Mastering Present Perfect and ‘Make’ vs. ‘Do’ in English

Present Perfect Tense: Practice

  1. Do the washing-up: Has he done the washing-up yet? No, he hasn’t.
  2. Clean the floor: Has he cleaned the floor yet? Yes, he has.
  3. Do the ironing: Has he done the ironing yet? No, he hasn’t.
  4. Take out the rubbish: Has he taken out the rubbish yet? No, he hasn’t.
  5. Do the washing: Has he done the washing yet? Yes, he has.
  6. Clean the window: Has he cleaned the window yet? Yes, he has.
  7. Tidy his desk: Has he tidied his desk yet? No, he hasn’t.
  8. Lay the table: Has he laid the table yet? Yes, he has.
  9. Make his bed: Has he made his bed yet? No, he hasn’t.
  10. Do the shopping: Has he done the shopping yet?


  • Clean the floor: limpiar el suelo
  • Do the ironing: planchar
  • Do the shopping: ir de compras
  • Do the washing: lavar la ropa
  • Do the washing-up: lavar los platos
  • Lay the table: poner la mesa
  • Make lunch: hacer el almuerzo
  • Make the beds: hacer las camas
  • Pick up dirty clothes (from the floor): recoger ropa sucia del suelo
  • Put away your clothes: guardar la ropa
  • Take out the rubbish: sacar la basura
  • Tidy your room: ordenar tu habitación

‘Make’ or ‘Do’?

  • Do a course
  • Make a mistake
  • Do an exam/an exercise/homework
  • Make a noise
  • Make a phone call
  • Do housework
  • Make friends
  • Make lunch/dinner
  • Do sport
  • Make plans
  • Make excuses
  • Do the dishes
  • Make a decision
  • Do someone good: hacerle bien a alguien
  • Make up your mind
  • Do business (hacer negocios)
  • Do a favor
  • Make a promise
  • Do one’s duty (cumplir con su deber)
  • Make a speech
  • Make money
  • Do a job
  • Make a mistake: cometer un error
  • Make an impression (causar una impresión)
  • Make sense: tener sentido
  • Do harm: hacer daño
  • Do one’s best (hacer lo que mejor uno pueda)
  • Make coffee (hacer el café)
  • Make progress (avanzar)
  • Make friends: hacer amigos
  • Make a cake: hacer un pastel
  • Do the homework: hacer los deberes
  • Make sure: asegúrate
  • Make tea: hacer té
  • Do an exercise: hacer ejercicio físico
  • Do well: hacerlo bien
  • Make trouble: tener problemas
  • Make a point: aclarar un aspecto
  • Do a good job: hacer un buen trabajo
  • Do it yourself: hazlo por ti mismo

Fill in the Blanks

  1. She is making progress at the moment.
  2. Mr. Jones made a lot of money last year.
  3. Tommy did his best in the competition yesterday.
  4. My friend will do business in Europe next year.
  5. What are you doing? I’m making plans for the holidays.
  6. I always make my bed in the morning.
  7. It did Ellen good to have a holiday for the last month.
  8. Betty usually does the housework every morning.
  9. He is a clever student and has made a good impression already.
  10. He does his duty and volunteered for the army.
  11. They will make fresh coffee in an hour.
  12. I often make spelling mistakes.
  13. My mother does the shopping every week.
  14. Don’t make any noise.
  15. Johnny always makes excuses when he is late.

Fill in the Blanks

  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Don’t make any noise! This is a library.
  3. My father is doing very well in business at the moment.
  4. Do me a favor! Let me borrow your car.
  5. Mother made an apple pie for tea yesterday.
  6. Ellen always makes a good impression at interviews.
  7. Every soldier must do his duty for his country.
  8. You’ve made a mistake. I’m not Sue Smith.
  9. Don’t worry about the test. Just do your best.
  10. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.
  11. Julie has made a promise never to…
  12. The dog is friendly. He never does anyone any harm.
  13. My brother usually does the dishes.
  14. Drink this tea! It will do you good.
  15. I just can’t make up my mind which boy to go out with.

Choose the Correct Answer

  1. The actor offered to make a speech at the dinner. (a)
  2. When did you do your homework? (a)
  3. Those boys are very naughty and always make trouble. (c)
  4. I am doing my best. (c)
  5. I made a promise to my grandmother last week. (b)
  6. We have made a cake for the party. (a)
  7. Will you do me a favor, please? (b)
  8. Don’t make excuses. (c)
  9. The story doesn’t make sense. (a)