Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy: Key Health Indicators
Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy
- Mortality rate: A measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a population, per unit of time.
- Mortality rate is typically expressed in units of deaths per 1,000 individuals per year.
The death certificate with the causes of death is the basis for the report of death cases. It is reported in accordance with the nomenclature developed by the International Classification of Diseases, international form (WHO).
Mortality Statistics are compiled from death registrations and expressed in several different rates:
Mortality Rates and Ratios:
Crude Death Rate (CDR): The annual number of deaths per 1,000 people.
- Czech Republic – 11‰ (World level average – 8‰)
Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR): For comparison in various populations with different structures.
- It is a quantity, expressed as either a ratio or percentage, quantifying the increase or decrease in mortality with respect to the general population (based on a cohort study).
- World standard: standard indicator used for calculation of comparable hypothetical indicator. Suitable for the comparison – two types of standardisation.
Specific Death Rates (SDR): Calculated for a certain group because the CDR is much affected by age, sex, race, marital status, socioeconomic level, etc…
Age-Specific Rates (ASR): In any given year. ASR are low until age 30 years and then rise markedly into older years.
- ASR is higher in men than in women in all age categories.
- Higher mortality rate of women in the reproductive ages (childbirth).
- Different for developing countries and developed countries.
- Specific death rates are also developed for sex, race, marital status, and other factors.
- Disease-Specific Death Rates: Widely used in most developed countries.
Age-Specific Rates (ASR): In any given year. ASR are low until age 30 years and then rise markedly into older years.
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR):
- The best is 5-6‰ in Sweden.
- Developed countries – 40‰ (average).
- IMR is commonly used as an indicator (evaluation) of overall health status of a population.
- IMR represents a very good measure to evaluate the effectiveness of public health programs, the level of health care, level of life, etc…
- It is sensitive to many changes in society, including improvements in health care, especially in preventive care.
- Neonatal Death Rate (4 weeks of life): Represents the best measure of health care effects.
- Maternal Mortality Rate:
Life Expectancy (LE):
- Definition: Expected average number of years an individual of a given age would live if the current age-specific mortality rates (ASMR) remained unchanged over time.
- Background:
All over the world, life expectancy is higher in women than in men.
- In Czech Republic: Males 70 years, Females 77 years (in 1998).
Life expectancy can be computed for any age.
- Japan has the highest life expectancy: 82 years.
The mortality at different ages contribute (can affect) differently to the level of life expectancy:
- The deaths at early ages (e.g., infant mortality) have a larger effect than at old ages.
Nowadays, there is a new opinion on the life expectancy increase:
- Sometimes old age is closely connected with high disability and needs of help in daily life.
- So some researchers and organizers say that life expectancy does not express the quality of life; they use other indicators, alternative related measures:
- Years of potential life lost – through premature death.
- The quality of life is expressed as free life related to the adjusted years lost in disability.