Mona Lisa and The Last Supper: Leonardo’s Masterpieces
Mona Lisa: A Portrait of History
La Gioconda: The portrait of history’s most famous, and perhaps the most famous painting in Western art. Its fame is probably due to the many literary references and the various interpretations of the protagonist. It was admired as a symbol of serene beauty and reflects both the physical and the soul of this woman, whose identity has not been confirmed with certainty. It is Leonardo’s great work, taking into account that he continued retouching it until his last years. Leonardo drew the picture and then outlined it with diluted oil. The technique is known as Sfumato, which dispenses with the precise contours of the Quattrocento and wraps it all in a vague sort of fog that blurs the profiles and gives an impression of total immersion in the atmosphere, giving a sense of three dimensions to the figure.
Description of the Work
In this picture, the lady is seated in a chair with arms, against a landscape, and rests her arms on the armrests of the seat. In her hands and her eyes, one can see a clear example of the characteristic sfumato, and one can also highlight the play with light and shadow to give the illusion of volume. She appears sitting in a gallery, looking at the left edge of the table base of one of the columns.
The landscape has a wet and watery atmosphere that seems to surround the model. Many times, attempts have been made to combine both sides of the landscape following the model, but the discrepancy between the two sides does not allow for a continuous model of the image. It should be noted that the left side seems to be higher than the right, creating a contrast, since water cannot be static on a slope in the field. In this regard, one can say the following:
When our eyes focus on the left side of the picture, the woman appears taller or more erect than if we focus on the center right. And her face also seems to be modified for this change of position, because in this case, the two sides do not correspond exactly.
On the other hand, the landscape features a bridge, an element of civilization, which could be signaling the importance of engineering and architecture.
It is deceptively simple: a woman sitting in a chair with arms, against a landscape. She turns her body to one side and directs an enigmatic gaze at the viewer. The artist ensures nothing is stationary or rigid; simulated landscape forms merge together. The work is painted not from the outside but from within; it is conceived. The point where the eyes converge is the face, but there is a second inflection point: her hands, beautifully shaped and intertwined.
The Last Supper
The Last Supper: Leonardo staged the moment recounted in the New Testament when Jesus made his disciples aware that there was a traitor among them. It also refers to the institution of the Eucharist that took place that night. The outstretched arms of Jesus attract the viewer’s gaze to the glass of wine and bread that is before him.
It was regarded as the most perfect translation of the Last Supper, so its performance influenced almost all subsequent representations of the event.
In the central figure of Christ, all the vanishing lines of the composition converge. The apostles are not aligned in a static manner but form groups of three and interact with each other through theatrical gestures that express astonishment and indignation. Jesus is the only one who remains calm. The character of Judas, to Christ’s left, departs from the group.