Medieval Society and the Rise of the Picaresque

Context of the Middle Ages (5th-15th Centuries)

Key Developments:

  • Emergence of universities as intellectual centers, replacing convents.
  • Struggle between Moors and Christians.

Medieval Society:

Medieval society was hierarchically organized, with the king at the top, representing earthly and divine powers. The social strata included:

  • Nobility: Dedicated to war and hunting, served the king, owned land and wealth.
  • Clergy: Indoctrinated people, preserved and transmitted culture, fostered the rise of universities within monasteries.
  • Common People: Majority of the population, engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, and handicrafts. Lacked rights and many lived in near-slavery.

By the 15th century, the emergence of the bourgeoisie led to a crisis in political ideology and medieval society.


Feudalism was the political-economic system of medieval society, with two key elements:

  • Serfdom: Vassals offered services in exchange for protection from the lord.
  • Benefit: Payment for services, usually through land grants.

Medieval society was theocentric, with God as the center and significant church influence.

Literary Developments:

  • Literary works were written in Romance languages (derived from Vulgar Latin).
  • Emergence of literary works written in prose.
  • Spanish medieval literature was composed to be heard due to widespread illiteracy.

The Count Lucanor


  • Prevalence of cultured forms of the vernacular.
  • Varied subjects treated with humor (fables, stories, legends, advice to kings).
  • Stories as examples with morals, influenced by oriental fables.
  • Importance of oral transmission.
  • Didactic or moralistic purpose.

The Renaissance (16th Century)


Return to the humanities derived from classical Greek and Roman culture, originating in Italy and spreading throughout Europe.

Key Events in Spain:

  • Union of Castile and Aragon under Ferdinand and Isabella.
  • Establishment of the Inquisition (1478).
  • Conquest of Granada (1492).
  • Expulsion of Jews (1492).
  • Catholic Church reform.
  • Discovery of America (1492).
  • Introduction of printing in Spain (1474).
  • Publication of the first Spanish grammar (1492).

Literary Figures

The Hero

A noble figure entrusted with a mission. The hero faces opponents and receives help from others while pursuing their objective.

  • Noble lineage.
  • Represents an ideal person.
  • Honored by society.
  • Exaggerated qualities and flaws.

The Antihero

The antithesis of the hero, lacking morals and focused on survival. This figure emerged in picaresque tales criticizing 16th-century society.

  • Dishonest, spiteful, and vindictive.
  • Uses cunning for survival.
  • From a family with poor values.
  • Often resorts to begging and theft.

The Picaresque Novel

Key Features:

  • First-person narrator recounting misadventures.
  • Marginal protagonist driven to an unscrupulous life by need.
  • Epistolary format.
  • Transformation of an innocent child into a rogue.
  • Comical and satirical tone.
  • Critique of social and medieval values.
  • Believable fictional world.

Lazarillo de Tormes

Written around 1525-1540 in Spain, with an anonymous author. Published in 1554 and later banned by the Inquisition. Divided into a prologue and seven chapters. Considered a social satire against various social classes or a humorous work. Notable for its realism and focus on the protagonist’s experiences. Central themes include begging, hunger, and poverty. Lazarillo, a boy leading a blind man, embodies the antihero.

Lázaro as Antihero

Lázaro comes from a poor family, uses cunning to survive, and resorts to theft and deception.

Communicative Situations


Specialized daily.


Objective, rules of interaction, audience, language, theme, tone (formal and informal), speech acts.

Verbal Situations:

Oral interaction (formal or informal), modalities (dialogue or monologue), channels (direct, delayed).