Medieval Catalan Literature: Religious & Moral Prose

Medieval Catalan Literature

Religious and Moral Prose

Medieval prose aimed to influence public opinion and behavior. This era’s literature reflects a theocentric society where cultural and literary activity revolved around religious centers. Religious education was paramount, resulting in a predominance of religious literature.

Dominant literary themes included God, religion, the king, and the nation. The literature’s intent was to establish civic and religious patterns of moral behavior.

Popular genres included:

  • Fable: A narrative starring personified animals.
  • Sermon: An oral presentation on moral and doctrinal precepts.
  • Example: A story with a moral lesson.
  • Didactic Poem: A poem intended for memorizing rules.

Key authors include Arnau de Vilanova, Ramon Llull, Francesc Eiximenis, Saint Vincent Ferrer, Anselm Turmeda, and Isabel de Villena.

Ramon Llull

Ramon Llull, from a noble family of knights in Mallorca, was raised amidst Provençal troubadour poetry. He traveled across Europe and Africa to spread his ideas and convert people to Christianity. A creator of historical prose, he was the first to use a Romance language to address scientific topics, developing suitable syntax and vocabulary. He is considered a founder of literary prose, shaping it for diverse uses.

Among Llull’s narrative works, The Book of the Lover and the Beloved and Blanquerna stand out. Despite its doctrinal intent, Blanquerna is considered an early attempt at an autobiographical novel. It tells the life of Blanquerna, driven by religious ideals, mirroring Llull’s own life devoted to religion. The book also presents the eremitic life as the most desirable from a Christian perspective.

The Book of Beasts is a collection of fables using animals as an allegory to criticize his contemporaries. It satirizes the power struggle and human flaws, contrasting with the ideal of divine love.

The Book of the Friend and the Beloved comprises 365 moral metaphors, offering daily reflections. Llull’s didactic approach is characterized by the presence of marginal characters (fools, hermits, philosophers, or ignorant clergy) who represent truth and reason. He uses a concentric structure, with examples reinforcing each other to bolster his arguments. Llull shifts perspectives by using human characters in his examples and stories, drawing on troubadour imagery and sensitivity.

Francesc Eiximenis

Francesc Eiximenis, a Franciscan friar with extensive intellectual training, lived in Valencia. Like Llull and Saint Vincent Ferrer, his purpose was didactic rather than literary. His extensive work focused on providing practical advice to his contemporaries, incorporating elements of daily life. Eiximenis primarily addressed the emerging bourgeois class.

His most notable work, Lo Crestià, is an encyclopedia of Christian ideology with moral and informative intentions. He used alternative explanations, lengthy arguments, examples, and fables to aid memorization.

The Book of Women discusses virtues and, notably, female vices, connecting to the medieval misogynistic tradition. It also addresses the benefits of religious life for women. Eiximenis’s moralism reflects the misogyny of his time.

Saint Vincent Ferrer

Saint Vincent Ferrer, a Dominican friar, was renowned as a preacher and miracle worker. Around 300 of his sermons, recorded by scribes, are preserved. His aim was to reach a wide audience with his teachings.

His colloquial language, rich in idioms and expressions, characterized his style. He used gestures, dialogues, and tears to connect with diverse audiences. He employed rhetorical devices like parallel structures, rhymes, and anaphora to facilitate memorization. Examples, comparisons, and onomatopoeia were also common. He achieved dramatic effect through hyperbole, particularly when describing martyrdoms. His sermons, lasting 3 to 6 hours, were treated as major events.

Anselm Turmeda

Anselm Turmeda (c. 1355-after 1423), initially a Franciscan friar, became disillusioned with Western society and Christianity. He converted to Islam and lived in Tunis, writing critically about Christian society. He is one of the few writers to have written in both Catalan and Arabic, achieving classic status in both languages. His works, including The Book of Good Admonishments, circulated widely in Catalan-speaking regions.

Chivalric Novels

and wanted to act as heroes daquestes works. Not to be confused with the novel of chivalry. Two examples are known Tirant lo Blanc and Don Quixote (posterior force and mocks the heroic characteristics that are a knight, typical of novels of chivalry).

Medieval prose was so dorientar lopinió and behavior. In this part Lito: Prose Teaching medieval religious and moral society is now teocentrista: lactivitat cultural and literary revolves around religious centers; lestament is the basis of religious education … why there are more secular than religious literature.Dominant literary themes: God and religion and the king and the nation. Intent of the literature: to civic and religious patterns of moral behavior. Utilizing Genres: Fabula: a narrative starring Animals personificats. Sermon: An oral presentation on moral and doctrinal precepts. Example: A story with a moral lesson. Didactic poem : A poem dedicated to memorize rules. The authors are outstanding: Arnau de Vilanova, Ramon Llull, F. Eiximenis, Vincent Ferrer, Anselm Turmeda and Isabel de Villena

Ramon Llull noble family of knights established dune son in Mallorca. Troubadour poetry was grown in Provence. He traveled the U.S. and Europe dÀfrica to disseminate your project and convert the infidels to Christianity. He was the creator of historical prose. It was the first he used a Romance language to address scientific issues (ie, using a suitable and flexible syntax, creating an appropriate vocabulary). Therefore we say that our creator is lautèntic literary prose, so that was suitable for all uses Lull possibles.Entre LOBR Liaison narrative highlights the book and destroyed Dalom E Blanquerna son that despite his doctrinal intention is considered one of the first attempts at autobiographical novel ledat European average. Shi recounts the life of the protagonist, Blanquerna moved to religious ideals, as Lull devoted his life to the cause of religion. Ledat also shows that more desirable for people from the Christian viewpoint is dermità. We also find the book of beasts, which consists of a set of fables with animals are an excuse, an allegory (metaphor) to criticize their coetànics (of the time) and satirizes the struggle for power and other defects in human soposen The goal that should guide them (Lamor God). Finally, Damico and DAmat book: a collection of 365 moral metaphors in order dil reflection light on every day of Lany. Lull is a guide advocates and religious life of author uses metaphors duna dimatges troubadour and great sensitivity. The didactics of Ramon Llull is characterized by the presence of characters, Soviet marginal, representing truth and reason (fools, hermits, philosophers or clergy ignorant). A structure in concentric circles, where some examples sincerixen in others, so dapuntalar the thrust of his speech. Change perspective when making human characters of his examples or tell stories about human characters.