Damage Negating/Nullifying Items
- Water: Fully negates damage
- Hay: Softens the fall by reducing damage by 80%
- Boats: Hard to time, not recommended
- Ender Pearls
Useful Enchantments
- Mending: When XP is picked up, it increases the durability of the item in your hand if enchanted with mending, making it practically unbreakable.
- Unbreaking: When an item is enchanted, it reduces the likelihood of your item being damaged when used.
- Fire Aspect: Sets the hit entity on fire for a small amount of time.
- Sharpness: Increases damage.
- Looting: Makes mob drops more likely.
- Fortune: Increases the amount of the item mined. For example, if you mine one diamond, you may get two.
- Efficiency: Makes you mine faster.
- Protection: Lowers melee damage taken.
- Feather Falling: Lessens fall damage.
- Frost Walker: Turns all nearby water to ice you can walk on.
- Knockback: Gives higher knockback to weapons.
Essential Items
- Golden Apples
- Golden Carrots
- Water Bucket
- Beacon
- Ender Pearls
- Blaze Rods (to craft into blaze powder to fuse with ender pearls to get to the end)
To be updated