Nexus Client Keyboard and Joystick Shortcuts
Keyboard commands can be used as a template or just as shortcuts for all the basic features on Nexus Client. Using the commands listed in the below table, you can perform actions like play/pause the video, toggle between live view and playback, speed control for playback video, and so on.
Joystick commands can be used when an Airship joystick is connected to your machine and Nexus Client is running on it.
Keyboard Commands | Airship Joystick Commands | Description | Example |
L | PB-L | Toggles playback/live view | L |
P | >|| | Toggles play/pause | P |
N | SNAP | Takes a snapshot (image) | N |
*/F | MULT | Toggles full screen for a selected subscreen | *, F, MULT |
#* | #MULT | Changes the number of screens | 3*, 5MULT |
-/+ | Inner Jog wheel | Moves to next/last frame (Only in Playback mode) | -/+ |
H | HOME | Goes to the first preset, if you have any presets set earlier | H, HOME |
#E | #PRSET | Goes to preset | 6E |
Delete/Backspace | CLR | Clears current command input | Delete, CLR |
[####]D | Seek to date with input as mmdd (m-month and d-date) | 1221D Result: 12month21date | |
[####]T | Seek to time with input as hhmm (h-hours and m-min) | 0854T Result: 8hour54min | |
Outer Jog wheel | Controls speed, pauses when released | ||
Arrow Keys | Joystick | Controls PTZ | |
#M | #MON | Picks the monitor (Selected monitor is highlighted with yellow border) | 9M, 16MON |
#C | #CAM | Adds the camera # to the previously selected monitor | 2C, 10CAM |
[#.>#]C | [#.>#]CAM | Adds a camera range to the subscreens starting from the previously selected monitor | 2.5C, 4.5CAM |
ALRM | Switches to alarm tab. | ||
ALRM [PB-L] | Toggles between alarm and video tab |
# – Any number you enter along with the command
Sending Commands to Wall Driver
Using your keyboard or joystick for Nexus Client, you can also send commands to your Wall Driver. The basic commands are listed in the below table.
Keyboard Commands | Joystick Commands | Description | Example |
#V | # SLVO | Launches the salvo #, | 1V, 2SLVO |
#M | #MON | Picks the monitor | 101M, 103MON |
# – Any number you enter along with the command
- Using the command N on the keyboard, you can take a snapshot (image) of the current subscreen. You can do this using the joystick with the command SNAP.
- When a subscreen is selected, click on SNAP to take a snapshot of the video on that subscreen. A new window opens where you can choose the path to save the file to your local folder.
Screen Layout
- Keyboard commands F and * do the same function; opens the selected subscreen on full screen.
- On Nexus Client, select a subscreen and when you press MULT using the joystick, the video on that subscreen opens in full screen on Nexus Client.
- The number of screens layout, i.e., subscreens on the display area can be changed using this command. Enter a valid number and press MULT to change the screen layout.
For Ex: 4* – 4 subscreens on display area
9MULT – 9 subscreens on display area
16F – 16 subscreens on display area
- If you enter an invalid value, it says “Invalid # of screens”; # is the invalid value you entered. You can enter any valid value like 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, up to the maximum number of screens available.
Date and Time
- Select a subscreen using the #M option and set the date you want to see the playback recording.
- [####]D on the keyboard sets the date as mmdd (m-month and d-date). Enter a 4-digit value in which the first two numbers will be the month and the next two will be the date.
For Ex: 0927D, it will seek to month 09 and date 27.
- [####]T on the keyboard sets the time as hhmm (h-hours and m-min). Enter a 4-digit value in which the first two numbers will be hours and the next two will be minutes.
For Ex: 2345T, it will seek to hours 23 and minutes 45.
- The date and time function is not available using your joystick.
Arrow Keys/Joystick
- Arrow keys on your keyboard can be used for PTZ controls for a camera.
Note: All cameras might not support PTZ, Area Zoom, and Presets. Please refer to the camera manufacturer’s user guide to know more info.
- Using the joystick, you can handle the PTZ controls the same as above.
Monitors and Cameras
- Selecting the required subscreen (monitors) and adding the camera to that subscreen is done by #M and #C commands, on the keyboard.
For Ex: enter 4M to go to the fourth subscreen on the display area.
Note: If you select a monitor beyond the current subscreens, it will increase the number of subscreens to the next available subscreens.
For Ex: Number of subscreens was 9, which can be done by the command 9* and you give the command 11M (which is outside the current subscreen), it will increase the number of subscreens to 16 and will display the 11th subscreen with a yellow border around it.
- When a subscreen (monitor) is selected, you can add a camera to it using the command #C.
For Ex: If the 5th monitor is selected and you enter 3C on the keyboard, it will display the 3rd camera from the list of cameras on to the 5th subscreen.
- Selecting the subscreen and adding cameras to it can also be done on the joystick using the commands, #MON and #Cam.
Camera range
- When a subscreen (monitor) is selected, you can add a range of cameras to the subscreens starting from the selected subscreen using the command [#.>#]C
For Ex: If the 3rd subscreen is selected and you enter 1.4C, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cameras will be added to the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th subscreens respectively.
- Make sure you enter the camera range starting from a lower value to a higher value.
- For sending commands to the wall driver, all other commands are the same as for your Nexus Client except for launching salvos and values for picking the monitor.
Monitors, Screens, and Cameras
- To pick a monitor on the wall, use the command #M from your keyboard.
Note: By default, the values for the monitor start from 101 and can have as many values based on the number of monitors they have.
For Ex: enter 102M to choose the 2nd monitor on the wall.
- On a monitor, you can choose the number of screens with a command, #*. Enter a valid number and press * to change the screen layout.
For Ex: 6*-6 subscreens on the monitor
If you enter an invalid value, it says “Invalid # of screens”; # is the invalid value you entered. You can enter any valid value like 1, 4, 6, 9, 13, 16 up to the maximum number of screens available.
- You can select a subscreen on a monitor, to add the camera. This can be done by giving the command something like this: 103.4M and then 5C. 103.4 will take you to the 4th subscreen on the 103rd monitor. When you enter 5C, the 5th camera will be added to the 4th subscreen.
Note: If you don’t select a subscreen on a monitor, the camera will be displayed on full screen on that monitor.
- Adding salvos to the monitor can be done by the command #V using the keyboard. Select the monitor where you want to launch your salvos and just add the salvos using their unique number.
- Naming conventions should be made consistent whenever creating a new salvo, for easy identification.
- You don’t have to select the number of screens when launching your salvos as they are tagged to specific screens while creating it.