Mastering the Infinitive in English Grammar

Using the Infinitive

A. With Verbs

Following these verbs:

  • Afford
  • Agree
  • Appear
  • Attempt
  • Decide
  • Expect
  • Fail
  • Forget
  • Help
  • Hope
  • Intend
  • Learn
  • Manage
  • Need
  • Offer
  • Plan
  • Prepare
  • Promise
  • Propose
  • Refuse
  • Seem
  • Want
  • Would like

Example: I learned to swim last summer. We have decided to go to London in July.

B. With Adjectives and Adverbs


  • It’s early to go to bed.
  • I was too tired to go for a walk.
  • The police were not fast enough to catch the thief.

C. With an Object

Verbs followed by an object + infinitive:

  • Advise
  • Allow
  • Ask
  • Enable
  • Encourage
  • Expect
  • Forbid
  • Force
  • Help
  • Invite
  • Order
  • Permit
  • Persuade
  • Prefer
  • Recommend
  • Remind
  • Teach
  • Tell
  • Want
  • Warn
  • Would like

Examples: The teacher asked the student to be quiet. I’d like them to behave better. She advised me to go to the dentist.

Structuring an Opinion Paragraph

Organizing Ideas: Firstly, first of all, secondly… Also, besides, furthermore, in addition, what’s more. To conclude, to sum up, in conclusion.

Paragraph 1: Expose the situation in your country and express your opinions.

Paragraphs 2 & 3: Develop the main idea, explain the consequences of possible problems and solutions, use connectors, and express your opinion.

Paragraph 4: Summarize your opinion.

Writing a Discussion Text

Expressions: Consequently, for example, so, therefore.

Adding Ideas: Another reason is, in addition, moreover, such as.

Expressing Contrast: However, on the other hand.

Paragraph 1: Introduction.

Paragraph 2: Expose arguments in favor of the subsection.

Paragraph 3: Arguments against, using the 2nd conditional.

Paragraph 4: Summarize conclusions from another point of view and give your own opinion.

Reported Speech

Direct SpeechReported Speech
Present Simple (is typing)Past Simple (was typing)
Present Continuous (am going)Past Continuous (was going)
Future Simple (will)Conditional Simple (would)
Past Simple (typed)Past Perfect (had typed)
Present Perfect (have missed)Past Perfect (had missed)
MustHad to
Should/Ought toShould/Ought to

Time Expressions: now -> then, today -> that day, yesterday -> the day before/the previous day, tomorrow -> the next day/the following day, here -> there, this/these -> that/those.


  • “Tim wants some coffee” -> He said that Tim wanted some coffee.
  • “I’m washing my hair” -> She said that she was washing her hair.
  • “Helen has lost her wallet” -> He said that Helen had lost her wallet.
  • “Kate took my keys” -> He said that Kate had taken his keys.
  • “I will be late” -> She said that she would be late.

Passive Voice in Reported Speech

  • “It’s broken” -> It was said to be broken.
  • “It has been broken” -> It was said to have been broken.