New School Movement: Principles and Critiques

New School Movement

Various reasons such as a growing scientific interest in the child and childhood, the spread of democratic ideas and the development of economic development and industrial processing technology, the development of pedagogy science, the growing interest in education as a means of improving society and the extension of education for girls. make that values education for development of nations, requiring diversify the methods and principles. It should be noted that the results of the 1st and 2nd world wars gave the world the view that education is the way for achieve peaceful coexistence among peoples. Thus arises IN the late nineteenth century as a powerful educational movement that is formed progressively as a reaction to the educational principles of the traditional school, which can be characterized by the following educational principles :, Magistrocentrismo: The teacher is the basis and precondition for the success of education. It is the teacher and guide. The discipline and punishment are considered essential. The punishment constantly encourages student progress.
Encyclopaedias: The class and collective life is organized, orderly and planned. The textbook is made outside the school and is the expression of this organization, order and schedule. Verbalism and Passivity: The teaching method is the same for all children and in all cases, the review is understood as the repetition of what the teacher just said, has a key role in this method. The best known history of EN are Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Herbart, Froebel and the School of Yasnaya Gaiter Tolstoy. 4. Ideology of the ESC NUE ideals that inspired the New School are synthesized in these seven principles of the International League Escuela.Nueva. 1.The main aim of all education is to prepare the child to preserve and enhance the spiritual energy 2. We must respect the child’s individuality and learning 3.The study of life, must give free rein to the child’s innate interests, which naturally aroused in him and which find expression in law enforcement activities manual intellectual, aesthetic, social or otros.4.Cada age has its own character. Personal and collective discipline should be organized by the children themselves in collaboration with teachers and should aim to strengthen the sense of individual and social responsibilities. 5.La selfish competition or competition in education should disappear and be replaced by cooperation, which teaches children to bring their individuality to serve the community. Coeducation 6.La excludes tax equal treatment to both sexes, but involves a partnership that allows each sex over the other free to exercise a salutary influence. New education prepares the child not only the future citizens capable of fulfilling his duties towards his duties towards his neighbor, his nation and humanity as a whole, but also human beings, aware of his human dignity. 5. THE ES. PROGRESSIVE LA PEDA DE Dewey NORTEAMEY 5.1 esc progressive: The protest against the traditional American school and disseminated by university professors has been adopted by public school teachers and professional associations in order to transform society through education. At the end of the 1st GM created the Progressive School Association, which was based on seven points:2.The course 1.Libertad to develop interest, motivation to work 3.A teacher, a guide, not a task master in scientific 4.estudio child’s progress 5.mayor attention to everything that affects the scientific development of 6.cooperaciĆ³n child’s progress between school and home school progressive leader in education movements. 5.2 John Dewey and the educational renewal and democratic: Dewey school in the teaching-learning process was focused on child, what mattered were the common activities in which the child was engaged in this, what interested was to cover the present needs of students. The work is unity of thought and action. The teacher’s role will be to select influences and help answer them. The discipline of the school come from the school and life. Fostering a spirit of collaboration is achieved by the introduction of the principle of activity. A process from the inside out. 6. CRITICAL TO NEW SCHOOL 1.Experiencia for the children of elite social groups with economic power. / / In many cases the new school facilities were private and charged for his teaching, but other as school Yasnaya Polyana Tolstoy it was for the working population 2.Trabajo of the senses but not the ability to understand. / / The EN was given great importance to the senses but together with the rest of the educational aspects of human anti-intellectualism 3.The New School. / / The active pedagogy to intellectual culture is valued in proportion, not as unique, and inclusive education 4.Centra pleasure and play regardless of the educational value of work and effort, when the pleasure has to follow the action never precede it. / / The EN focuses on the child’s education, their interests and needs, respecting individual and social reality of each student who forgets the libertarian 5.EducaciĆ³n intrinsic value and social value of discipline. / / They put in place alternative disciplinary procedures to docility and silence, the emphasis is on mutual respect. 6.No there is freedom and spontaneity of the child and everything is prepared beforehand. / / In other cases the criticism is the opposite, that nothing is left to chance. 7.La school is not life but an artificial microcosm that have nothing to do with reality. / / Critical successful in some cases, the problem being not the school but society does not evolve. 8.The teacher becomes the guardian of children. / / The teacher becomes a guide, a facilitator, a coordinator. 9.Se forget the importance of drills and rote and repetitive tasks but essential. / / It is intended to develop skills, learning techniques without forgetting the need to develop memory to serve the full development of the learner.