Modern Personnel Management System: Trends and Practices
Personnel Management System (Relating to This Position Profile)
Flexible Organizational Structure
Implementing modern techniques of analysis and job evaluation.
Flat structure has no borders.
High Professionalism of Staff
Personnel with advanced degrees, postgraduate training in people management, and experience in the area.
(Doctors, Masters, Extensive Experience)
Development in Labor Relations
Compensation, management by objectives, and negotiation. (Concerned with good design to motivate staff). The manager of GP is a member of the steering committee and planning committee. Participatory management by objectives system applied as company management. Remuneration policy with emphasis on stimulation (Applies linked reward performance pay).
A New Philosophy of Action
(That means line managers are increasingly responsible for personnel management). The term HRM must disappear and give rise to a new approach: Human Resource Management or People. Managing people is increasingly becoming a line management responsibility. In this approach, people are considered human beings and not organizational resources. People are taken into account, respecting their individual characteristics and differences, as they are equipped with different personalities and intelligence. Successful organizations do not speak of the administration of people; they manage people as if they were business partners and not foreign elements.
(Business Partner: The Contribution of Intelligence)
The objectives of this new philosophy of action are:
- Keep people informed of the philosophies, policies, and objectives of the company.
- Integrate through comprehensive programs.
- Help them with their needs and aspirations.
- Develop efforts to make people feel proud to belong to and work with the organization through group relationships.
Sharp and Rapid Tendency to Reduce the Area
The area of GP is being restructured; this means reducing and compressing the area to the essential level. With this reduction, GP executives are radically changing their functions. There is a strong tendency to relax the area. (Be more flexible, accepting where you are working). Transformation of a service area to an area of internal consulting. (Each unit to achieve its objective). The departmental structure of HR management is giving way to strategic business units aimed at the processes and internal customers. Instead of functions, the GP is coordinating processes. (All units comprising the company). It is passed from a function-focused culture to a culture focused on the process (the job I am doing is part of an entire business process). It becomes an organ providing consulting services to a results-oriented inner end of the organization. (Changing the vision). In addition, the GP is transferring to others a part of their routine duties and bureaucratic operational, outsourcing non-core activities to other companies better equipped to carry them out. Gradual transfer of the decisions and actions of the GP to line management. There is a transfer of activities to managers of other areas of the company, such as selection, training, and remuneration.
(Decentralized all decisions made)
Managing with People is a Strategic Component
A very important task to be centralized and entrusted to a single department of the company.
(It is the boss directly with people to manage)
Line managers become managers of people and achieve full autonomy in decisions and actions with partners.
(Take in decision autonomy and freedom)
The training of leaders becomes intensive, which translates into top management commitment to trust and delegate to the headquarters of these decisions and responsibilities.
(Sample of trust)
With this, the GP is responsible for:
- The productivity of the company’s intellectual capital. (See that conditions are given to achieve productivity) (psychological perception, survey, compensation, satisfaction in office)
- Performance management (As developed by the heads, general knowledge should be)
- People’s contribution to organizational objectives. (Be aware of the objectives pursued by the company)