Newborn Care and Emergency Childbirth Procedures
Initial Care of Newborn
- The most important care is to:
- Position
- Dry
- Keep warm
- Stimulate to breathe
- When wrapping the newborn, make sure to cover the head.
Normal Range of Vital Signs
- Pulse: Greater than 100/min
- Can check pulse at the brachial artery
- Can also check pulse at the umbilical cord
- Respirations: Should be >30 breaths/min
- A crying baby is a good thing!
- Color: Pink is good – may be a little blue at the extremities initially, but should continue to pink up.
Repeat suctioning as needed.
Continue to stimulate to breathe if needed:
- Rub back
- Flick soles of feet
If Newborn has Trouble Breathing
If the newborn doesn’t begin to breathe, or continues to have trouble breathing after 1 min, additional measures have to be considered:
- Ensure airway is open and patent
- Ventilate at a rate of 30-60 per min using an infant BVM with supplemental oxygen
- Reassess after 1 min
- If heart rate drops below 100 at any time, assist ventilations using BVM with supplemental oxygen
- If pulse drops below 60 beats per min, begin CPR and reassess after 30 seconds.
Abnormal/Difficult Deliveries
Prolapsed Cord
- Cord presents before the infant – this is a serious emergency, with the infant’s life in danger
- Usual patient assessment steps and
- Mother should be given high flow oxygen
- Position mother with head down or buttocks raised (this uses gravity to lessen pressure in the birth canal)
- Update responding EMS of the complication
Breech Birth
- Buttocks or lower extremities are low in the uterus and will be the first part delivered – infant at greatest risk for delivery trauma, prolapsed cord more common
- Usual patient assessment and
- Place mother on high flow oxygen
- Place mother supine with pelvis elevated and head down
- Notify responding EMS of complication
Limb Presentation
- Occurs when a limb protrudes from the birth canal
- Notify responding EMS immediately
- Place mother on high flow oxygen
- Place mother supine with pelvis elevated, head down
- Multiple births: Be prepared, call for assistance
- Amniotic fluid that is greenish or brownish-yellow rather than clear, an indication of possible fetal distress during labor
- Do not stimulate the infant to breathe before suctioning oropharynx
- Suction using bulb syringe or wipe mouth/nose with sterile gauze
- Maintain airway
Premature Birth
- Always at risk for hypothermia
- Usually require resuscitation
Post-Delivery Care of the Mother
- Keep contact with the mother throughout the process
- Monitor vitals
- Remember, delivery is exhausting
- Replace any blood-soaked sheets and blankets while awaiting transport
Gynecological Emergencies
Vaginal Bleeding
- Remember BSI
- Make sure the patient is placed on oxygen
Trauma to External Genitalia
- Treat as any other soft tissue injury – don’t pack the vagina with dressings
Sexual Assaults
Victims of alleged sexual assault require initial assessment, treatment as needed, and psychological support.
- Maintain a non-judgmental attitude during history taking
- Protect crime scene if possible
- Examine genitalia only if profuse bleeding is present
- Use same-sex provider if possible
- Discourage patient from bathing, voiding, or cleaning wounds
- Required to report