Medical Terminology: A Comprehensive Glossary for Healthcare Professionals

Cardiovascular System

  • ADLs: Activities of daily living
  • Aorta: The main artery that carries blood away from the heart
  • Atria: The two smaller hollow cavities of the heart which receive blood into the heart
  • Blood pressure: The pressure of blood in the arteries
  • Blood vessel: A tubular channel that carries blood e.g. artery
  • Cardiac cycle: Any of the events relating to the blood flow that occur from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of another
  • Cardiac catheterisation
  • Diastolic: When the heart is in a period of relaxation and expansion
  • ECG/EKG: Electrocardiogram
  • GTN: Glyceryl trinitrate; nitroglycerin
  • Hypertension: High pressure readings in the arteries taken over three consecutive readings, also called high blood pressure
  • MI: Myocardial infarct, heart attack
  • Oxygenated: Saturated with oxygen
  • Pulmonary artery: The blood vessel which carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
  • Pulmonary vein: The blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart
  • Pulse: The contraction and expansion of an artery due to blood circulation
  • Pulse rate (P): The speed of the pulse, also called heart rate (HR)
  • Sublingual: Under the tongue
  • Systolic: Blood pressure when the heart is contracting
  • Valves: A fold in the heart membrane which prevents backflow of fluid e.g. blood
  • Ventricles: Small cavities or chambers in the heart

Respiratory System

  • SHO: Senior house officer
  • qds: Four times a day
  • c/o: Complain of
  • obs.: Observations
  • URTI: Upper respiratory tract infection
  • SOB: Shortness of breath; difficulty breathing
  • RR: Respiratory rate
  • CXR: Chest X-ray
  • p/f: Peak flow
  • Pt ed.: Patient education
  • PCA: Patient Controlled Analgesia
  • AE: Air entry
  • FBC: Full blood count
  • Apnoea: The patient isn’t breathing at all
  • Bradypnoea: Abnormally slow breathing, less than 12 breath per min
  • Eupnoea: Easy, free respiration under normal resting conditions 12-20 breath
  • Tachypnoea: Abnormally fast breathing 20-30
  • Dyspnoea: Difficulty breathing, also called shortness of breath

Respiratory Physiology

  • Inspiration: Breathing in
  • Expiration: Breathing out
  • Inspiratory rate: Rate at which a person breathes in
  • Respirations: Breaths
  • Respiratory rate: Rate at which person breathes in and out
  • Expiration rate: The rate at which person breathes out
  • @ 4L/min: At four litres per minute

Professional Development

CNS Clinical Nurse Specialist PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease Doppler ultrasound device which measures blood flow through arteries and veins bugs microbes spike a temperature have episodes of pyrexia IV Abs antibiotics which are given through a vein VAC Vacuum Assisted Closure Necrosis: death of cells and living tissue Eschar: thick, dry, black necrotic tissue Desiccation: drying out Inflammation: swelling caused by infection Swab: a small piece of material which is used to take samples of body fluids Slough: dead tissue which separates from healthy tissue after infection Debridement: the removal of dead tissue Cellulitis: inflammation of the tissue under the skin, often caused by infection well-vascularised having a good blood supply viable able to grow or survive necrotic tissue dead tissue high bacterial load a high level of infection carried by the tissues exudate discharge from a wound maceration softening by soaking in a fluid chronic long termskin graft a piece of skin removed from one part of the body and implanted on the site of a wound which has not healed granulated new, healed tissue slough dead outer skin which sheds off living tissue Inflamed: red and swollen because of infection Serous: with yellowish fluid or blood serum Haemoserous: yellowish fluid tinged with red blood cells Purulent: full of pus Odour: smell Nonadhesive dressing (NAD): a dressing which does not stick to the wound Antimicrobial: something that treats infective microorganisms Hydrating: adding moisture to something Intact wound: the dressing is sealed and cannot be lifted off for viewing. Script prescription Ulcer open sore on the surface of the skin

Pancreas: the organ which produces insulin, which regulates blood sugar Diabetes: disease characterised by high levels of sugar in the blood Diabetic: A person who suffers from diabetes Hypoglycaemia: a low level of sugar in the blood Hypoglycaemic agent: oral medication used to lower blood sugar levels Glycosuria: presence of glucose in the urine Ketones: the by-product produced when fats metabolise Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): the condition where the blood is more acidic tan the surrounding tissues. Insulin: hormone produced in the beta cells of the pancreas Blood sugar level (BSL): amount of glucose in the blood. beta cells cells which secrete insulin in the pancreas bile greenish fluid secreted by the liver which helps in the breakdown and absorption of fats bolus an extra dose of a medication given to raise the blood concentration to a therapeutic common bile duct The duct that forms when the hepatic duct and the cystic duct join before emptying bile into the duodenum co-morbidities the condition of having two or more diseases at the same duodenum the first part of the small intestine which extends from the pylorus end of the stomach to the jejunum gallbladder a small organ under the liver which stores bile until it is needed glucose monitor an instrument which measures and records the amount of glucose on a strip containing capillary blood. hypoglycaemicattack a condition caused by decreased blood sugar levels; to low for proper brain function islet cells a cluster of cells found in the pancreas which secrete hormones including insulin and glucagon, also called islets of Langerhans nicotine patch an adhesive patch for the skin which contains slow-release nicotine, used by smokers when quitting smoking to minimise withdrawal symptoms syringe a medical instrument used to inject fluids into the body or take fluids out of the body vial a small container for liquids