National Income Accounting: GDP, GNP & Economic Indicators

National Income Accounting Fundamentals

1. Measuring National Income and Output

A fundamental principle is that everything produced generates income for someone. The primary measure is Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

GDP: The total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country’s borders during a specific period.

Methods for Measuring GDP

In a Closed Economy:
  1. Sum the Value Added: Calculate the value added by all firms located in the economy.
    • Value Added = Value of Output – Value of Intermediate Goods used as inputs.
  2. Sum Final Output: Sum the value of all final goods and services produced by firms in the economy.
In an Open Economy:
  1. Sum the Value Added: Calculate the value added by all firms located in the economy.
  2. Sum Final Output (Adjusted): Sum the output of all final goods produced by firms, subtract the value of imported intermediate goods, and add the value of exported intermediate goods.

The Expenditure Approach to GDP

The GDP can also be calculated by summing expenditures:

GDP = C + I + G + NX

  • C: Consumption
  • I: Investment
  • G: Government Purchases
  • NX: Net Exports (Exports – Imports)

This identity implies that Output equals Spending. Since Income equals Output, it follows that Income equals Spending.

Gross National Product (GNP)

GNP: The total market value of all final goods and services produced by domestically owned factors of production, regardless of location.


  • NFP: Net Factor Payments from Abroad
  • NFP = Factor Payments from Abroad (FPA) – Factor Payments to Foreigners (FPF)

For most countries, the level and growth rate of GDP are very similar to those of GNP.

2. Income Distribution from GNP

Income generated from GNP is earned by those supplying factors of production, primarily Labor and Capital.

  • Empirically, labor typically earns about two-thirds of national income, while capital earns about one-third.
  • However, the share of labor income has been observed to be falling since around 2000 (approaching 60%).

The Cobb-Douglas Production Function is often used in economic models and assumes constant income shares for labor and capital.

3. GNP and Economic Welfare

While higher income is generally considered beneficial (all else being equal), GNP has limitations as a measure of overall well-being.

  • It doesn’t account for externalities like pollution or crime.
  • It doesn’t capture the value of leisure.
  • GDP/GNP includes components like Investment (I) and Net Exports (NX) which don’t directly represent current consumption or welfare.

Despite this, quality of life indicators are often positively correlated with inflation-adjusted GNP per capita, although the correlation is less than perfect and does not imply causality (e.g., does higher income lead to higher life expectancy, or vice versa?).

Producing GNP involves costs and benefits. Economic efficiency suggests production should occur where Marginal Benefits equal Marginal Costs (MB = MC).

A better measure of economic welfare might focus on utility, which depends on consumption (private C and government G) and leisure. GDP is not an ideal proxy for this.

4. Comparing Output Across Countries

Two main methods are used to compare economic output and consumption levels internationally:

  1. Market Exchange Rate Method: Convert foreign currency values to a domestic currency using the prevailing market exchange rate.
  2. Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Exchange Rate Method: Convert currencies using a rate that equates the price of an identical basket of goods and services in different countries.

Market and PPP exchange rates often differ. Empirically:

  • Goods and services tend to be more expensive in countries with higher per capita income.
  • Poor countries often appear to have undervalued currencies (Market Exchange Rate < PPP Exchange Rate).
  • Rich countries often appear to have overvalued currencies (Market Exchange Rate > PPP Exchange Rate).

5. Disposable Income, Saving & Government Budget

Because of government taxes and transfers, Disposable Income differs from GNP.

  • Disposable Income (YD): YD = GNP + TRGP – TA
    • TRGP: Government Transfer Payments
    • TA: Taxes
  • Private Saving (SP): SP = YD – C – TRPF
    • C: Consumption
    • TRPF: Private Transfers to Foreigners
  • Government Saving (SG): SG = TA – GC – TRGP – TRGF
    • GC: Government Consumption
    • TRGF: Government Transfers to Foreigners
  • Government Budget Deficit (BD): BD = G + TRGP + TRGF – TA
    • G: Government Purchases (includes GC and Government Investment GI)
  • Relationship: GI = BD – SG. If G = GC (no government investment), then BD = -SG.
  • National Saving (SN): SN = SP + SG

6. Stocks and Flows: Savings, Wealth, Deficits, Debt

It’s crucial to distinguish between stocks and flows:

  • Flows: Measured over a period of time (e.g., per year). Examples include Income, Saving, Budget Deficit.
  • Stocks: Measured at a specific point in time. Examples include Wealth, Government Debt.

Flows indicate how quickly related stocks are changing.

Savings and Wealth

  • Private Saving (SP) is a flow that adds to private wealth (a stock).
  • SP isn’t a perfect measure of the change in wealth because it excludes capital gains or losses on existing assets.
  • Net Saving = Gross Saving – Depreciation of the country’s physical capital stock.

Deficits and Debt

  • The Budget Deficit (a flow) increases Government Debt (a stock). A budget surplus decreases it.
  • Gross Debt: Total amount of debt issued by the government.
  • Net Debt: Government debt held by the public (outside of government agencies and the central bank).
  • Gross Debt = Net Debt + Debt held by Government entities.
  • Net Debt represents a liability to the public; not all Gross Debt is a net liability for the government sector as a whole.

7. Government Debt-to-GNP Ratio Dynamics

A high or rapidly rising Government Debt-to-GNP ratio can signal fiscal problems and potentially trigger financial crises.

The change in the ratio can be expressed as:

Δ(Debt/GNP) ≈ (Primary Deficit/GNP) + (Debt/GNP) * (Interest Rate on Debt – GNP Growth Rate)

  • Primary Deficit = Budget Deficit – Interest Payments on Debt

If the ratio becomes too high, a country might enter a vicious cycle: worried creditors demand higher interest rates, which, if exceeding the economic growth rate, further increases the Debt/GNP ratio, potentially making it impossible to stabilize through primary surpluses alone.

Break-Even Primary Deficit

The level of the primary deficit that keeps the Debt/GNP ratio constant (Δ(Debt/GNP) = 0):

Break-Even Primary Deficit/GNP = (Debt/GNP) * (GNP Growth Rate – Interest Rate on Debt)

Steady-State Debt Ratio

If the primary deficit ratio and growth/interest rates are constant, the Debt/GNP ratio converges to:

Steady State (Debt/GNP) = (Primary Deficit/GNP) / (GNP Growth Rate – Interest Rate on Debt)

This implies that a country can run primary deficits and still be fiscally responsible, provided the economy grows faster than the interest rate on its debt.

8. Current Account and Sectoral Balances

Current Account (CA)

The Current Account (CA) is the broadest measure of a country’s international transactions.


Alternatively, it can be expressed as the difference between national income and national spending/transfers:

CA = GNP – (C + I + G + TRPF + TRGF)


  • CA > 0 (Surplus): Income exceeds spending & net giving. The country is lending to foreigners or acquiring foreign assets (improving its net international investment position).
  • CA < 0 (Deficit): Spending & net giving exceed income. The country is borrowing from foreigners or selling assets to them (deteriorating its net international investment position).

A CA deficit is not inherently bad; it depends on whether the excess spending (often investment) generates future income to service the acquired liabilities.

Sectoral Balance Equation

This fundamental identity links private saving, investment, the government budget, and the current account:

SP = I + BD + CA

This shows that Private Saving finances Domestic Investment (I), the Government Budget Deficit (BD), and Net Foreign Investment (CA).

Key Implications:

  • These four balances are intrinsically linked. A change in one must be matched by changes in one or more of the others.
  • For example, a higher Budget Deficit (BD) must be accompanied by higher Private Saving (SP), lower Domestic Investment (I), or a lower Current Account balance (CA, i.e., a larger deficit or smaller surplus).
  • However, correlation is not causation. For instance, policies to boost SP won’t automatically lead to higher I; the funds might finance a larger BD or CA instead.

Usefulness: Helps analyze policy impacts. E.g., Does a government deficit burden future generations? (Depends on whether I falls). Will a tax break to boost saving increase investment? (Depends if SP rises more than BD, assuming CA constant).

9. Real GDP and Inflation

Real GDP

Nominal GDP measures output using current prices. Real GDP adjusts nominal GDP for changes in the overall price level, providing a measure of the actual volume of goods and services produced.

Real GDP = Nominal GDP / (GDP Deflator / 100)

  • The GDP Deflator is a price index measuring the average price of all goods and services included in GDP.


Inflation is the rate of increase in the general price level.

  • Measured as the percentage change in a price index, typically the GDP Deflator or the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
  • Industries experiencing high productivity growth often see falling relative prices (e.g., computers).
  • Measuring inflation using the CPI can sometimes overstate the true increase in the cost of living because it uses a fixed basket and doesn’t fully account for consumers shifting consumption away from goods whose relative prices increase (substitution bias).

10. Real and Nominal Interest Rates

Actual Returns

  • Nominal Interest Rate (i): The rate at which the nominal value of an asset increases over time (rate of money transfer across time). Bond prices and nominal interest rates move inversely.
  • Real Interest Rate (r): The rate at which the real value (purchasing power) of an asset increases over time (rate of goods transfer across time).
  • Fisher Equation (Actual): i ≈ r + π (where π is the actual inflation rate)
  • Or: r ≈ i – π

Expected Returns

Decisions are often based on expectations about the future.

  • Expected Nominal Interest Rate (ie): The anticipated nominal return.
  • Expected Real Interest Rate (re): The anticipated real return.
  • Fisher Equation (Expected): ie ≈ re + πe (where πe is the expected inflation rate)
  • Or: re ≈ ie – πe

Measuring Expected Inflation (πe)

  • Surveys of consumers and forecasters.
  • Economic models linking inflation to fundamentals (e.g., money growth, output gaps).
  • Using past inflation, possibly augmented with other indicators.
  • Analyzing the spread between yields on nominal bonds and inflation-indexed bonds (e.g., TIPS).

Key Point: The expected real interest rate (re) represents the expected relative price of consumption today versus consumption tomorrow. A higher re means consuming today is expected to be relatively more expensive in terms of future consumption foregone.