New Imaging Technologies & Advertising in the Media

ITEM 3: New Imaging Technologies

1. The Technology of Television

1.1 The Process

It consists of communication between the transmitter (TV channel) and the receiver (audience). The issuer will make a post in the interest of the receiver.

2. The Technology of Television

2.1 The Camera


Optical System: Similar to photography, it captures images = objective + lens. Prepare the image and sends it to the electrical system.

Electronic System: Light-sensitive system (CHIP). Transforms light pulses into electrical signals.

  1. Analyzes the light (greater or lesser extent) by the cathode-ray tube.
  2. For color recording, it uses a triple tube (three basic colors: blue/green/red).

Electrical signals are recorded on tape or broadcast. Scanning is the process for converting light pulses into electronic pulses. The beam travels a square by 625 lines.

3. Digital Technology

3.1 Signal Step

Based on numerical values. (Similar to data processing) 0-000, 1-0001, 2-0011, 3-0010…

3.2 Binary Code

Decoding by laser scanning. Translation of code into music, sound, image, text…

3.3 Transmission Channels

  • No interference (electromagnetic signal edge).
  • Maintains full amount during transmission.
  • More information quantity (per channel) for compressed blocks, MPEG, JPEG…
  • You can use multiple signals of different nature (always reduced to numeric code).
  • Draw fiber-satellites.

4. Audiovisual Applied to Information

4.1 Digital Technology

  • Applications to all stages of audio-visual.
  • Recording-editing-reproduction.
  • With the intervention of a computer program.
  • Process of scanned image: any image captures physical (people, objects, texts) 2D, 3D.

4.2 Recording Media

  • Scanner-monitor computer.
  • Chamber TV-monitor.

4.3 Edition

  • Impairment.
  • Creating 2D, 3D motion – graphics (recreation of computer images).
  • Characters virtual / objects / scenarios (cinefantástico).

4.4 Reproduction

  • TV high definition (from 625-1125 lines).
  • Increased size.
  • Different display formats.
  • Stereo.

5. Internet

5.1 TV-Computer Interaction

Consequences: mass access to information.

5.2 Large Increase in the Media (TV) in Society

Huge development of the entertainment industry (TV-film).

5.3 The TV Channels

  • Do not depend on the events (stars, fashion…).
  • The strings create the stars and events.
  • Skip qualitative mass culture (dual society).

6. Multimedia Applications

6.1 Multimedia

  • It is the integration of multiple sources, content, and channels.
  • You can change at any one time different networks, supports, services, and content.

6.2 Functional Diagram

  • We integrate, combine, interact.
  • Supports: text, sound, still image, moving image.
  • Networks: digital line, satellite.
  • Services: TV, telephone, internet.
  • Contents: entertainment, reception, transmission, information, access, services, communications.

6.3 Applications

  • Education.
  • Economy: increased productivity, cost savings, accelerated processes.
  • Jobs: Home Office (offshoring), flex time, cost and time savings.
  • Business: access to the global economy (immediate, virtual contacts, trade in the immediate, virtual contacts, trade on the net).
  • Information: databases, digital media, digital transmission, multi-network channels, cable/satellite/internet.
  • Virtual Books.

Topic 2: Advertising

1. Advertising

1.1 General Economic Factors

  • It falls under the basic mechanism of the market.
  • It is a basic component of a product’s costs (up to 50% of final value).

1.2 Media Society

  • We live in the media village (Radio, TV, internet…).
  • It is a global village, connected by direct information.
  • We only buy what we know.

1.3 Advertising

  • It is in itself an important economic sector.
  • The undertaking of advertising moves billions of euros.

2. The Elements of Advertising

2.1 Advertising Agencies

  • Develop the advertisement.
  • They own the creative sector: expert alternately.
  • Has its own rules and technical resources (shared with the film-TV).

2.2 Basic Scope

Helps to sell a product. Work for:

  • Private companies: sell goods or services.
  • Public: information services (finance, social security…), encouraging social behavior: traffic (safe driving), elections (voting is a right).

2.3 The Ad Campaign

  • Each product requires a different campaign.
  • The creative team develops the kind of campaign.
  • Function of:
    • The budget.
    • The media: TV, radio, newspapers, internet…
  • Draw:
    • The target, the target audience (potential consumers).
    • The area of coverage.
    • The repetition rate.
  • Make:
    • The script.
    • The aesthetics.
    • The shooting.

3. The Advertisement

3.1 Contents

  • Straightforward message: to offer a product that covers real needs (food, medicine…). It normally uses a direct message.
  • Subliminal message: When you offer optional products to meet desires (perfumes, vacations, clothes…). You can use a subliminal message intended to motivate irrationally. Subliminal content: it is a call to the subconscious. Perception of a stimulus when the subject becomes aware of that because of the low speed or intensity with which they are offered.

3.2 The Psychology of the Message

  • Advertising gives or strengthens life patterns, habits of behavior attributed to an aesthetic (‘be different, alternative, break with the usual’), (designed according to types of clients interested).
  • The psychology of the receiver is used to sell products. Social prestige (cars), sexual acceptance. Social prestige + impulsivity = young / brands (Nike).
  • In young people: the need for communication (digital telephony takes up half the magazine ads for adolescents under 16 years), desire for maturity (copy adult behavior), image and impulsivity (social acceptance) brands.

3.3 The Mark (Brand Factor)

  1. It is a sign system that represents a product known and accepted socially.
  2. The brand is an encouraging sign because it stimulates the receptor. Enter the recipient’s psychological system (mechanistic associations of ideas).
  3. The brand proposes and promotes qualified products. Provides identity and individuality of the product. Increases its value in relation to non-branded products.

4. Advertising and the Media

The media (press, radio, TV) need the income from advertising as it is their primary source of income.

5. The Press

5.1 Features

  • For the vast majority, it is the most respected.
  • The second-place ranking by volume of business advertising.
  • Credibility: the reader has a relationship with their paper acceptance (device to believe and accept what it is said).

5.2 Advertising in the Press

  • The advertising revenue comes from sales and advertising.
  • The trend of advertising in this medium is decreasing. The new option is the digital newspapers and free.
  • The more sales, the more advertising, the more total revenue.

6. The Radio

  • The radio is a medium that is characterized by its immediacy (the first to break the news).
  • Occupies the fourth-place ranking in the advertising business volume.

6.1 Advantages

  • The environment is now individual consumer and the person chooses the time, place, the station, and how to listen to the radio.
  • Demographic and psychological segmentation: which programming is to segment the audience.
  • Low cost: both the production of the advertising message as the rates of the medium.

6.2 Disadvantages

  • Impact limited: the message is volatile.
  • It is not visual: in the audiovisual society, it seems that when there is no picture and movement, something is not done.
  • Lack of expertise (other than music).

7. Television

  • It is the most widespread form of entertainment in the developed world.
  • This is the medium where they are most involved in advertising.
  • It is the leader in ad ranking by turnover.
  • The attraction to the visual.
  • The combination of light, movement, and sound before attracted the attention of many other stimuli.
  • Promote natural reflex to look to any stimulus that calls our attention (the drive ESOP). Achieves mass audiences compared to other media.

7.1 Advantages

  • Fast penetration, impact achieved in a short time.
  • Quality of the message:
    • The viewers can watch, listen, read the message that appears.
    • High level of audiovisual advertising production.

7.2 Disadvantages

  • Saturation advertising: there is too much advertising.
  • Doubts on effectiveness: zapping the commercial breaks.
  • Cost high.

7.3 Forms of Advertising Available to the Advertiser

Spot: usually 20 or 25 seconds placed in commercials.

Advertorial: announcement of one or three-minute advertisement broadcast in the block.

TV Sponsorships: The sponsorship is the most effective form of advertising and profitable market saturation and the great length of the spaces in strings.

Telepromotions: spaces dedicated to the promotion of a product.

Bartering: the advertiser exchanged with a television program produced by contrapresentacion exchange for advertising is a product placement in a series.

Overlays: inspection at the camera display.

7.4 The Hearing Key to Attracting the Public

The audience share is the percentage of hearing a string.

Specialized programming schedules of the type of public.

7.5 Prime Time

It is the prime time.