Narrative, Descriptive, and Argumentative Texts: A Comprehensive Guide

Narrative, Descriptive, and Argumentative Texts

Understanding Different Text Types

Expository Texts

Expository texts describe or explain a topic. They are written in the third person and present tense. There are two variants: informative and specialized-pure. Expository texts are commonly used in teaching. Argumentative essays contain expository parts, but narrative texts do not contain arguments.

Argumentative Texts

Argumentative texts present a thesis and provide reasons to support it. The author expresses an opinion. These texts often blend first-person (for expressing opinions) and third-person perspectives (for presenting evidence). They typically have three parts: thesis (introduces the idea), body (develops the idea), and conclusion (summarizes the argument).

Descriptive Texts

Descriptive texts depict something and create a sense of place. Adjectives are frequently used. There are three types of description:

  • Playful description: Describes places, spaces, and objects.
  • Functionalist description: Gives nuances to characters in a story.
  • Psychic description: Describes the memory, thoughts, and psyche of a character.

Narrative Texts

Narrative texts relate events that happen over time. The process of narration creates a sense of time. The past tense and present perfect are commonly used. The imperfect tense describes states, while the present perfect simple advances the action.

Analysis of Literary Works

Lope de Vega’s Poetry

Lope de Vega’s books are primarily poetic, encompassing multiple genres. His three major poetry collections are: Poems, Sacred Poems, and Rhymes Human and Divine. His early poems, which are romances, are not included in any of these books but appear in old ballad collections.

  • Rhymes: A collection of sonnets primarily expressing his love for Elena and Isabel.

The Knight from Olmedo

Don Enrique falls from his horse and encounters Doña Mencía, whom he was originally intended to marry. However, she is now married to Don Gutierre. Leonor, who loves Enrique, complains to the king that Gutierre abandoned her after promising marriage. She claims she saw someone leaving Gutierre’s house one night. Don Arias defends Leonor, saying he was the man visiting another woman. They draw their swords, but the king intervenes. Meanwhile, Enrique courts Mencía in her garden with the help of a servant. Gutierre returns unexpectedly but doesn’t find Enrique. The next day, Gutierre discovers Enrique’s dagger and becomes jealous. He confronts Mencía, who mistakes him for Enrique. Enrique complains to the king, and Gutierre declares his intention to win back his wife. The king becomes angry with Enrique. Gutierre initially plans to kill Enrique but instead kills his wife, with the help of a surgeon. The king investigates and, realizing Gutierre’s innocence, arranges for him to marry Leonor to preserve her honor.

The Mayor of Zalamea

– Reaching some troops to the town of Zalamea, and commanders of these troops are housed in private homes. In the house of Pedro Crespo, the richest man in the whole town, is housed Don Alvaro de Ataide, falling surrendered to the beauty of Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter, and try to conquer it, but the refusal of the young woman abducted and viola. Although this occurs at the end, before it counts as Peter, a man consistent with his ideas, as though your child wants to buy a title of nobility, and have much money, he thinks that with or without title will always be a villain. Growing desire of the master, and Crespo intimate with Don Lope, the general of the regiment, until at last, John, son of Crespo, Lope goes with the army. Just the night he fired his brother, the captain tied to a tree Isabel Crespo and outrages. Is Isabel who finds his father, and tells him that in addition to raping her, her brother has hurt the master. At the time Isabel’s death prompted his father to restore family honor, but forgives. Return to the village, and Pedro Crespo learns that you have been appointed mayor, which can not be avenging the captain, because he represents justice, and decides to ask her to marry his daughter. But the captain did not agree to marry her, and says Pedro Crespo scary not because it is less than him. Peter sends this response to stop and hanged the captain. It then comes John, who was arrested by his father for hurting the captain, and Lope arguing with Peter because this will not give you the master. Comes the king, who heard the reasons for each one, and forgive Peter for killing the captain. Isabel, just in a convent. Rimas Sacred: they are primarily works of repentance, but really do not regret what he had done. There are some dedicated to Martha, but these leave the majority in the next book. (Read, Look Zaida alert you and do I have my friendship) Rimas human and divine, wrote this book under a pseudonym because it allowed him to be more ironic. Is a book of heartbreak, which has a disillusioned outlook on life because he has seen everything he has achieved and has lived has been lost. He realizes that neither fame nor money, nor the excess of love has been for nothing.