Microcontroller Architecture and Communication Protocols
Microcontroller Architecture
MCU Components: CPU, RAM, Flash, Bus, Peripherals, Pin Mux, Interrupts, Clocks.
Peripheral Examples
I/O Types and Mechanisms
- Programmed I/O:
- CPU polls the device continuously in a loop, checking for readiness.
- Wastes CPU cycles, useful for simple, non-time-critical applications.
- Interrupt-driven I/O:
- Device sends an interrupt signal to the CPU when it’s ready.
- CPU can perform other tasks while waiting.
- Direct Memory Access (DMA):
- DMA controller takes over data transfer between peripherals and memory.
- Offloads data transfer tasks from the CPU.
Interrupt Handling
Interrupt Process:
- CPU issues a command, peripherals operate independently.
- Peripheral interrupts CPU when ready.
- CPU saves context and executes the interrupt handler (ISR).
- After servicing, CPU restores context and resumes its task.
Multiple Interrupts: Priority-based handling ensures higher-priority interrupts preempt lower-priority ones.
Direct Memory Access (DMA)
DMA Process:
- CPU instructs DMA: provides instructions like read/write command, device address, memory location.
- DMA manages data transfer, CPU continues other tasks.
- DMA sends interrupt to CPU on completion.
DMA Cycle Stealing: DMA momentarily halts CPU access to transfer data.
DMA Configurations:
- Single Bus (Detached DMA), uses the bus twice.
- Integrated DMA, uses the bus once per transfer.
- Separate I/O Bus: DMA has its own bus, reducing CPU suspension.
Interrupt Example – STM32F4
Cortex-M4 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC):
- Manages up to 240 interrupts with programmable priority.
- Interrupt Latency is ~12 cycles.
NVIC Registers:
- NVIC_ISERx: Set Enable Registers.
- NVIC_ICERx: Clear Enable Registers.
- NVIC_IPRx: Interrupt Priority Registers.
DMA and NVIC in STM32F4
- Enable Interrupts:
. - Disable Interrupts:
. - Set Priority:
NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn, priority)
Cortex-M4 Processor Details
- Operating Modes: Thread Mode for normal processing, Handler Mode for interrupt processing.
- Privilege Levels: User (limited) vs Privileged (OS tasks).
Exception Return
- Return to Thread Mode: Processor loads
to PC. - Pop Context: Restores registers from the stack.
Supervisor Call (SVC)
Allows user-mode programs to request privileged operations from the OS.
Feedback Systems
Key Points:
- Feedback is used in almost all automatic control systems.
- Feedback can be either negative or positive.
- If the gain of the forward path is A, the gain of the feedback path is B and the feedback is subtracted from the input then:
If AB is positive and much greater than 1, then G 1/B
- Negative feedback can be used to overcome problems of variability within active amplifiers.
- Negative feedback can be used to increase bandwidth, and to improve other circuit characteristics.
G = A/1+AB
Communication Protocols
No clock is shared between protocols.
Master has a clock.
Data is sent one or a few bits at a time.
A word is sent at a time.
Inter System Protocol
Used between two systems/devices.
Intra System Protocol
Used internally.
Mode of Communication
- Simple -> one direction
- Half Duplex -> one direction at a time
- Duplex -> both sides can transmit at the same time
UART – Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
It is a very old protocol, but many people use it for intercommunication 921600
SPI Introduction
Synchronous Full Duplex Master / Slave SPI Interface
Synchronous Half Duplex Multi Master / Slave
I2C Introduction
Two Line Interface Software Addressable Multi Master with CD Serial, 8 bit Oriented, Bidirectional with 4 Modes On Chip Filtering
I2C Bus Features
Example Signals A Complete Data Transfer Bus Speeds
- Bidirectional Bus
- Standard Mode – 100 Kbit/s
- Fast Mode – 400 Kbits/s
- Fast Mode Plus – 1 Mbits/s
- High Speed Mode – 3.4 Mbits/s
- Unidirectional Bus
- Ultra Fast Mode – 5 Mbits/s
Uses Push-Pull Drivers (No Pullups)
CAN Introduction
Asynchronous Half Duplex Multi Master / Slave
Example Versions
- Absence of node addressing – Message identifier specifies contents and priority
- Lowest message identifier has highest priority
- Non-destructive arbitration system by CSMA with collision detection
- Simple Transmission Medium – Twisted pair – CAN H and CAN L
USB Architecture – Hubs
Allows many USB devices to share a single USB port.
USB devices with some incorporated intelligence.
Increase the logical and physical fan out.
Single upstream connection and one-many down stream connection.
Smart wire passing data between the peripheral and Host.
Direct connection exists between host and peripherals.
Two kinds of Hubs:
- Bus Powered Hub: Draws power from the host computer’s USB interface.
- Self Powered Hub: Has a built-in power supply.
USB Architecture – Peripherals
Receive and respond to the commands from the host. E.g. Mice, Keyboard, Joysticks.
Two types of Peripherals:
- Standalone
- Compound Device
USB Power Management
- Peripherals connected regardless of the power state.
- A pair of wires to supply power to the peripherals.
- Manage power by enabling and disabling power to devices.
- Removes electrically ill-behaved systems from the network.
USB Endpoints
End point is a unique point in the device which is the source or the receiver of the data.
End point has a definite address associated with it.
Codes indicate the type of transfer.
16 end points within each device each end point has a 4-bit address.
End point “0” reserved for control transfers.
Negative Feedback – A Summary
All negative feedback systems share some properties:
- They tend to maintain their output independent of variations in the forward path or in the environment.
- They require a forward path gain that is greater than that which would be necessary to achieve the required output in the absence of feedback.
- The overall behavior of the system is determined by the nature of the feedback path.
Unfortunately, negative feedback does have implications for the stability of circuits.