Military Exercise Briefing: Key Details & Procedures

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Kerkovia was involved in a long and bloody civil war between government forces and rebels until six months ago when both sides reached a ceasefire agreement. It is probable that rebel forces will continue with occasional attacks on government troops, and if these violations continue, we may see a return to civil war.

Exercise Preparation and Procedures

This exercise is designed to maintain high readiness and an ability to deploy rapidly in response to any crisis.

Joining Instructions

All personnel are to report to the Reception Center at Building 130, where a general orientation brief will be given and personal details taken.


Accommodation will consist of shared ten-man barracks rooms with army camp beds.

Dress Code and Equipment

Minimum dress required:

  • Field combat dress
  • Personal weapon
  • Basic load-carrying equipment
  • NBC clothing and respirator
  • Personal washing requirements and towel


Personnel will be fed in a centralized field dining area. For personnel on night shift, a hot meal will be provided.


Carrying mobile telephones is discouraged. If carried, they must be switched off in all working exercise locations.

Rest and Recuperation

There will be no organized rest and recuperation day during the exercise. Any time off will be at the discretion of branch chiefs. A reception has been planned for the end of the exercise.

Personal Belongings and Finances

All personnel are to report. Valuable items are not to be brought. All personnel are to bring enough money for their personal needs. Personnel are to complete their re-deployment details on arrival.

Workbook and Stubook Answers & Notes

Stubook (Page 21)

Choose answer: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b, 5a. 1, 3, 2

(22) 3 conversations: 1V, 2F, 3V, 4F, 5F

(27) Task 5: 1a (recce), 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b

Briefing Notes (Page 28)

Listen to a briefing:

  1. RRF HQ
  2. Admin issues before the COS begins his briefing
  3. 12:00
  4. 40 min
  5. 11:55
  6. Take them to the briefing or leave them with Cap Summers or Cap Knight
  7. 13:30 in the officer mess
  8. There will be a coach parked in front of the foyer immediately after the briefing.

Part 2: Admin issues, COS briefing, interruptions to COS briefing, hats and jackets in cloakroom, classified documents, lunch, transport, accommodation, security.

Introduction Notes (Page 32)

To the introduction:

  1. HQ NW
  2. Press
  3. 30 min
  4. At any time
  5. Immediately

Slide 2 Notes (Page 34)

Slide 2, 10000:

  1. Land and air forces
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. A PfP nation
  5. Restore the international border between 2 countries
  6. CPX
  7. April 23
  8. FTX
  9. April 27
  10. April 28
  11. Press passes
  12. Press Information Centre

Additional Notes (Page 35)

  1. Reception Center
  2. Car, there’s no parking space
  3. NLT 1400, because there’s going to be a briefing

Workbook Answers & Notes (Pages 19-21)

Workbook (Pages 19, 20)

2 parts of the talk: 2f, 3c, 4e, 5d, 6b.

Task 2:

  1. 33.5
  2. 209,1
  3. 22,000
  4. 28
  5. 7,000
  6. 18
  7. 685
  8. 386

Task 3:

  1. Search and rescue missions
  2. Anti-submarine warfare
  3. Air defense
  4. All aircraft movement on board
  5. To guard against terrorist attack

Journalist Notes (Page 21)


  1. 3-20 September
  2. Air defenses, electronic
  3. 100
  4. 7-9 Sept, 12-14 Sept, one hour.
  5. 16.
  6. Transport, personnel, force protection
  7. 4 Sept, 10 am – 3:30 pm

Task 2: Private, dress, telephones, accommodation, points of contact.

Task 3: a-True, Ext-False, Private-True, 4 the-True, 5 mobile-False