Natural vs Man-Made Disasters: Impact, Response, and Management

Natural vs Man-Made Disasters: Impact, Response, and Management
-Natural Disaster>> Man madeNatural Example: Bubonic Plague (Yersinia Pestis)Man Made: Chernobyl
-Today there is a Weaving Of Man Made & Natural Disaster —-> Smallpox reemergence/Disease outbreak due to Rapid Travel Ability!
Disaster Med Definition:
^^Disaster Def:

-”Bad Star ” in Greek
-Serious disruption of SocietyFunction, Causing Widespread human /Material orenvironmentalLoss, Exceeding theabilityofSocietyto cope with only its own resources!
—–>High # of dead and Injured so much thatHealthsystem Cannot Handle it!Overwhelmingthe infrastructure!

^^Disaster Medicine :

-Prevention/ Reduction /Mitigationof The Effect Of disaster effect on Health
-Provide Appropriate Tx For Affected-Restoration of Health Services!-Needs Diff Approach from ER medicine because of Big

^^Mass Casualties Incident(MCI):
-When ER medical Servicesoverwhelmedby # of Casualties!
-When 2 ER crew Respondtoaccident where 3peopleare affected

Natural Disaster:

Naturaldisaster :Medical Sta can be Trapped(hurricane /

-Manmade :Explosionwith lots ofinjuries!
1- Complexity ofServices:
hospitalwill not only provide health care but also Hotels/ labs/ Ret/storehouse!
2-Dependence on lifeline:Need for Water/Sewer/Power/Medical Gases/Communication!3-Hazardous Materials:
Toxic inhospitals
4- Dangerous Objects:
Heavy medicalEquipments/Storage shelves

Hospital Disaster Prepare:

-if Hospital services fail during disaster—>hospital WillFaill

1-Incident Commandership:

OprganizApproach insidehospital

2-ER Operation Center:Command post for operation during ER!

3-Exercise/Drills & Trainings:
only through exercise the plane instressfulsituation!

4-EssentialSerives& Facility engineering:

every hospital is Recommended:-Power generator for 3-4 Days-Water supply 3-4 days

-medical gases insecurelocation

-Configure heating-ventilation -air-Fuel for 3-4 days!5- Physical security:-security forces for protection!


6-Food Services for 3-4 days!
7- Disaster supplies
8-Triage system

Role of Prehospital ER In mass Casualties Incident:

-Service thattakepart in the Rescue organization of thepeopleinvolved in the incident awelas securing the Areas where mass casualtiesoccurs!

1- Certified first responder:

assiswith Pts Care/ Triage/ x and transport from thescnee!

2-Paramedic and EMT:-have lead in pts care as assigned by the medical officer!

3-Land ambulances:Tranportptsnadpersonal from incident to ERderpatment/and Helipad!

4-Air ambulance:Helipad to Hospital

InitialRescue related operation as firesuppresionand prevention!

6-Polic officer:

Securehe sceneand ensureauthoriedpeople access

7-Utility service:

utitliestoareaareturneddof asneccto prevent further injury!

8-HazMa team:

Clean & Neutralize hazardous materials! at thescnee


Effect of Disaster on hospitals:

Naturaldisaster :Medical Sta can be Trapped(
hurricane /earthquake)

-ManMade :Explosionwith lots ofinjruies!
1- Complexity ofCervies:
hospitalwill not only provide health care but also Hotels/ labs/ Ret/storehouse!
2-Dependence on lifeline:Need for Water/Sewer/Power/Medical Gases/Communication!3-Hazardous Materials:
Toxic inhsptials
4- Dangerous Objects:
Heavy medicalEquipments/Storage shelves

Hospital Disaster Prepare:

-if Hospital services fail during disaster—>hospital WillFaill

1-Incident Commandership:

OprganizApproach insidehospital

2-ER Operation Center:Command post for operation during ER!

3-Exercise/Drills & Trainings:
only through exercise the plane instressfulsituation!

4-EssentialSerives& Facility engineering:

every hospital is Recommended:-Power generator for 3-4 Days-Water supply 3-4 days

-medical gases insecurelocation

-Configure heating-ventilation -air-Fuel for 3-4 days!5- Physical security:-security forces for protection!


6-Food Services for 3-4 days!
7- Disaster supplies
8-Triage system

Role of Prehospital ER In mass Casualties Incident:

-Service thattakepart in the Rescue organization of thepepleinvolved in the incident awelas securing the Areas where mass casualtiesoccurs!

1- Certified first responder:

assiswith Pts Care/ Triage/ x and transport from thescnee!

2-Paramedic and EMT:-have lead in pts care as assigned by the medical officer!

3-Land ambulances:Tranportptsnadpersonal from incident to ERderpatment/and Helipad!

4-Air ambulance:Helipad to Hospital

InitialRescue related operation as firesuppresionand prevention!

6-Polic officer:

Securehe sceneand ensureauthoriedpeople access

7-Utility service:

utitliestoareaareturneddof asneccto prevent further injury!

8-HazMa team:

Clean & Neutralize hazardous materials! at thescnee


Effect of Disaster on hospitals:

Naturaldisaster :Medical Sta can be Trapped(
hurricane /earthquake)

-ManMade :Explosionwith lots ofinjruies!
1- Complexity ofCervies:
hospitalwill not only provide health care but also Hotels/ labs/ Ret/storehouse!
2-Dependence on lifeline:Need for Water/Sewer/Power/Medical Gases/Communication!3-Hazardous Materials:
Toxic inhsptials
4- Dangerous Objects:
Heavy medicalEquipments/Storage shelves

Hospital Disaster Prepare:
-if Hospital services fail during disaster—>hospital WillFaill

1-Incident Commandership:
OprganizApproach insidehospital

2-ER Operation Center:Command post for operation during ER!
3-Exercise/Drills & Trainings:
only through exercise the plane in stressful situation!

4-Essential Serives & Facility engineering:
every hospital is Recommended:-Power generator for 3-4 Days-Water supply 3-4 days
-medical gases in secure location
-Configure  heating-ventilation -air-Fuel for 3-4 days!
5- Physical security:-security forces for protection!
-on entrnaces

6-Food Services for 3-4 days!
7- Disaster supplies
8-Triage system

***Role of Prehospital Medical serves in Accident Site:
^^EMS(emergent medical Services)
-for out-of-hosptial Acute medical Care
-To Transport To Def Care of Pts with injurie/illness
-provide Tx of urgent medical care/carry the pts to next Destination where he will be provided for ER / hospital
-Main unction : Preserve Life/ Prevent urther Injury/Promote Recovery!

^^6 Stages of High Quality Prehospital Care
1-Early Detection: finding the incident
2-Early Reporting: First person on scene makes the call
3-Early Response: First EMS arrive
4-Good on-Scene Care: appropriate& timel intervention
5-Care in Transit:
6-Trasnfer to efinitve care: To ER /Hospital!

Basic Life supportAdvanced Life support!

***Public health in disaster:-Seek to mitigate hazards such as explosion/ chemical/Natural Disaster
-Reducing Vulnerability of Infrastructure!(WEak infrastructure/resources/personal)

Mitigation: Recognize risk + vunerabilieis And then act to Reduce them!

^^Public health:
-training and development of staff , ID and classify Public health Resources!
-Development of Standard operating Procedure 
-ER plans and communications plans
Later(in case of Event):
public health agencies must ID what resouces may be availabe to assits in restoring the condition as well as address the physical & emotional affected population!

***General Principle of Triage***
Process of Determination of Pts Tx perioirty! Based on  Condition!
-Order & priority of ER 
^^Simple Triage:
-”in Mass Casuality Incident”
-Sort pts to Hospital & those who need less serious attention-Done before transportation is available!
^^S.T.A.R.T Model:-Simple triage & Rapid Tx-Injured people into 4 Groups:1-Expectant Who are Beyond Help!2-Inured who can be helped by immediate transport
3-Injired who trasnport can be delayed
4-Minor Injuryies , less urgent Tx

^^Advanced Triage:
-used when meical Resources are not sufficient
-Doctor May decide some serious injury should not recivece adavanced Care because they are unliekly to survive!
-Advanced care used of less severe injuries!
-Diverts scace resources toward Pts with higher chace of survival!
-used with Triage Revised Trauma(TRTS)& Injury Severe Score(ISS)

***Triage at Accident Site:
first thign to do is Patient Assist Method(PAM)
-Establish Casuality Collection point( CCP) 
-Advice by yelling / Loudspeaker
 ” Any one needign assitance hsould move to this area”
—-> ID the Not so severly injuty From those who need immediate help!—->clears the scnee—–>provides possible assitant!

”Anyone who still needs assistance yell out of raise hands”
—-> ID the responsive Pt  but unable to move!
—–> now the responded can asses the one who are left which are either except or need immediate medical aid!

Deaf or peopel who became Partially deaf may not hear the instructions!

***PRinciples of Hospital Triage:-Assessment by hospital Triage Nurse!-Nurse will evaluate Pts condition!+ Determine Priority of admission!-Then the Pts might need to be referred to itnernal Triage system!

Triage physician will field request for admission from ER or transfer tha level of Care to another state
-Triage decision major factor :is available Bed Space!-the Triage teams needs to determine what beds are avialable ! and optimal utilization of resources to provide safe care for all pts
^^Surgical Team have their own Triage for trauma & General Surgery pts!same in NEurology and Neurosurgery!

***Main Cause of Hazmat Incidents:-Hazardous meterial Are solid/Liquid /Gas that cause harm to living organism! /property /enviroments-Causes are classified by ”WHERE/ WHY / HOW ”
where those material are stored & manipulated with :
1- Research and development2- site of manufacture 3-Storage Sites(manufacture)
5-Storage(site of Use)6-Site of Use
7-Disporal of waste products!

^^HazMat Behavior:
inciden occur because of one or mroe of the following events:
1-Human error2-enviroment Condition3- Contaier Failure4-Equipement Fialure

***Route of Exposure to hazardous Chemicals
^^ 3 Main mechnaism of hard in chemical ER:1-Flammability- Causing Thermal Injury!2- reactivity : Rapdi release of energy3-Health effect: Affect Body function
–> Injuries are complicated by toxic properties of chemicals!

^^How humans can be exposed:1-Inhlation2-absorption3-ingestions4-injections!

***Principles of  Decontamination:
^^Def:-Reducing & Preventing the Spread of Contaminants A Hazardous Material!

^^Physical Decontamination:-Physically removing the contaminant from person/pbject!-includes: Dulution/ Brushing Scalping/Absroption!

^^chemical Decontamination:
-Reducing threat from Contmainant by making it less harmdu via chemical Change!-Techniques include:1-Chemical degradation :degradation afent to alter the chemical structure of hazardous material 2-Neuralziation :-of Acid or casticto corrosive Liquid still PH Related-Seeking to make it more neutral3- Solidiciation:Binding the contaminant to another Object & Encapsulating it!4-Disinfection:Inctivate / Kill the pathogenic Microganism!(never assume 100% efectivity)5-Sterlization :Destory all Microrganism or an object( steam/ Concetrated chemical Agent/ UV light)—>Decontamination needs to be exceduted  at ” Decontamination coridor”  between the”Hot Zone”( most hazerfous”) And ”Cold Zone” ( Non Hazardous)  passing through ”Warm Zone” of fominished hazard!”clean End” ”Dirty End”—>”DC corridor ” Needs to be controlled ot Prevent the Spread!

^^Material to help DC:
1-+ve & -ve Pressure rooms:+ve Pressure outside & -ve pressure inside To prevent Contamination!
2-Fixed Ventilation Sustem:
3-Safety Showed (30-50 Gallon/min4-Eyewash Fountain !

^^Extra note:-pts should be fully DC before taken to hospitals!-Staff should be notified about Contamination
-Pts wrapped in disposable fabric bas to prevent the spread 
-fatalities should not be handled with same DC procedure!

***Radiation Accidents, Principle of medical engagements:

^^Radiation accident:
-Due to the problem with nuclear reactor / industrial /medial sources

1-External Exposure accident :
-Source idstant ot proximal to the body
-Once you distance yourself the Radiation stops2- Contamination accident:
-a person is contaminated with radioactive material
threat continues till the mateiral is removed from them
contamination can spread from 1 part of the body to others!

^^ Medical Managments:
-Conventional injuries Must be Treated First
-Radiation is Not a Life threatenign medical ER
-Pts from traunatic blast /radation injury need to be Resusicitated& Stabilized!
-Airway/Breathing/ ciculation alaways priority!
These Pts needs psecialized Tx
-Doc : Hematology/oncoloty/radiation / Infectious disease!
-Knowledge of istopes & Forms
1-Reduction of absotpion(Preussia blie)
2-Dilution (Forcefluids)
3-blockage(K Iodid)
4-Displacement nonradioactive maeiral
5-Mobilization for elimination rom tissue(Ammonium chloride)
6-Chelation(Ca-DTPA & Zn-DTPA)

-pts with full body low Radation may develop GI Sx and need aniemetics !

-Alpha-emmiting radioactive isotopes are excised!

^^specific managment:
-Sx Tx are needed for shock & Hypoxia!
-sedatives for seizures!(Lorazepam 2 mg IV)-Antiemetic 
(Metroclopramide 10-20 mg IV 4-6 H)
antidiahreal agnets
Koalin/pectin 30-60 ml)
-No Tx for cerebrovascular Syndrome (Fatal)
-GI syndrome with aggressive Fluid resuscitation & electrolyte replacment
Hematopotic syndrome:
—>Blood products & Transfusion to tx Anemia & T penia
—-> Hemapoteic GF!(GCSF & GMCSF)
—-> borad Ax for Neutropenia!

-Radiation >4 G DM recovery is poor-Stem Cell Transplant >7-10 G
Radation can cause sores& ulcers tha need skin grafting!

***Acute radiation Syndrome:

-occur if enough cell are affected by radation becoem damaged & Die!
Or if killed cell are essential for Human Survivial!
-BM and Intestinal mucosa are most (S) to Radiation !
Non lethal Radiation doses can cause some cell to undergo maliganat transformation

^^ARS :
major threat of Lige after Exposure to major Radiation Dose
-Occurs when the entire body is exposed to large penetration dose for small period
-3 Classic syndrome:
I-BM / Hematopotetic Syndrome:
-Dose >2 Sv-BM destruction produces Pancytopenia!
—> icnrease infection chnance+ Clotting problems
-Dose >6 Sc
-Cell Death and lsoughing of intestinal mucosa 
—-> N+V And diahrea!
III-cardioascular+ CNS Syndrome:-Dosease >20 sc-NV+ ataxia + Convulsion!-Cause is Microvascular leak of CNS—-> Edema—> intracranial pressure

^^Phases of ARS:
1-Prodromal phase:-Within hours up to 2 Days!
-Sx:Anorexia/ N+V/ Dihrea/Fever/ atigue!
2-Latent Phase:-Pts is Asx-up to 3 W3- Illness phase:
-over manigestation infection due to Leukopenia from T penia
-Diahrea!-Altered mental status-Shock!
4- Death /Revoery Phase : Weeks—> Months!
-Remembered the Rapid dividing Cell are affected the First & Most!

***Chemical DC:
-Reducing threat from Contmainant by making it less harmdu via chemical Change!-Techniques include:1-Chemical degradation :degradation afent to alter the chemical structure of hazardous material 2-Neuralziation :-of Acid or casticto corrosive Liquid still PH Related-Seeking to make it more neutral3- Solidiciation:Binding the contaminant to another Object & Encapsulating it!4-Disinfection:Inctivate / Kill the pathogenic Microganism!(never assume 100% efectivity)5-Sterlization :Destory all Microrganism or an object( steam/ Concetrated chemical Agent/ UV light)—>Decontamination needs to be exceduted  at ” Decontamination coridor”  between the”Hot Zone”( most hazerfous”) And ”Cold Zone” ( Non Hazardous)  passing through ”Warm Zone” of fominished hazard!”clean End” ”Dirty End”—>”DC corridor ” Needs to be controlled ot Prevent the Spread!

***Chemical Accidents: Principles of medical Tx:

-Can be caused by environmental/industria/terrosit sources!
-Priority is ” Scene Safety” &”Staff protection” For ER and first responders@@

^^industrial chemical Disaser:
Spill of toxic Chamical that casue serious disruption to Society fnciton & Safety & Causing widespread Human & Material Losses!

^^Detection & Management o consequences:
1- Rapid assesment
2- Scene control & parameter Establishment3- product ID
4-Preentry examination
5-Entry planning and equipment
6-Victim rescue from release area
7-contain the spill8-Neutralize the spill9-DC the victims10-Medical care& antidotes11-Transport12- Clean up Delegation
^^Medical Tx:
-Toxins can be categorized into 14 basics categoies
-Some have natidotes but most involve supportive therapy!
Burns and trauma:(Corrosives, vesicants, explosives, oxidants,)
(incendiaries, radiologics)
Intravenous fluid and suppliesPain medicationsPulmonary productsSplints and bandages
Respiratory FailureCorrosives, military agents, explosives,oxidants, incendiaries, asphyxiants, irritants,pharmaceuticals, metalsPulmonary productsVentilators and suppliesAntidotes (when available)Tranquilizing medications
Cardiovascular Shock
Pesticides, asphyxiants,pharmaceuticals
Intravenous fluids and suppliesCardiovascular productsAntidotes (when available)
Neurologic Toxicity
Pesticides, pharmaceuticals, radiologics
Antidotes (when available)

***Radiation DC:
4 Categories of DC are Generally recognized:
1- Personal DC(onself)
2- Casualty DC(pts casualities)
3- Personnel DC(of workers not pts)
4- Mechanical DC(removal of Radioacitve material)

-Rad DC is not ER
-goal to Remove all gross Radioactive debree from Body surface!
^^Hospital DC:-Prevent /minimize Radiological contmaination-DC area outside the Hospital-Control of pts & staff is imp-People/equip leaving the Contaminated Area must be radiology monitered!to make ure its clean
^^Pts DC :-from cloth/Exposed Skin/Hair-Doen under supervision of med personal!-Moist cottonsab of nasal Mucosa!-0.5% NaHypochloride can be used to remove cotnamiantion from Skin-Ringers Solution—->inwounds ,abdomen , Chest!
-Water /Normal Saline—–>Eye Wash!
-Change Contiamined tourniques with clean ones!
-Wounds shoudl be covered to prevent skin contmaination

^^Wound DC:
-During initial DC badages shoudl be emoval and wound Flushed!
contmainated Mateiral should be Removal
-After DC of wound if shoudl be irrigated with Saline/physiological solution!
-If Radioactive Contaminants requires specialzied surgical Tc

^^MEchanical DC:
-Washing/rising with water
-Wash with Detergent solution!
-Applying protective Coating of paint over the contaminated area
Remove top layer of contamined Soid
-Complexing agent Solution

***Explosives: Principle of Medical Management:

-Exothermic Rxn generated by triggering a Rapid Chemical conversation of solid /liq to gas
Blast causes overpressure due to gas expansion Creating”Underpessure ”Vaccum

^^clinical Spectrum of Blast:
1-Primary blast injury :
Direct result of Overpressure
-Damal intrnal organs by direct condution of forces
2-Secondary blast injuries:
accelated object due to explosion(peices of debree)
-which cause blunt /penetrating injury
3- teriary Blast Injury :
-From decelatation forces after victim body is set in motion
(sricking variosu surroudnign objects)
4- Musclleanous Blast Injury :-Thermal/chemical/Inhalation exposure/Crush Trauma
^^Principle of medical Management:
I-ABCDE Pririty
II-Auditory injury:
-Otologicassament and audiometry !
-Complication of perilymph Fisula should be auditory PBI rquiring Prompt surgical Tx 
-Cholesteatoma may be late complication (12-48 M) of TM perforation
III-thoracic injury:-blast Lung Injury(BLI)-Pul hemmorhage/edema/ Alveolar disruption
Prognosi can be improved with aggressive Tx
-BLI involves destruction of alveolar Tree
-Chest Xray is a Must!
-Managed same way as pulmonary contusion!
-needs more observation-needs+ve pressure/ventilation /positive Exp pressure!-Avoid pul Complication strategies:
1-Permssive hypercapnia+reduction of tidal volume
2-Intemmitent Mechnical vnetilation & contnous +ve airway pressure!
3-Prophylaxis insetion of chest Tube!
IV-CVS injury!:
-Fluid amdinistration (including Blood products)
for Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation
-invasive monitering to guide therpa often Necc
-Colloid Solution often best for ResuscitationV-Abd Injury:
May be Hard due to Avute injury!
-Need Abd CT/ US / Peritneal Lavage!—> evelaute intestinal PBI 
-Colonoscopy has been sggest to moniter LI Contusion!
(Risk of Perforation so Not always used)
VI-musculoskeltal/Extremity Injuty:
-due to 2nd=3rd Blast injury!
-Traumatic amputations in blast
-Treat penetrating wound in aggressive fashion with early expolorationDebridgment, & Delayed primary closure!
Conservate Approach may be used  with Appropriate Ax Coverage!
-Tetanus Immunization addressed-Primary closure increase Risk o Infection!
this is why we prefered Delayedclosure!
VII-CNS injury:
-Sx:headache/Vertigo/ataia/alt mental Status
—> Immediate O2 Administration is reuired!
-Expeditious Adm of Hyperbaric Oxygen may be helpful-Left Lateral Decubitus position to avoid complication-PTSF may have Organic basis

***Common psychological Response to Disaster!:

Phase One ” Prempact
-Before Event Takes Place
Stressor is”Worry”
Response is Normal—>anxiety

Phase two”Impact phase”
-Disaster is occuring
-Some peopel remain calm & organzied
-Some Disoganized/Confused!
-Many serious coping difficulty!

Phae 3 ” Post impact phase”:
-Emotional Rxns Vary
-feeling of self-Conciousness
-emotional lability & numbnes

^^Victim of Disaster:
1-Primarycasualties:Physcialinjury / Acute psychological Consequence!
2-Secodnary:affectedrelactives& Friends of Primary casualties!
3-Teriary:RescuaWorkers & Healthcare providers!

^^Psychological Sx:
-apathy-Anx-Denial-helplessness-Jk-Insomnia-Mild Confusion-Mood swing-Terror

^^Psychopathological features related to Trauma:
-PTSD!-Substance abuse!
****Dx criteria of postraumatic Stress disorder:
-PTSD is a response to catastophy!
-When Pts reexperiences the Trauma Avoid reminder of the Events!^^Dx and DMS IV:
1-Having witness a truamtic Even
2-Persisitent Reexperiening og the event( dreams, Falshbacks)
3-Avoidnce of stimuli associated with event!
4-Numbing of responsivness( limited range of affect)
5-Persitant Sx of increased arousal6-Sx  Must be present for at least 1M and cause significant impairment or stress!***Principle of Critical Incident Stress Management!
-CISD is used as an intervention after a traumatic event!
-a group session facilitated by mental health proessional!
-During Session participant recount exp and express Fear and concenrs While facilitators aknowledge them!
-CISD goal to to normalize the Crises experience and develop a Coping mechanism!
-last 1.5-3 hours  period 2-14 Days!
^^Components of CISM system:
1-Pre-crises intervetion
-ID those at risk of psychological Trauma nadot inform them!
-Education-stress (R)
-Crisis Mitgiation
2-Crises intervention-Demobilization-staff consultation
Goal:allow Psychological decompression and provide opportunity for stres management!
allow Sx mitigationand give opportunity for closure!
-small group discussion held withing 12 hours of critical inident!
4-Adoementioned CISD:a severe phase small group discussion
P1 :introduciton of Teams)
(P2 : Fact phase , members describe their role )
(P3 : thought phase,Explore their htoughts that occured during event)
(P4:Reactionphase,allow people to express their emotional rxn)
(P5 :symptomnPhase : Explore physical & emotional Sx)
(P6 : Teaching phase :Debreifing the teams)
(P7 : Re-entry phase: meeting is summarized)

CISD takes 2 Hours for 1-14 days!
^^CISD components:
-Individual Crises intervention (5 components)
-Pastoral crises Intervention ( 6th component)
-Family/Organzied CISM( 7th component)
-Follow up(8th component)