Mastering the Present Perfect: Uses, Forms, and Examples

Present Perfect Tense: Has/Have Explained

The Present Perfect tense uses has/have (hasn’t/haven’t): I HAVE, you HAVE, she/he/it HAS, we HAVE, you HAVE.

  • Used for completed actions without mentioning a specific time.
  • Used for unfinished time periods.
  • Often used with: ever, just, already, yet, for, or since.

Form of the Present Perfect

Affirmative: subject + have/has + -ed or 3rd column (past participle).

Negative: subject + haven’t/hasn’t + 3rd column (past participle).

Interrogative: Have/has + subject + -ed or 3rd column (past participle).

If you want to mention a specific time, use the Past Simple: someone broke the window last night. // I found a new job last week.

Completed action mentioning the time (unfinished time periods: this week, today, this evening, this year…): I have written 7 messages today.

Present perfect + EVER + personal experiences: Have you ever eaten snails? // Have you ever been to Australia?

Present perfect + JUST: He has just come. // The train has just left.

Present perfect + ALREADY (ya) or YET (todavía (no), ya): She has already done her homework. // Has she done her homework yet? // She hasn’t done her homework yet.

Present perfect + FOR (desde hace, durante) or SINCE (desde): Used to indicate an action that started in the past and continues in the present: He has worked in Murcia for 5 years. // She has lived here since 2013.

BEEN (ir y volver) or GONE (se ha ido): Have you ever been to Italy? // Mr. Jane isn’t here at the moment — He has gone to the dentist. // Mr. Jean is back now — He has been to the dentist.

Present Perfect vs. Past Simple

Present PerfectPast Simple
FORM: subject + have/has + past participleFORM: subject + -ed or 2nd column (past simple)
subject + didn’t + verb in infinitive
Did + subject + verb in infinitive
USES: Past action without mentioning the time // Unfinished time periods // Present perfect + ever, just, already, yet, for, since… // How long…? (¿Cuánto hace, cuánto tiempo hace..?)USES: Past action mentioning the time (He arrived last week) // Actions completed in the past (I saw Tom yesterday) // FOR (durante) or AGO (hace) (He came 5 years ago // He worked in Madrid for 2 years) // How long…? (¿Cuánto tiempo…?) (How long did you live in France?) // Questions with What time…? When…?



  • clean the floor (fregar el suelo)
  • do the ironing (planchar)
  • do the shopping (hacer la compra)
  • do the washing (lavar la ropa)
  • do the washing-up (lavar los platos)
  • lay the table (poner la mesa)
  • make lunch (preparar el almuerzo)
  • make the beds (hacer las camas)
  • pick up dirty clothes (recoger la ropa sucia)
  • put away your clothes (guardar la ropa)
  • take out the rubbish (sacar la basura)
  • tidy the room (ordenar la habitación)

Make or Do

Make a mistake (cometer un error)Do a course (hacer un curso)
Make a noise (hacer ruido)Do an exam (hacer un examen)
Make a phone call (hacer una llamada)Do housework (hacer tareas de casa)
Make friends (hacer amigos)Do sport/exercise (hacer deporte)
Make lunch/dinner (hacer la comida/cena)
Make plans (hacer planes)

In a Shop or Store

  • changing rooms (probadores)
  • checkout (caja)
  • customer (cliente)
  • receipt (ticket)
  • shop assistant (dependiente)
  • take something back (devolver algo)
  • trolley/basket (carrito/cesta)
  • try something on (probarse algo)
  • don’t fit (quedar mal (por la talla))
  • don’t suit (quedar mal (por aspecto))

Online Shopping

  • account (cuenta)
  • auction (subasta)
  • checkout (pagar)
  • delivery (entrega)
  • item (artículo)
  • payment (pago)
  • size (talla)
  • website (página web)