Napoleon’s Rise and Fall: A Historical Overview

Item 5. Napoleonic Europe and Restoration (PAG 88-89 / 139-146)

1. Consulate of the Empire (PAG 88)

Bourgeois republic unipersonal

– 1795-99 Directory: stabilization of the revolution

Ends: bourgeois desire to achieve political stability and economic progress. The property is the basis of the system


  • Constitution of 1795: The new constitution lays the foundation for the restoration of a policy of decentralization, supported by the departments and a liberal policy.
  • In domestic policy the Board lived always threatened by the Royalists (supporters of the monarchy absolute) and the Radicals. Popular revolts are to be harshly repressed by the army and repression police
  • In foreign policy highlights the brilliant performance of the young Napoleon in their struggle against England.
  • Final internal instability and some military failures led to the coup of 18 Brumaire in appointing a head of state to 3 consuls, one of whom was Napoleon (Napoleon powers higher Sieyes, Ducos). With this act, the French Revolution was over.

-Consulate (1799-1804)

Napoleon’s aim: to avoid anarchy, to ensure the outcome of the revolution, restoring internal unity France, peace within and outside France


  • 1799 constitution had no rights declaration, concentrates all power as sole consul and Life (1802), universal suffrage;
  • Organization into departments such as education and welfare service Public;
  • Concordat (1801) with the secularized church property, head of the church, Catholicism and supports and enables worship;
  • Civil Code (1804) mixed the conservative (private property, restrictions on divorce) with spirit revolutionary (equality, freedom, abolishing the feudal system;
  • Foreign policy: peace with Austria and England, recognized the republics of Switzerland, Milan and Genoa

2. Expansion and Defeat of Napoleon (Rule 1804-1815)

Steps Napoleon

  • Hereditary emperor 1804 that concentrated all power
  • Crowned by the Pope
  • Replacement of 1799 by la constitution constitution 1804
  • Imperial Catechism
  • Tight control of the press (censorship), college, imperial catechism, police
  • Territorial expansion in Europe: building a French empire in 1804-08
  • Austria is home alliances, defeat Prussia, Russia defeat and treated.
  • Place his family “Napoleon”: Jose in Spain, Louis in Holland, Eugene in Italy, Marat in Naples,
  • Victories in 1805 against Austreliz UK, Rus, Aus / / Jena 1806 against Prussia, and conf. Alemna and Frieland against Rus / / Tilsit in 1807 against Rus and Pru / / Invasion Spain and Portugal in 1808 / / 1812 against Russia (
  • Decline (1812): Defeat s: Trafalgar 1805 to the hands of Nelson and continental blockade of 1806, defeat Bailen 1808 Spanish victory and assignment the throne to his brother Joseph, invasion of Russia in the summer and defeat in 1812, blockade policy failure and defeat before Leipizg the UK 1813 Uk, Aus, Prussia and Sweden, Louis XVIII and abdication Back to AR
  • Empire and defeat in one hundred days. Waterloo in 1814 banishment to St. Helena Island

Its defining features: (love revolution, love of power, and love for his extended family)

His work: dissemination of the ideals of the revolution and fan to new revolutions (abolishing the feudal system, equality, territorial expansionism, and alteration of borders, institutional strengthening (code, departments, administrative unit)

Causes of failure. He faced:

  • Catholics. Occupation or imprisonment of the pope, nationalized education
  • Not understand the sense of nationalism: emerging nationalist uprisings in Spain
  • Liberals: limited their aspirations for criminal code
  • The bourgeoisie affected by trade embargo and lack of colonial
  • The English: Promotes conspiracies