New Technologies and Ecology in Hotel Operations

New Technologies

Items such as low consumption, long life bulbs; hybrid and full electrical powered vehicles; H.D./digital T.V., Cellular phones are very helpful. Nevertheless, it may be advisable to analyze and determine which of these new technologies are positively fit to the use in hotels, if we evaluate efficiency, costs and, obviously guest/client demand. Not all new technologies ‘per se’ are sustainable, depending on the type of hotel property and operation.

Intelligent Buildings

Are composed of design, structures and equipments; and further, of computerized, mechanical and manual means/systems that allow improved performance in: Management of buildings (exterior walls, roofs, ventilation, light, other); Use of technical utilities and equipment; Control of functioning of above; malfunction detection; and Control of electric power and other energies. If we operate well-conceived hotel properties that allow rational and sustainable hotel operations, various kinds of pollution may be avoided. Also, to rationalize consumption of electric power and other energies is essential.

Technical devices to enable the buildings to physically adapt to changing climate and lighting situations and regulate energy demand. External walls designed to absorb/repeal heat from the sun; Use of polarized windows, Use of directional solar panels; Recovery of water. and Others that can be programmed, following, climate, grounds, architecture type/system of construction.

About New Technologies

It is advisable to evaluate whether the use of a specific new technology is timely, valid, cost-efficient and value-adding, considering specifics and situation of each individual hotel. – Examples of new technology gradually being integrated into the hotel business:

  • In-room equipment oriented to the comfort and entertainment (sound, atmosphere, illumination, leisure)
  • Computer technology to rationalize property management, adapted to hotel’s specific needs
  • Internet: communications, information, entertainment, sales & marketing, public relations tool
  • Telephone, telecommunications, latest generation systems
  • Door opening and individual recognition technology
  • Wi-Fi available in rooms and public areas
  • Latest plasma TV with 3D and interaction technology
  • Eye/dactyl control in human resources entry/exit gates, others
  • Electronic order-taking, restaurants, bars
  • Electronic concierge: digital panel/screen information system and In-room multi-purpose connectivity device, battery loading, interaction with hotel guests’ services

Ecology – Preservation of the Environment

Ecology Principles in the Hotel Premises

Philosophy, conception of the hotel business

These are to be accordingly with the environmental conditions, where the hotel/resort is located.

Location/Ground Implanting

Adequate locating and implanting on the site grounds to integrate with location harmony, avoid visual pollution and landscape disruption. Implanting in grounds: integration into the immediate environment; access and communication ways, construction, and city/development utility structures.


Architecture in harmony with landscape, respect of nature and immediate environment;

Architectural design: use of ecological, non-contaminating elements and materials; following security principles. Distribution of areas and services with exposure to climate optimal conditions; to avoid visual, phonic, odorant pollution. Buildings oriented to natural light (all seasons). Optimize water and energy consumption. Renewable energy, where possible.


Natural/ecological construction materials (renewable resources and/or recycled material).

Sound and temperature insulating: floors, walls, ceilings, doors, windows.


Technical Utilities/Appliances – Hotel Equipment

Ecology and preservation of the environment concern all technical utilities and hotel equipment. This principle is applied to: The design and conception of the working systems of these; The elements/materials that these are composed of and the handling of these: proper, rational and economical.

Interior architecture/design: Atmosphere with a feeling of comfort, relaxing and rest; non-contaminating textures/textiles, Fire retardant materials, Visually pleasant and of easy and economic maintenance.

Ecology Principles in Hotel Operations

I.- Management of Energies

Savings in the use of water, fuels and electricity is essential to hotels. Planning and implementation accordingly with the general situation and circumstances of each hotel is required. Suggestions:

  • Planning of ventilation – extraction in accordance with prevailing climate; and further, weather; Exposure to solar light in buildings accordingly with prevailing climate (natural light, temperature); Regular audits of electricity, fuel, water flows.
  • Electricity power: Balanced distribution of loads; Electricity panels: by sections and individual premises/rooms; Supply contracting adapted to operational needs; Planning of illumination timing; Planning of air-conditioned timing and temperature.
  • Drinkable water: Periodic quality control and analysis; Programming of temperatures and working timing of boilers; Mixing of water (air in water flow in faucets and showers); Programming of pumps and hydro-pneumatic systems.
  • Fuels: Pressure/flow regulation in equipment, Preventive maintenance of reservoirs, tanks, distribution nets and equipment and Comparative statistics evaluation.

II.- Repairs & Maintenance

The (normal) wearing out of a building and its contents requires a well-defined repairs & maintenance concept. Preventive maintenance is geared to respect the environment. In a mid to long term, it is more efficient and less costly that repairs due to damages caused by breaking or lack of preventive maintenance.

  • General: Preventive maintenance of buildings: external walls, floors, roofs, insulation, distribution lines; Preventive maintenance of technical utilities and appliances (following manufacturers/suppliers recommendations); Preventive maintenance of F.F. & E. (operating equipment, furniture & fixtures – decoration).
  • Ecology actions and preventive maintenance recommended: Periodical cleaning of grease/fat traps/collectors (kitchens and laundry); Periodical cleaning of extraction hoods and chimneys (kitchens, laundry); Use of non-polluting products in equipment maintenance; Change of bathtubs for showers in rooms (regulations allowing); Regular water faucet maintenance (dripping); Low voltage, long-lasting bulbs, where possible; Elevators operation programming to save electricity; Hot water production under 60ºC (temperature of chemical reaction); Use of natural fertilizers and non-polluter treatments in gardens; Boilers: preventive maintenance (operation, tuning).

Engineering & Maintenance – Operational Activities


– Planning, organizing and implementing the management of the building and its technical utilities by the means of computerized, mechanical or manual programs.

– Handling of technical utilities, electricity, water and fuel distribution systems that the building requires: power transformers, boilers, hydro-pneumatic distribution systems, water and fuel tanks, air-conditioning, refrigeration and others.

– Set and execute preventive maintenance programs as per recommendations of builders, manufacturers and/or suppliers.

– Train and organize the preventive or corrective maintenance team, in order to ensure properly the normal hotel operation at all times.