Microorganisms, Viruses, and Kingdoms: A Biology Overview


Microorganisms belong to the Monera, Protist, and Fungi kingdoms. Examples include *Escherichia coli*, *Amoeba*, and *Amanita*.

They are harmful or beneficial to humans.

Beneficial microorganisms:

  • Some perform photosynthesis, providing food for other living things and releasing O2.
  • Some decompose organic matter.
  • Some provide us with antibiotics (which destroy harmful microorganisms such as bacteria).
  • Some help plants obtain certain nutrients (bacteria as well).
  • Others are used in the creation of certain foods: bread, yogurt, and wine (yeasts).

Harmful microorganisms:

Pathogens cause illnesses in humans and other living things. Examples include salmonellosis and meningitis.


*Viruses do not belong to any kingdom because they are not alive; they cannot perform the three vital functions.

*Viruses are microscopic agents that are smaller than cells (eukaryotic/prokaryotic).

*Viruses have a simple structure:

-External protein layer (capsid)

-Nucleic acid (RNA or DNA)

Viruses can only perform the vital function of reproduction, but even for this, they need the help of a cell. They are forced to be intracellular parasites; for this reason, they are not considered living things (they are not included in any of the kingdoms). They don’t eat, and they don’t interact.




-Cell wall (outer wall membrane) with three layers

-Shapes: spherical, rod-shaped, spiral, and comma-shaped

-Colonies (group together):

Cocci and bacilli group together without forming colonies:

  1. Diplococci (two cocci)
  2. Streptococci (in a row)
  3. Staphylococci (in clusters)


1. Autotrophic: Cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis.

2. Heterotrophic: are classified by:

2.1 Parasitic: *Cholera* bacteria use organic matter produced by other living things, causing harm while doing this.

2.2 Symbiotic (= probiotics) (= bacterial flora: *Bifidus*, *Lactobacilli*, yogurts): Bacteria that live in our intestine. They live together with another living thing, and they both benefit, helping with digestion.

2.3 Saprophytic: Feed on decaying organic matter (e.g., the bacteria that appear when we die).


1. Sexual processes -> conjugation: Two bacteria exchange fragments of nucleic acid through the pili, producing new variations in genetic material, leading to diversity. They can adapt to every condition:

Resistance to antibiotics (=superbacteria) – adaptation to extreme environments.

2. Asexual -> bipartition: Bacteria reproduce themselves by using bipartition – multiplication of genetic material – division of the cell into two cells.

Biological importance of bacteria:

-Ecological: They intervene in the process of recycling matter by transforming organic material into new nutrients.

-Health: Biotechnological -> essential for human beings.

-Creating medicines.

-Obtaining food products.

-Biological research.

Environments: (=resistant)

-Live in different conditions, even extremely hostile ones.

-They can divide quickly, which enables them to adapt fast to any environment.


When the environment becomes too hostile, they can create a protective structure.


1. Eukaryotic microorganisms (not classified in any other kingdom)

2. All aquatic or live in humid conditions.

3. Many have cilia, flagella, or pseudopodia (move).

4. Reproduction: sexual/asexual

5. Includes very different types of living things.

6. The most important ones: -PROTOZOA/ALGAE


-Unicellular, heterotrophic, made up of eukaryotic animal cells.

-First animals (10-50 um)

*Four groups (according to their ability to move or structure)

–> Free-living protozoa =

-Can live in aquatic environments or very humid terrestrial environments.

–> Parasitic protozoa:

-Cause serious illnesses in humans.

-Some of them are able to form cysts (that allow them to survive for long periods of time).

*Plasmodium: is a parasitic protozoan that transmits malaria through the sting of the *Anopheles* mosquito.







1. Unicellular algae: live by floating in water and forming phytoplankton => this is a source of food for heterotrophic aquatic organisms. They are the main providers of oxygen in aquatic ecosystems. 1.2 Other algae live fixed to the bottom of a body of water => benthic algae.