Meteorology, Aircraft Performance, and Regulations: Key Concepts
A) Vario of sol C) Over the surf B) Desc to surf A) Decreas. w/s C) At t equator A) Causes clock B) High pres B) Art & sub A) NorthE to SouthW
B) There is an over A) Max. winds C) Abrupt change B) In t strato B) In a break B) Cirrus clouds A) In t vicinity A) Trough C) Surf winds C) Atmos press
B) T front is diss A) Upper winds B) Slow-mov B) Dew. Diff A) T jet is loc north C) Occluded front C) Adiabatic A) Expansion of air C) Katabatic wind
A) 3° per 1000 A) Latent heat released A) Cloud bases B) At a slower vap. A) A stable layer C) The air is stab. A) T parcel resist A) Ambient T°
C) Poor vis. A) After sunrise C) Terres. rad. B) By wind B) Wind strong. A) Moist, stab A) Warm Air fog A) 4000FT thick B) T start B) Dissipating
C) Cont. updraft A) Downdraft kept B) Ahead cold B) Air mass TS down. B) Cold front squall A) CB mamma A) Squall line A) 58MPH B) 22knots
B) Whe t TS C) Embedded TS C) TS are obscured C) An area where A) 1000ft-10kts B) Any rapd.chang.wind B) Higher pitch C) IAS decre. Pitches down
C) Sudden increase C) Alt.Pitch.IAS incre. B) Decrea.Headwind.Incre.tail C) Decrea. Tailwind A) Loss of, B) ↑↓↑↓ C) It may be assoc. C) On all sides
B) A calm or light B) Great.than 18kts C) Seldom long. C) 6000ft/min B) 2xHW C) Doppler:45 C) 2xHW C) 3&4 C) 1 C) Strong downdraft A) Strong tail.
B) Perf.decrea.tail C) There’s a possib. C) Maint, or incre. A) Increa.stall C) Reduce lift 30/40 C) An increa. Stall C) More fluid B) Decre. FZ point
A) Heat1 cold2 A) Apply heat.2 C) DEICE:cold C) TYPE1:80 B) TYPE2:50 C) A FZ point 20°F B) Are prov. B) Must be consdi] C) Ice is slow to]
C) Can reduce eng. B) 20°F C) It can reduce eng. B) The unstable C) Visible water C) Rime ice B) A lay. of warm B) Freezing rain A) The T° FL ALT.
C) T° of collect. A) Vis.rain 0°C A) On clear nights lights winds A) Use a faster than normal B) T PIC shall B) Assure that snow A) LESS 1/3:occasional
B) Cont.moderate C) Intermittent light C) Clear air turb. B) Stand. Lenticular A) Rotor cloud B) 5000ft above A) In an upper C) A curving Jetstream
C) Change alt. or course A) Descend T° falling A) Establish a straight course B) Whiteout C) Sustained winds A) Northwesterly A) 11:53AM
A) An aviation selec. A) ASOS A) Light rain C) Altimeter set 30.07 B) Precip.start.57 B) T vert. vis. A) Rain of unknown C) A funnel cloud A) 1000ft AGL
B) Thundershowers began B) TS (intensity & direc) A) Less ¼ C) Maintenance is needed B) A 100 foot B) Sea-level 3hr. A) ctual sky cover
C) Report. Stations C) Obscured skies C) VFR conditions C) Terminal Aerodrome Forecast A) a 5 10sm A) TS are expect. B) Cumulonimbus
A) TS of other A) 0100Z B) IFR cond. Mist C) SATELLITE:a star B) 00000kt B) AIRCRAFT:a square B) In-flight weather A) Ridges, lows B) 6kts or more
B) 260° true 27kts C) 010° true C) Wind direc. Shift A) Windspeed decrease B) Windspeed increase slightly C) Not reported A) 260° true 43 kts
B) 250°@106kts A) 230@119kts C) NCEP B) 789951 B) reduce to sea level A) When constant 20/60 A) On the low pressure A) 9,120 meters MSL
C) The Alaska A) CALIFORNIA:LOW B) A slow-moving storm C) -41°C B) 320°@10kts A) Dry B) Between 25000ft A) That are forecast specific
C) Forecast to exist A) Contin. Or showery] A) Less than 1000ft] A) Expected top of B) Contin. Or showery 1000ft C) Strong to very strong
B) Intense to extreme C) Area movement B) Weak to mod. B) It provides prospects B) APCHG A) AWW/CWA C) There is a cont. broadcast
C) By contacting B) A sudden increase C) The isolated B) 2 to 6 hr A) Embedded TS, lines C) Contain area brief. C) Pireps,] A) Turbulence and struct.
A) Which occurred 1743Z C) The ceiling KDFW
Aircraft Performance
A) The highest altitude B) Exhaust gas discharge A) High RPM and low MAP C) Turbine inlet B) Limiting exhaust gas temperature C) Intermittent “bang”
C) Compressor bleed valves A) Strong vibrations and loud roar C) Steady, continuous flow reversal stall A) Turbine wheel(s)
B) Reduce the throttle and the slowly B) Shaft horsepower and jet thrust B) 25.000 feet to the tropopause C) As temperature increases, thrust decreases
C) Decrease due to higher density altitude A) Lower air density and engine mass flow A) Thrust will be reduced due to the decrease
B) Reciprocating engines will experience A) Clearway B) An area designated for use in decelerating B) Turbine-engine powered transport
B) Takeoff safety speed A) VMU C) V1 B) V1 C) VEF A) Critical engine failure speed A) Slush on the runway or inoperative antiskid
A) Increases takeoff distance C) Increased headwind component B) 137kts C) 155kts A) 134, 134 and 145 C) 132 and 146kts B) 119 and 135kts
A) 128kts C) 146kts B) 138, 138 and 142kts B) 123 and 134kts A) 138 and 143kts A) V1 123.1kts; VR 125.2kts C) V1 127.4kts; VR 133.6kts
A) V1 136.8kts; VR 141.8kts B) V1 129.9kts; VR 133.4kts B) V1 109.9kts; VR 112.7kts A) V1 133kts, VR140kts, V2 145 A) Engines 1 and 3, 2.22; engine 2, 2.16
C) Engines 1 and 3, 2.14; engine 2, 2.11 B) Engines 1 and 3, 2.14; engine 2, 2.10 A) Engines 1 and 3, 2.223; engine 2, 2.21
C) Engines 1 and 3, 2.23; engine 2, 2.22 C) 2.035 A) 2.19 C) 2.04 B) 2.105 A) 1.98 A) A speed greater than that for L/Dmax A) 104.0NM C) 79.4NM
A) 86.4NM B) 61.4NM C) 66.4NM B) 81.400 pounds C) 83.800 pounds B) 75.900 pounds B) 86.260 pounds A) 89.900 pounds A) 145NM C) 69NM
B) 79NM A) 63NM C) 61NM C) 4.000 pounds A) 2.250 pounds B) 82.500 pounds A) 102.900 pounds A) 73.000 pounds A) 1.82 C) 2.02 C) 1.90
C) 2.06 B) 2.04 A) 136.000lb. C) 139.850lb. A) Maximum range and distance glide C) A speed greater than that for L/Dmax C) Decrease speed
A) Increase speed for a headwind C) Airspeed B) Increasing altitude or decreasing speed B) VS. C) VS0 A) Higher than at low elevation
A) Immediately after ground contact B) Use maximum reverse power as soon as possible after touchdown A) When wing lift has been reduced
B) 96kts C) 75kts B) A film of moisture covers B) At a lower speed than dynamic hydroplaning A) Reverted rubber hydroplaning
C) Apply aerodynamic braking C) Increases hydroplaning potential B) 115 percent – dry runway B) Dry runway using brakes and spoilers
C) 300ft B) 4.500ft B) 136.500 pounds C) Brakes, spoilers, and reversers at 131.000 pounds gross weight
B) When operating +12500 C) ATP-B747, B-727 and B-737 B) 8 hours C) 36 hours, 7 days B) 60 days B) No later than 60 days B) A person assigned to
A) Any required pilot crewmember C) If required by the airplane’s B) More than 80.000 pounds A) At least one other B) Any flight crewmember
B) TR B) Four B) Four A) Seven C) 6 months A) Six intr.flown A) Day of t C) Within 6 months-coupler A) Within 6 months-coupler A) When TR CAT II
A) Category II 1600 RVR B) 150 ft AGL C) Initial training( t training) A) Upgrade training (a crewmember) B) Transition A) 6 calendar( a PIC)
C) 24 calendar( a PI crewmm) A) T line every 12 in on types B) December B) At least on ILS B) At least on Fuy C) Minimums are increased
B) 2900-1 B) 1900/2-1/4 A) 5567/18 B) 208/40 B) 321/42 C) 321/42 B) 376/50 B) 600-2 and 50 RVR C) Logged 100 our C) Not consider a) not b assigned
A) 8 hours B) 32 hours C) 12 hours during A) 100 hours B) 8 hours B) 120 hours B) Exercising A) Operating certificate B) For which approved AFM or RFM
B) Provisional airport C) Providing service C) An operating A) Certificate holder B) Pilot in command and director A) Type of operation A) Departure airport
B) Minimum fuel A) Minimum fuel supply(a dispatch) A) T aircraft dispatcher A) Any company B) Aircraft dispaxe A) Not mor ta 1 our B) 1915z C) 0005z
C) 0022z C) 0045z C) Copy of t C) Dispatch rlas,load manifest A) 3 mont C) Dispax rals,load manifest B) 12 mont(flig plan) B) Supplemental and domestic
B) Names of ay B) Pre-departure service A) T first entry-60 minutes A) For ETOPS-within 30 min C) North of 78 A) South of 60 C) Pilot in command(responsible)
B) Pilot in command (during supplemental) B) 45 minutes-most distance A) 45 minutes normal A) At last 2 our B) Is aboard t airpla B) 2 hours at normal fuel consum
A) 30 min at oldig C) 45 minutes at normal A) 45 min at normal C) 30 min plus 15 B) 3 hours at normal crusig B) A minimum 1 B) T bagag must pass rains B) Crewmmr rfrain
A) T air carrier B) Passngr sould C) FL250 B) Only during B) In t intrst B) 5 days B) T pilot in command may B) T bin-passngr B) Must withstand C) Cargo may
B) On vicl 100 gayons A) TR vxicls 4000 gayons C) TRR vicls 6000 gayons C) TR vicls 4000 gayons C) Upon rkst ATC A) When priority C) Emergency equipment must
C) Airplan passngr sat C) T most rarward A) Two on at t forard( 45 pax) C) Two on at t forward (75 pax) B) Tax,takoff and land B) B armd A) For taxi C) Latxed opn C) An airplan wit
B) Wigts mor C) Flasligt A) A minum of 2 our C) Abov FL250 (eax) A) 5 scond B) Say put C) FL 250 B) FL250 (wat) A) Eax passngr A) 15000 ft A) MIL0FT A) Two B) An appropriately
A) Aircraft occupant C) Within easy rax satd B) Ay aircft occupant C) On for eax occu B) Suitabl pyrotx C) An approvd A) Suitabl pyro A) Tak any acti B) Crtifcat oldr C) Crtifact oldr
C) FL250 (ypoxia) C) 24 mont(crwmm) A) Appropietd ground C) May continue B) Land at t narst B) Rkierdby rgulation C) 10 day om bas C) Prsn wo A) Dispatcr to FAA
B) 48 hors comme C) Failure B) An injury A) Indmiatly B) Flight control C) 10 days C) Only if