Measures of Dispersion and Correlation in Statistics

Measures of Dispersion



  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and calculate.
  • Quick Insight: Provides a quick indication of the spread between the minimum and maximum values.


  • Sensitivity to Outliers: Heavily affected by extreme values, making it less reliable for skewed distributions.
  • Ignores Middle Data: Does not consider the distribution of data points between the extremes.



  • Incorporates All Data: Takes into account every data point in the dataset.
  • Foundation for Other Measures: Forms the basis for standard deviation and is used in many statistical analyses.


  • Units: The units of variance are the square of the units of the original data, which can be less intuitive.
  • Sensitivity to Outliers: Can be significantly influenced by extreme values.

Standard Deviation


  • Intuitive Units: Same units as the original data, making interpretation easier.
  • Comprehensive: Considers all data points and their deviations from the mean.
  • Widely Used: Commonly used and well understood in many fields.


  • Sensitivity to Outliers: Like variance, it can be influenced by extreme values.
  • Assumes Normal Distribution: Most useful when the data is normally distributed.

Mean Deviation (MD)


  • Less Sensitivity to Outliers: More robust to outliers compared to variance and standard deviation.
  • Simplicity: Easier to understand and calculate than variance.


  • Less Common: Not as widely used or understood as standard deviation and variance.
  • Not as Theoretically Robust: Lacks some of the desirable mathematical properties of variance and standard deviation.

Quartile Deviation (Semi-Interquartile Range)


  • Robustness to Outliers: Quartile deviation is less sensitive to outliers and extreme values because it only considers the middle 50% of the data.
  • Focus on Central Tendency: It provides a measure of dispersion that focuses on the spread of the central portion of the data, giving a better idea of typical variability.
  • Simplicity: It is relatively simple to calculate and understand.


  • Ignores Extremes: By focusing only on the interquartile range (the middle 50% of data), it ignores the spread of data in the tails, which can sometimes be important.
  • Less Comprehensive: It does not use all the data points in its calculation, which might result in loss of information about overall variability.
  • Limited Applicability: It is less informative for datasets where the interest is in understanding the full range of data variability, especially if the tails of the distribution are significant.

Interquartile Range (IQR)


  • Robustness: Not affected by outliers or extreme values.
  • Focus on Middle Data: Provides a measure of dispersion that focuses on the central 50% of the data.


  • Ignores Extremes: Does not take into account data outside the first and third quartiles.
  • Less Detailed: Provides less information about the overall distribution compared to measures that consider all data points.

Coefficient of Variation (CV)


  • Dimensionless: Provides a relative measure of dispersion that is dimensionless, allowing comparison across different datasets.
  • Comparative Utility: Useful for comparing the degree of variation between datasets with different units or means.


  • Dependence on Mean: Can be misleading if the mean is close to zero or if the dataset has a high level of skewness.
  • Less Intuitive: May be less intuitive to understand than absolute measures of dispersion.

Each measure of dispersion has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which to use depends on the nature of the data and the specific requirements of the analysis.


Correlation is a statistical measure that describes the extent to which two or more variables move in relation to each other. It quantifies the degree to which changes in one variable are associated with changes in another variable. The correlation coefficient, typically denoted as r, ranges from -1 to 1.

REMEMBER: A correlation coefficient is a single number that describes the strength and direction of the relationship between your variables. (DIFFERENT FROM CORRELATION)

Positive Correlation:

Variables change in the same direction – as X is increasing, Y is increasing and vice versa. Examples: a) Water consumption and temperature, b) Study times and Grades.

Negative Correlation:

Variables change in opposite direction. As X is increasing, Y is decreasing and vice versa. Examples: a) Alcohol consumption and driving ability, b) Price and quantity demanded.

Linear Correlation:

Linear correlation is denoted by a single straight line in a graph that denotes a linear relationship between two given variables. Such a graph indicates whether an increase in one variable leads to an increase in another variable and vice versa, or a decrease in one variable leads to an increase in another variable and vice versa. For example, if the scores on emotional intelligence increase or decrease, the scores on self-esteem also increase or decrease.

Nonlinear Correlation:

As opposed to a linear relationship, in a nonlinear relationship, the relationship between two given variables is not denoted by a straight line. Thus, the relationship is curvilinear.

Types of Correlation

  • Simple Correlation: In the study of the relationship between two variables, there are only two variables.
  • Partial Correlation: We study the relationship of one variable with other variables, presuming the other variables remain constant.
  • Multiple Correlation: Measure the degree of association between one variable on one side and all the other variables on the other side, three or more variables.

Uses of Correlation

  • Validity and Reliability: Validity and reliability are important aspects of psychological testing, and correlation can be used to obtain the validity and reliability of a psychological test. Validity is whether a test is measuring what it is supposed to measure, and reliability provides information about the consistency of a test.
  • Investigating Relationships: For example, investigating the correlation between GDP per capita and access to clean water across different countries. A positive correlation would suggest that higher GDP per capita is associated with better access to clean water, highlighting the importance of economic development for improving water infrastructure.
  • Verification of Theory: Correlation can also be used to verify or test certain theories by denoting whether a relationship exists between the variables. For example, if a theory states that there is a relationship between parenting style and resilience, the same can be tested by computing the correlation for the two variables.
  • Grouping Variables: Variables that show a positive correlation with each other can be grouped together, and variables that show a negative correlation can be grouped separately based on the coefficient of correlation obtained.
  • Computation of Further Statistical Analysis: Based on the results obtained after computing the correlation, various statistical techniques can be used, like regression. Further, correlation is also used for multivariate statistical analysis, especially for techniques like Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA), Discriminant Analysis, Factor analysis, and so on.
  • Prediction: By computing correlation, it is not possible to predict one variable based on another variable, but based on the information that two or more variables are significantly related to each other, further statistical techniques can be used to make predictions. For example, if we obtain a positive correlation between family environment and the adjustment of children.

Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of central tendency are statistical tools used to summarize a set of data by identifying the central point within that set. The most common measures are the mean, median, and mode. Each of these has distinct properties and applications.


Concept: The mean, or average, is the sum of all values in a dataset divided by the number of values. It is denoted as x̄ (or μ for a population mean).


  • Balance Point: The mean represents the balance point of a dataset.
  • Mathematical Simplicity: It’s easy to calculate and useful in further statistical computations, such as variance and standard deviation.


  • General Summary: Provides a quick summary of data.
  • Comparative Analysis: Helps compare different datasets or groups.


  • Sensitivity to Outliers: The mean can be heavily influenced by extreme values, which might not represent the typical value of the dataset.


Concept: The median is the middle value in a dataset when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order. If there is an even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.


  • Robustness: The median is not affected by outliers or skewed data.
  • Central Value: Identifies the central position in an ordered dataset.


  • Income Data: Often used in reporting household incomes to avoid skewing by very high or very low incomes.
  • Real Estate Prices: Used to report home prices, as these can have extreme values.


  • Less Informative for Further Analysis: Not as useful as the mean for further mathematical operations.


Concept: The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a dataset. A dataset can have more than one mode (bimodal, multimodal) or no mode if all values are unique.


  • Most Common Value: Represents the most typical value in a dataset.
  • Categorical Data: Useful for qualitative data where we want to know the most common category.


  • Market Research: Identifying the most preferred product or service.
  • Retail: Understanding the most sold product or the most common size/color.


  • Irrelevance for Some Data: Not always useful if data are continuous with many unique values.

Features of a Good Measure of Central Tendency

A good measure of central tendency should possess several key features to ensure it effectively represents the central point of a dataset and provides meaningful insights. Here are the main features:

  1. Simplicity and Ease of Calculation:
    • Understandability: The measure should be straightforward to understand and interpret.
    • Ease of Computation: It should be easy to calculate, even with large datasets.
  2. Unambiguity:
    • Single Value: It should provide a single, clear value that represents the central point of the dataset.
  3. Representativeness:
    • Central Location: The measure should accurately reflect the central location of the dataset.
    • All Values Considered: Ideally, it should take into account all the values in the dataset.
  4. Sensitivity to All Data Points:
    • Balanced Influence: The measure should consider all data points, giving a balanced view of the dataset.
  5. Robustness:
    • Resistance to Outliers: It should not be unduly influenced by extreme values or outliers.
    • Stability: It should provide a stable measure even if the dataset contains anomalies.
  6. Applicability:
    • Wide Usage: It should be applicable to different types of data (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).
    • Comparability: It should allow for meaningful comparisons between different datasets or groups.
  7. Mathematical Properties:
    • Mathematical Utility: The measure should be useful in further statistical analysis and mathematical operations (e.g., in calculating variance, standard deviation).
    • Algebraic Manipulation: It should facilitate algebraic manipulation and further statistical modeling.
  8. Sensitivity to Changes in Data:
    • Reflects Data Changes: The measure should reflect changes in the dataset accurately when data points are added or removed.
  9. Data Distribution Consideration:
    • Suitability for Distribution: It should be suitable for the type of data distribution (e.g., mean for symmetric distributions, median for skewed distributions).

Evaluation of Common Measures of Central Tendency

  • Pros: Simple, considers all data points, useful for further statistical analysis.
  • Cons: Sensitive to outliers and skewed distributions.
  • Pros: Robust to outliers, useful for skewed distributions, easy to understand.
  • Cons: Less informative for further mathematical operations, does not consider all data points directly.
  • Pros: Represents the most frequent value, useful for categorical data.
  • Cons: May not be unique, not useful for further statistical analysis, can be less informative if data has no mode or multiple modes.