Medical Terminology: Common Symptoms and Conditions

Common Medical Terms and Definitions

  • Abduction: The act of separating a body part from the body’s axis.
  • Acholía: Yellow stool due to reduced bile pigment (Fecal urobilinogen).
  • Clubbing: Deformity of the phalanges, resembling a club or drumstick.
  • Tinnitus: Abnormal auditory sensation, generally perceived only by the individual.
  • Adenopathy: Altered lymph node.
  • Adiadochokinesia: Lack of coordination for rapid repetitive movements (e.g., alternating hand positions).
  • Adduction: Movement towards the body’s median plane (opposite of abduction).
  • Aerophagia: Unconscious swallowing of air.
  • Aphasia: Language defect due to brain injury, affecting comprehension (sensory aphasia) or expression (motor aphasia).
  • Hoarseness: Loss or reduction of voice.
  • Cold Sores: Painful, ulcerated lesions on the mouth mucosa, oval with surrounding erythema.
  • Agoraphobia: Anxiety about being in places where escape might be difficult or help unavailable.
  • Ageusia: Loss of taste.
  • Alopecia: Hair loss, either diffuse or in specific areas.
  • Hallucinations: Sensory error where a subject perceives something without a real stimulus.
  • Amaurosis: Blindness without apparent eye injury, often due to retinal, optic nerve, or brain issues.
  • Amblyopia: Reduced vision without apparent eye injury.
  • Amenorrhea: Absence of menstruation for over 90 days.
  • Ametropia: Refractive error of the eye.
  • Amnesia: Memory loss.
  • Analgesia: Absence of sensitivity to pain.

  • Aneurysm: Abnormal dilation of an artery, involving all three layers.
  • Angina: Inflammation of the tonsils or chest pain of coronary origin.
  • Anhidrosis: Lack of perspiration.
  • Anisocoria: Unequal pupil sizes.
  • Anisometropia: Different refractive status in each eye.
  • Anorexia: Loss of appetite.
  • Anosmia: Loss of smell.
  • Anuria: Excretion of less than 100 ml of urine in 24 hours.
  • Apnea: Cessation of respiratory airflow due to lack of central stimulation or airway obstruction.
  • Arcade: Intense involuntary effort to vomit without expelling stomach contents.
  • Arthralgia: Joint pain without objective impairment.
  • Arthritis: Joint pain with signs of inflammation.
  • Osteoarthritis: Alteration of articular cartilage and subchondral region, causing pain and joint dysfunction.
  • Ascites: Abnormal buildup of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (transudate, exudate, hemoperitoneum, biliperitoneo, or chylous ascites).
  • Fatigue: Feeling of being down and lacking strength.
  • Flapping Tremor: Irregular oscillation of the hand during forced extension.
  • Astigmatism: Refractive error preventing light rays from converging to a single focus.
  • Ataxia: Change in the coordination of movements.
  • Athetosis: Continuous, involuntary, slow, writhing movements, often in hands and fingers.
  • Blepharitis: Inflammation of the eyelids, due to infections, allergies, or skin diseases.
  • Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  • Hot Flashes: Sudden flushes of heat, often associated with menopause.