Matter, Atomic Structure, and Chemical Bonds: Key Concepts

homogeneous matter fisiccos: No ls diferents parts are distinguished, their prodiedads-ended and are in all their punts = homogeneous mixture:

Subject homogeneous composition variable d Pure substance:

Subject homogeneous d fixed composition written:

Pure substance k se pode simple descomponr on OTRS + x metods kimics Item:

Pure substance q pode descomponr s not in OTRS + simpls Separation:

mixtures homogens: Distilling and crystallization heterogns: filtration decantationSolute:

A substance dissolves q, q is the component is in less Disolovente:

Substance q solute dissolves and is a component found in greater quantity qs Saturated solution:

That qa a given temperature, longer supports + Solubility of a solute substance:

Solvent at a given temperature, is the maximum amount of solute q can be dissolved in a fixed amount of solvent at temperature DIXA d Dalton Atomic Theory:

Matter formed x pekeñs prticuls sta, separads and indvisibles, atoms, q tene substance all their atoms = elemto is the diferents atoms tene q is a compositeParties dl atom: Core:

ncuentran ls protons is (+) and ls neutrons (no charge)


Stan ls electrons (-) in diferents LEVELS distribuids energetics and atomic orbitals No. Z:

is the number q tenen protons d ls d ls cores d an element atoms (bottom)

Mass No. A:

The sum d q tene protons and neutrons an atom the nucleus d, d is the number of nucleons (top)


Frms atomics q d the same element differ in mass number

Isotopic mass:

Number of times q mass d d d this isotope an atom cntiene d atomic mass unit (u) q is the mass 12 part d d d an atom carbon-12 natural radioactivity:

Process spontanea d d Broadcast radiacions x part d q inestabls cores are trasformn atomics in other nuclei, pden be alpha beta and gamma Artificial Radioactivity:

The presentn q alguns isotops stabls when bombardeads cn distints particuls Moleculs:

Stan frmads x 2 or + atoms od d same elements diferents cristalins Reds

Stan frmads x an indeterminate number q d particuls elementals are arranged orderly frmando one structuraLink qimico:

Union is stablish etween q ls q particuls elementals contituyn a substance, there are 3 types:

Ionic bond:

Union q is the presence d d d fuerzs mong atrccion electrostatic ion d Distino sign convalnte Link:

Union d 2 q cmpartn atoms 1 or + PRTs metal d electrons Link:

Union exists q ntre d ls ls atoms are metals ncuentrn q critalina network frmndo Molecular weight:

M r, q numero d times a molecule containing the atomic mass unit dMol Amount d substance contains tants q cmo moleculs atoms or atoms are in 0.012 kg carbon d C 126, 0.012 kg carbon d is 6.022 * 10 23, Avogadro cnstante d, L, N * M = m molar volume:

V MVolumn occupied mole x moleculs d d d atoms DIXA substance n * V M= V d The molar volumn cualkier gas at 1 atm and 0 ° C is 22.4 L and cntiene 6.022 * 10 23d molucls said gas, d = M / V MCmposicion cntesimal:

dd Msa said elemntos 100 unidads d msa cmpuesto mass% dlcmponente d = mass / mass of solution*

= Volumn d volumn cmponente / volumn solution d * 100 Grams x L = Msa cmponente d / d volumn solution Molarity = Mols cmponente d / d Litrs solution 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 64s 23d 104p 65s 24d 105p 66s 2