Measuring TV Audiences in Spain

Measuring Systems

In Spain, two key sources help broadcasters, advertisers, and intermediaries understand their audience: the Taylor Nelson/Sofres Audiometric Test Panel and The General Media Study (EGM) conducted by the Association for Research in Mass Communication (AIMC).

Sofres Audiencia de Medios (SOFRES)

Since the 1990s, SOFRES has measured television audiences in Spain and 20 other countries. They employ an audiometric test system and partner with NetValue to offer internet audience data using specialized software called Netmeter, installed on selected users’ computers.

Audiometric Test

This electronic device, installed in selected households forming a representative sample panel, accurately records individual television consumption 24/7. Data is then processed and sent via modem to a mainframe, which calculates estimated audience figures for the entire country.

Audiometric Test Panel

The panel in Spain currently comprises approximately 4,500 households, representing about 11,000 people.


A significant drawback of electronic measurement systems is their inability to reliably capture local station viewership. In smaller communities, the limited sample size affects the statistical reliability.

The General Media Study (EGM)

The EGM also measures television viewership using street surveys and memory-based statistical methods. It gathers a larger volume of information, complementing and contrasting the Sofres panel data. The EGM provides insights into viewer preferences, programming opinions, public habits, competitor strengths and weaknesses, signal reception quality, and other qualitative and quantitative data.

Advertising on TV


Advertising informs about a product or service through paid promotion to achieve a specific objective. It persuades and influences behavior, stimulating demand and consumption.

Public Service

: – encourage the purchase. – Encourage the procurement of goods or services (investment, insurance, banking …). – Promote public attitudes toward the common good (AIDS prevention campaign, no drugs). -Serve as a political party’s election platform (election time). – Notify private events (concerts, programs of their own chain-house advertising, telepromotions). – Advertising and other forms of marketing and communications work to present the product in a special way and doing so on the attitude and behavior of individuals.

TARGET: corresponds to theaudience type of a program or viewer profile r sought by it. profile of particular audience of a response to sociological categories, age, sex, place of residence, socioeconomic status. The programs are based on the qualities of the population to which it is directed. CUMULATIVE AUDIENCE: sum of those viewers who have seen a program or a fragment of at least 1 minute. RANKING: comparison between companies by percentage of audiences. The relationship always ordered from largest to smallest. HEARING USEFUL: contacts matching a target or target audience. PROFILE CHAIN: sociodemographic characteristics dominant viewers of a string. ZAPPING: change of channel during the advertising. Flipping-grazing: changing channel during the broadcast / viewing of programs. SHARE: is the division of real audiences across all channels expressed in percentages. That is, the percentage of total population watching TV. It is on no # of visitors on the population. The share defines the competition with other programs that are broadcast simultaneously on other channels. A good round screen quota 20%, although this depends on the objectives of the chain, the strip in which the broadcast space and cost. RATING (penetration): percentage of people watching a program on the entire population, including both those who are attentive to their domestic screens, and those who do not. It does not say how many people are watching a TV show or an advertisement in a given time. The data is merely quantitative, not qualitative: do not know if people who are watching the program, issuing likes or dislikes, just know what you are seeing. 2. CURVE OF HEARING. It reflects the evolution of the share, even the duration of the program that analyzes. Are often located alongside a comparison with the curves of the programs that are competing in the same range. The mornings are all responsible for a schedule. A good curve is one that continues an upward trend. Broadly reflects our program engages, retains and gets the audience to add followers by the way. Curva stable = loyal following. With the curve we can see the evolution of the show’s audience. We see that we are left hearing competing chain at any given time. We see that time is going to advertising competition. It lets us know when we have to put the most striking face content to attract viewers zapean. 3. TABLE minutes. In her we see the share of each minute of program. It is the way of knowing what viewers like and what he has repudiated. The minute is especially important in magazines, talk shows and variety programs and even content series of successes. 4. CONDUCT OF HEARING. The audience behavior is conditioned by the environment. On TV, it is a heterogeneous audience, since television is a domestic environment, free, easy and convenient access. Less selective than the film, for entertainment. Taking into account the heterogeneity of TV audiences, the new trend of the chains is to stratify the public to attract minorities to some specialized programs, as was the case in the newspaper industry, film and music.