Microbiology Q&A: Infections, Bacteria, Viruses & More

  1. Cause of Strep Throat

    • S. pyogenes, beta hemolytic, group A
  2. Influenza Glycoproteins

    From the outer envelope of influenza, the two glycoproteins are:

    • Hemagglutinin and neuraminidase
  3. Why No Common Cold Vaccine?

    Vaccine for the common cold is not feasible because:

    • There are over 100 types of rhinoviruses
  4. Coccidioidomycosis Characteristics

    Which is true of coccidioidomycosis?

    • It is a soil fungus AND a dimorphic fungus
  5. Tubercle Bacillus Resistance

    The resistance of tubercle bacillus to virulence factors is probably due to:

    • Cell wall
      • Mycolic acid layer in its cell wall
  6. P. acnes and Skin Infections

    On skin infections, growth of P. acnes causes skin infection of the hair follicle and leads to:

    • Acne
  7. Skin Bacteria: Desert vs. Tropics

    Who has more bacteria living on their skin – desert people or tropics people?

    • Tropics people have more because they have more nutrients for bacteria to grow.
  8. Staph Aureus and Scalded Skin Syndrome

    Staph Aureus product that causes Scalded Skin Syndrome is:

    • Exfoliatin toxin
  9. S. pyogenes and Phagocytosis Interference

    S. pyogenes interferes with phagocytosis due to:

    • M protein
  10. Reactivation of Chickenpox

    Reactivation of chickenpox is called:

    • Shingles and is caused by herpes zoster
  11. Flesh-Eating Organism in Wound Infections

    For wound infections, which of the following has been associated with a flesh-eating organism?

    • S. pyogenes
  12. Gram-Negative Rod in Disinfectants

    Which is a gram-negative rod that grows in disinfectants?

    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  13. Tetanus and Neurotransmitters

    Tetanus prevents the release of neurotransmitters from:

    • Inhibitory neurons
  14. Localized Pus Collection in a Wound

    Localized collection of pus in a wound is called:

    • Abscess
  15. Effective Treatment for Gas Gangrene

    Effective treatment of gas gangrene primarily involves:

    • Surgical removal of dead or infected tissues
  16. S. mutans and Dental Caries

    Part of the ability of S. mutans to produce dental caries depends on its:

    • Ability to convert sucrose to lactic acid
  17. H. pylori Survival in the Stomach

    H. pylori is able to survive in the stomach because:

    • It is able to convert urea to ammonia
    • And carbon dioxide
  18. E. coli Causing Diarrhea

    Which of the following groups contain E. coli causing diarrhea?

    • All of the above
  19. Typhoid Bacillus Maintenance

    In which of these organs can typhoid bacillus be maintained?

    • Gallbladder
  20. Primary Treatment of Diarrheal Diseases

    The primary treatment of diarrheal diseases is:

    • Oral Rehydration Treatment (ORT)
  21. Bacteria Access to Bloodstream in Subacute Endocarditis

    Bacteria that cause subacute endocarditis gains access to the bloodstream through:

    • Trauma, Dental procedures, & brushing teeth
  22. EBV Virus Latency

    EBV virus may become latent in:

    • B cells
  23. Bacteremia vs. Septicemia

    Difference between bacteremia and septicemia:

    • Bacteremia is bacteria in the blood, septicemia is the presence of endotoxin in the blood
  24. The Plague

    • More people = more interaction with rats = more spread = plague death
  25. Circulation of an Agent in the Bloodstream

    Circulation of an agent in the bloodstream is given the name + suffix:

    • -emia
  26. Cause of Fatal Septic Shock

    Which of the following is most likely to cause fatal septic shock?

    • Gram NEGATIVE bacteria
  27. Infection of the Brain Membrane

    An infection of the membrane covering the brain is called:

    • Meningitis
  28. Leading Cause of Bacterial Meningitis in Adults

    Leading cause of bacterial meningitis in adults is:

    • Strep pneumoniae
  29. Meningococcus Attachment

    The meningococcus attach to mucous membrane through:

    • Pili
  30. Listeriosis Characteristics

    Which is true of listeriosis?

    • All of the above
  31. Leprosy

    Leprosy is a disease caused by bacterium also known as:

    • Hansen’s disease AND is also described in the bible
  32. Prions

    Prions are small single strands of RNA:

    • FALSE
  33. Infant Botulism and Honey

    Why are such a high case of infant botulism associated with honey?

    • Honey does not undergo pasteurization = endospores = infections
  34. Rabies Transmission

    Principal mode of transmission of rabies is through:

    • Saliva
  35. UTIs

    UTIs are:

    • The most common nosocomial infection AND are NOT STIs
  36. Untreated Gonorrhea

    Untreated gonorrhea may lead to:

    • All of the above
  37. Gumma Formation

    In which disease is gumma formed?

    • Tertiary syphilis
  38. Viruses Latent in Nerve Cells

    Which of the following viruses remain latent in nerve cells?

    • Herpes virus (HPV)
  39. Cervical Cancer Association

    Which of the following is associated with cervical cancer?

    • Genital warts
  40. HIV Treatment

    Treatment of HIV attempts to:

    • All of the above