Neologisms, Dialects, and Literary Movements


A neologism is a newly created term. It was created by language rules for creating or manipulating words into another language and integrated into the arrival of a new language. It is also a term that incorporates the enriching of a tongue without moving it anywhere else.

  • Hardware: maquinari
  • Ranking: rànquing
  • Sandwich: sandvitx
  • Password: contrasenya
  • Stress: estrès
  • Poker: pòquer
  • Software: programari
  • Interview: entrevista
  • Pack: paquet
  • Parking: aparcament
  • Online: en línia
  • Holding: grup d’empreses


A dialect is a geographic variety of a language, i.e., how it is spoken based on the origin of the speaker, and it is as correct as any other variety. All languages have dialects.


  • Constituent: Those that have evolved along with the language since its birth, for example, Northern, Central, and North-Western.
  • Consecutive: Those that evolved as a consequence of the language being exported to other territories. In our language, it would be the Balearic Islands, Valencia, and English.

Realistic Fiction

Realism was a literary and pictorial movement that arose in the 1830s, representing a counter to Romantic melancholy, longing, and subjectivity. It tried to portray, objectively and with the highest possible fidelity, the environments and characters contemporary to the readers.


The aim is to record its existence from a geography and characters typical of a given moment in history, a response to the transformations that society suffered from industrialization and the change from rural life to urban life, in defense of customs and traditions. The literary demonstration of Costumbrismo was the “Cuadro de Costumbres,” which had an argument itself but centered around thoroughness in portraying everyday scenes and typical characters, which is often repeated.


The realists tried to reach total reality and reflect it as objectively as possible. We can find all aspects of life: beauty, goodness, evil, etc. Because this reality was intended to reflect the time in which they lived, realistic works also present social criticism, after all the social and economic changes of industrialization that had occurred. The most cultivated genre was the novel.


The naturalist novel was a step beyond realism. It has its origins in the theory of determinism, which states that man does not have, nor will he have, his own freedom to change the destiny that is already decided when he is born, due to the natural and social environment in which he lives and his genetic inheritance. Émile Zola proposed an experimental novel based on the steps followed by a scientific theory: data collection, formulation of a hypothesis, and testing the results of the hypothesis.

Coordinating Conjunctions

  • Copulative: i, ni (and, nor)
  • Adversative: però, sinó (but, but rather)
  • Disjunctive: o (or)
  • Distributive: ara (now)
  • Illative: per tant (therefore)
  • Continuative: i encara (and yet)
  • Explanatory: és a dir (i.e.)


  • Anzuelo: ham (hook)
  • Huevo: ou (egg)
  • Hoisting: botavara (boom)
  • Cohete: coet (rocket)
  • Bone: os (bone)
  • Wireless Protocols: Truà
  • Peanut: cacauet (peanut)
  • Winter: hivern (winter)
  • Orphan: orfe (orphan)
  • Horchata: orxata (horchata)
  • Harmony: harmonia (harmony)
  • Huesca: Osca (Huesca)