Nazari Art and Architecture: Influences and Characteristics

Nazari Art and Architecture: A Blend of Influences

These influences are mixed with great creativity, combined with foreign influences. Another influence is Christianity, which manifests with Gothic and Moorish elements.

There are no cultural boundaries, only political ones.

Key Features of Nazari Art

Artistic Characteristics

Art is limited by the economic level, but is of great wealth, creativity, and high uptake.

  • Noted for its large proportional harmony in architecture as well as ornamental details.
  • The use of less expensive, more affordable materials, covered by a decorative skin that creates effects of gentrification.

Column Support

The key is the column support. They are slender, cylindrical shafts of marble, and at the top, have the stem girdling.

  • The capital comes from Almohad formulas, but with its own personality. The lower part is an extension of the shaft, with tape rolling in relief. The top, which is the most developed, is parallelepiped shaped, concentrating the decoration which can vary from being vegetal, epigraphic, or stalactite.


  • Arches are a prototype of the above. Stresses the angrelado referring to the decor to be internally decorated with small scallops. Sometimes we see stalactite arches.
  • Use in the porches of sequences of arcs, having a big one at the center and smaller at the sides (3, 5, or 7 in total) giving symmetry, harmony, and balance to the composition in the provision.


  • Cloth sebka heirs of the Almoravids. Murals cover walls.
  • Mocárabe: element that thrives in all places.
  • His demonstration in plaster domes are spectacular.
  • Many areas will be covered by wooden trusses, building in a contemporary way to Mudejar.
  • Inside the rooms, you choose to divide the walls into records. Baseboards or incrusted, will be plaster or stucco painted ceramic tiles.

The architecture is primarily military and palatial (i.e., civil).

They also built mosques, but there are not many remains.

The Alhambra: A Masterpiece of Nazari Art

A compendium of Nazari art buildings.

It goes beyond the scope of Andalusian buildings and is one of the most important and best-preserved. It’s in connection with the Generalife.

This palace is a brilliant epilogue of Hispano art.

Time when the political and economic situation is very difficult.

Materials are expensive, fragile, and easily accessible and very well preserved thanks to never quitting and always has been busy. After the Conquest, the palace becomes a Christian one.

It is largely the result of the restorations. The Alhambra today is the result of a series of buildings that will be performed at different times, leaving constructed or renovated each of the monarchs his mark on them.

Has within the Palace of Charles V, dating from the sixteenth century. This building was assessed as a hallmark of Christian power over what is about Islam. Another reading is incorporated or to add your building to its predecessors.

Ways and Architecture Concepts

Spatial partitioning predominates as in Byzantium.

The visitor discovers gradually spaces, since it searches the element of surprise, thinking of the ambassadors, and to the delight of its inhabitants.

It is one of the architectures in which we find interior and exterior are juxtaposed without boundaries patios, farms, gardens … being their constant presence of water and vegetation and that evoke the oasis.

They are very sophisticated places with water flowing, murmuring, and serves as a mirror to architecture as part of doubling the facade aesthetics.

How to delight the eye and the nose for fruit production.

The interior of the rooms will be decorated from floor to ceiling, reaching the horror vacui.