Mediastinum and Thoracic Cavity Anatomy

Thoracic Cavity and Mediastinum Anatomy

  1. The thoracic cavity is divided by fibrous partitions into three compartments. The central compartment, the mediastinum, is a mass of tissues and organs, extending from the vertebral column behind to the sternum in front. It contains the heart and the great blood vessels, the esophagus, the trachea and its bifurcation, the phrenic and vagus nerves, and the thoracic duct. The two lateral compartments are cavities, known as the pleural cavities.
  2. The mediastinum is commonly considered to have three divisions, lying anterior, posterior, and superior to the pericardium. Both the anterior and the posterior mediastinum are continuous with the superior mediastinum, which connects freely with the neck.
  3. The pericardium is conical in shape, fused at its apex with the roots of the great veins and arteries and at its base with the central tendon of the diaphragm. It is attached by ligaments to the upper and lower ends of the sternum. A layer of serous membrane lines the fibrous pericardium and is reflected around the roots of the great veins and arteries to cover the surface of the heart. Thus, the heart is separated from the fibrous pericardial sac by two adjacent layers of serous membrane.

Sentence Structure Analysis

1. Simple – Passive to active: Fibrous partitions into 3 compartments divide the thoracic cavity. –P3.

2. Complex – MCL: The central compartment, the mediastinum, is a mass of tissues and organs. –P6 –SCL: Extending from the vertebral column behind to the sternum in front. -SCL long form: which extend from the vertebral column behind to the sternum in front. – None essential. – Independent form SCL: A mass of tissues and organs extend from the vertebral column behind to the sternum in front.

3. It: The mediastinum. –Simple- Active to passive: The heart and the great blood vessels, the esophagus, the trachea and its… one contained by it (mediastinum).

4. Complex– MCL: The two lateral… are cavities. – SCL: Known as the pleura cavities. –SCL long form: which are known as the pleural cavities. –SCL independent: cavities are known as the pleural cavities. –None essential. – Passive to active: x knows cavities as the pleural cavities. – P6.

6. Complex. –MCL: The mediastinum is commonly considered to have three divisions- None essential- P7 – SCL Long form: which lie anterior, posterior and superior to… – SCL Independent: Three divisions lie anterior, posterior and superior…

7. Complex.-MCL: Both the anterior and the posterior mediastinum… with the superior mediastinum. – Short form SCL: connects freely with the neck. –SCL independent: the superior mediastinum connects freely with the neck. –None essential

17. –Complex -MCL: The pericardium is conical in shape -P7 -SCL long form: which is fused at its apex with roots… -SCL independent: The pericardium is fused at its apex with… -X fuses the pericardium at its apex with… -None essential

18. Simple -It: Pericardium -P2 -Passive -Passive to active: Ligaments to the upper and lower ends of the sternum attaches the pericardium (it)

19. Compound

20. Simple -Passive -P2 -Passive to active: two adjacent layers of serous membrane separates the hear from the fibrous membrane

1. creo que p2 -2. P3

4- Otra SCL corta: begins the conversation of starch into a simple sugar.

5-La SCL es P2 no se puede hacer pasiva

7- MCL P3 SCL P2

9-MCL p3

10- MCL P3 MCL The food particles are churned by the waves of contraction and relaxation (they) into a semi solid mass

12- P7

14- MCL P2 MCL The action of bile completes the process of digestion in the small intestine.

15-18: EXAMEN

19- P2 , active: entering the blood capillaries inside the villi absorbs glucose, fructose, galactose and the amino acids into the blood.

3-Passive: Both mucous and serous membranes are lined internally by epithelial tissue IT: EPITHELIAL TISSUE

9- No por si acaso SCL: several layer are formed bye the cells

10-13: EXAMEN

14- P6 X Composes a simple epithelium of columnar cell shapes

17- The gallbladder and the bile ducts and the ducts of several glands are lined by the columnar epithelium (it) IT: Columnar epithelium