Modernism in Literature: A Deep Dive

MODERNISM (1895-1915):

1. Concept

Modernism is a literary manifesto, a genre of Latin American poetry with root development in 1915. It was between 1885 and a time and an attitude, a new mentality, thinking in a manifesto and in all the arts.

2. Features

A) Aesthetic rebellion: aspire to renew the art by the belleza. Se buskeda oppose bourgeois aesthetic s.xix. Rechazan the industrial ugliness and utilitarianism defended by contrast the aesthetic refinement and art for art and vulgaridad.

B) Social and political rebellion: disagreed with bourgeois civilization: rejected conventional morality, religious orthodoxy.

3. Diffusion

Modernism: the revolt against bourgeois culture which affected most of Spain and Spanish paises. In general, modernism could call all of these aesthetic movements such as art, 1900, art that reflects the sensitivity of Western culture end of the century, modernism really was another manifestation of Spanish modernism.

4. Chronology

A) Hispano-American Modernism: the most important date in 1888 years is publik BLUE lk RUBEN work DARIO.

B) Spanish Modernism: GIL, AND ROLL QUEEN autoctonocon develop a modern Andalusia and references from the castiazs. Sin embargoa dario arrival of imposing their school, Spain is developing a Physical Therapist currently vacant modernist published 1916 A POET’S DIARY newlywed GIMENEZ JUAN RAMON this represents the end of modernism beginning dl yl Noucentisme or gene 14.

5. Modernity of Modernism

Traits of modernism are-syncretism, mixing heterogeneous elements k art, mythology, creative freedom …- average age: worships the original mixing genres and poly dl lietrarios poem

6. Hispanic American Historical Roots of Modernism

It was an act of cultural affirmation of Hispanic America culture d facing Spain, they seek a sign differentiated d xra own well accepted the Spanish French and English cultures

7. Aesthetic and Ideological Influence

Interlinked streams:

a) French influence: the origins of modernist aesthetic derived d two streams: Parnassianism and simbnolismo.

1. Parnassianism

Paris stream arising in their name d k be the Parnassus Rvista dnd published poems, their x art theme art, the cult of k means formal perfection yl abuskeda the belleza. Autor T d GAUTIER. Characteristics: 1. poesia aimed at seeking ways musicalidad. 2. poesia objective, descriptive and formal, ie s rexaza subjetivos 3. utiliza sentimental elements of metaphor, adjectives, semantic fields doing the sound … referenciaa topics: Greek myths, Eastern exoticism, bibblico world, medieval Spain …

2. Simbolismo

The development in France, capturing the beauty nopretende external descriptiva. Para does a poem reflects the Symbolists hidden realities haciend d kl poet sits magician, seer to capture ste meaning: symbol: siginficaso imrpeciso, vagus relaccionados cn l d world of the occult and mystery, the sense of l aemocion … SINEestesia: Preceded n k is a transposition of sensations.

B) OTHER INFLUENCES: Allan Poe and Oscar wilde. qC) philosophical influence: inherit the gloom and existential issues .1. irrationalism pessimistic guiiams x sopenhuaer us the anguish d Kierkegard deseos. 2. el vitalism is not the reason but the anti-intellectual angustia. 3. el d nietzsche. 4. el vitalism vitalism of Bergson.

8. Themes

Buskeda of a world-exotico.-evasion, escape from a civilization burguesa. a) introespeccion a deeper world of alma. b) distance to cosmopolitan cities-eroticism-Indianism-the religious-occult – Mythology-cosmopolitanism.

9. Language and Metric

A) LANGUAGE: The poetic language of modernism was a rev esteica fell short of cult gongora. 2. rindieron garcilaso or xra enter the word musicality, the buscr the belleza. 3. usaron suggest xra word through the rhythm and music of a metaphor symbols d d d the world synaesthesia what sespiritus. B l) METRIC: recovered the new schemes-Alexandrine verses metric (16 and 21)-combined lines from different measure – Spanish modernism learned ways to recover the tradition popular metric, romance …

10. Spanish Modernism

A) Precursors: QUEEN AND SAVIOR RUEDA. B) VILLAPESTA modernist authors RICARDO GIL, Antonio Machado, (1st stage SOLEDADES symbolist modernism; overcoming CAMPOS medoernismo. 2 the second stage of Castile VALLE. INCLAN 1 ยบ SONATAS modernist stage, 2nd stage lights OVERCOMING bohemia. JUAN MODERNISM Ramon Gimenez 1 NINFEA modernist stage 2nd stage: DIARY OF A POET.