Medieval Catalan Literature: A Golden Age

Ramon Llull

Ramon Llull, born in Mallorca between 1232 and 1235, was the first major author to write in Catalan. His scientific and philosophical work, Ars Magna, comprised all his ideas for teaching unbelievers. Tree of Science, an encyclopedia, structured human knowledge under the symbolism of trees. Composed of 16 volumes, representing 16 trees, each tree explored a different theme, divided into seven parts: roots, trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, and fruit.

Llull’s didactic work includes Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men, where a Gentile, saddened by the prospect of death, seeks advice from three wise men: a Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim. Each explains their religion, allowing the Gentile to choose.

Other works include the chivalric manual Book of the Order of Chivalry, and the contemplative Art of Contemplation, with 366 chapters, one for each day, containing 366 verses.

Felix or The Book of Marvels follows Felix’s journey around the world in search of marvels. The book is divided into ten parts, covering angels, heaven, plants, elements, metals, animals, man, earth, and hell.

Blanquerna, Llull’s novel, tells the story of Blanquerna’s life, from marriage and fatherhood to becoming a hermit and eventually Pope.


were written in Latin
The llbre of his contemporaries in lautor feito woman’s testimony explaining the main figure is the king
Book of chronic feito of James I the Conqueror 1244-1274
Conquest of Mallorca and Valencia
The Chronicle of Brena Desclot was written between 1283 -1288
Chronicle of Ramon Muntaner

Chronicle of Peter II of Aragon

Curial is a child who enters the service marks of Montferrat and brands Guelfa sister is 15 years and widow falls in love and decides to make it Curial Caballer in exchange for him to become a knight, and d ‘raise your Oñoro month to month may not make public the relationship Guelphs and Curial battle in defending the honor of the adventures of Duchess of austria accused of adultery. the father of the Duchess of austria ofreirá him the hand of his daughter Lachesis Guelfa jealous girl sends her wing called arta be renamed and be called party to monitor the relationship with cheese. aura during the trip to fight the Knights who wanted to take Doncello, for the way he meets a monastery where monks sinventen stories. While They fried my court wing opposition gets Guelfa hear the whispers, the young Curial between services, Curial sasabenta histories and returns to the monastery of Montferrat Guelfa says with guekfa disclaims any and only forgive if to ask forgiveness King and Queen was sen to fight back after some time with great treasures and riches offered to Guelphs and tell you to go sentorna Curial k, k sasabenta wing or a tournament and won the court he asked forgiveness before the king and queen il Guelfa forgive him.

Ausias March Gandia born in 1397 is the most famous Catalan poet, dies and marries Isabel for Jona escorna

theory believes that love is the best poet of lovers of all time

He is the only one able to feel love, perfect love with a love that is above the intellectual Vulgaris

perfection in condemning the Lamor unrequited love is not no woman k komo he deems

That leads to the hidden or secret love he is incapable of showing his love for not falling into unrequited Lamor by dad now feels timid

sarriba to the disappointed love and the lady

This leads to the disappearance of the extreme love looking kontrari Vulgaris

This leads loving sadness the death wish but afraid

Then prefers peace without love

feeling guilty and appeared for the ten

Jaime Roig is in the k kontinua Ausias Valencia criu doctor is the book of women in the book tells centenary 1st person protagonist tells his life a good life because of the perversity disoltada the female protagonist sagrega omitted for two purposes di ent that all women are bad and give her advice to enter it list 16,000 verses 4silabes grouped into 4 chapters divided into 4 parts. trafficking k youth of the protagonist’s father died very Dora Then he found some and vandolers instruct him as a man

2 book explains their miserable marriages, marries a woman urrurosa which makes life impossible with the whims and demands, and it was very brira k ksada and it was not able vn returns to Valencia where he married a widow, pretending that this is PREGNANT that had lost the son ik end and then marries lasra k was Misery had a son but he really died drowned in a wineskin

3-book explika as desperate and want a baby and then he appeared to King Solomon grandmother had over 300 prostitutes and 700 women

4 – The protagoniste passes the kontacte with women and lives at home taking care of her Hortet