Minerals, States of Matter, Kingdoms, and Species
Minerals, Liquids, Solids, Mixtures and More
Mineral: A naturally occurring substance, solid, that stems from a formula according to a predetermined chemical composition and specific conditions of pressure and temperature.
Mohs Scale:
- Talc
- Gypsum
- Calcite
- Fluorite
- Apatite
- Orthoclase
- Quartz
- Topaz
- Corundum
- Diamond
Liquids: They are easier to manipulate than gases. It’s easy to transfer them from one container to another. They don’t have their own form; they take the form of the container that contains them. Their volume does not vary when compressed, but it increases with increasing temperature. Their mass does not vary.
Solids: Fixed shape. Like liquids, they are not compressed, and their volume increases slightly with temperature. No mass variety.
Density = mass / volume
Heterogeneous mixture: When the appearance is different from one part to another.
Homogeneous mixture: When the parties that form it cannot be distinguished.
Solvent: A homogeneous mixture has two or more components. The solutions can be solid, liquid, or gaseous. It has several components; the quantity that is in the majority is called the solvent, and that which is in smaller quantities is the solute.
To separate components of a homogeneous mixture or dissolution, the most common method is a change of state in one of them.
Kingdoms and Species
Kingdom: Is the most broad group. It contains a huge number of living beings with few common characteristics.
Species: Is the smallest group that classifies living beings. Organisms within a species have a lot of common features and can reproduce among them.
Parts of Plants
Root: Through it, plants obtain water and mineral salts from the underground soil. It is the wave of the plant that is quite tough and resistant. There are two types of roots: taproot and fibrous.
Stem: Sustains leaves and rises from the soil. One difference is its consistency, which can be flexible or woody.
Leaves: Catch the light, absorb carbon dioxide from the air, and expel oxygen.
A seed is formed by a small embryo, reserve substances, and a protective cover.
Gymnosperms are a group of plants consisting exclusively of trees and shrubs.
Fungi: Motionless living bodies that are in damp places and feed on the remains of other living beings. They are living beings that lack chlorophyll and feed on plant and animal remains; that is, they are heterotrophs.
Development of a Fungus
- Mycelium: The fungus is still alive, buried in the ground.
- Sporangium: Reproductive structures where spores are formed.
- Spores
Parts of the Fungus
Laminae or pores, ring or veil, cap, stipe.
Color and shape: They are sometimes bowl-shaped, others balloon-shaped. There are also many shaped like a small tree or coral. The color of mushrooms is very diverse.
Mushrooms: Reproductive parts. They are poisonous, but not all; some are edible. It is frequently collected, especially in autumn and spring, which is when they abound the most.
- Kumquat: A mushroom that has a funnel-shaped cap. Its color is orange or red, sometimes with green patches.
- Chanterelle: A small-sized mushroom. It is easily recognizable by its bright yellow color and funnel shape.
- Parasol: It is a large mushroom with a flattened cap. It has a dark brown lump in the center and is covered with white and brown scales. It has laminae and a ring.
Lichens: Reproduce through soredia, fragments that include fungal cells and algal cells. They can take the form of crust stuck to the surface, corrugated sheets, branched seedlings, or hanging tape. The best known is Xanthoria parietina, which has a greenish-yellow, laminate shape with sinuous edges.
Animal Kingdom
Reptiles: Their skin is covered with scales. They can have four limbs or none. They reproduce by incubating eggs.
Mammals: Have four limbs and a body covered in hair. Aquatic mammals have fin-shaped limbs. They are viviparous; newborn pups are fed breast milk.
Amphibians: Have bare skin and live in damp places or in the water. They reproduce by means of eggs; the aquatic larvae are born very different from the adults. When adults, they have four extremities.
Birds: Have four extremities, two wings, and two legs, and a body covered by feathers. They reproduce by incubating eggs.
Fish: Its body is soft and fusiform; it is covered with spores. Their extremities are fins, and they have strong muscles.