Nietzsche’s Critique: Metaphysics, Morality, and the Will to Power
Nietzsche’s Critique of Metaphysics
Critique of metaphysics: Metaphysics has introduced an ontological dualism by distinguishing between the real world captured by permanent reason and the apparent world as captured by changing senses. Consequence: a) It is a static ontology. b) The real reality, being, cannot be seen as it really is. c) The being has his own world. As we know in this world is unreal, we have to search in the other to find the truth. Metaphysics and ontology, according to Nietzsche, are based on a bad opinion of life and the horror of death. According to the philosopher, we should deny all that implies ontology, showing disregard for life. Nietzsche’s Christic ontology regarding ranks: 1-An artificially constructed reality is absolutely unprovable. 2-The traditional philosophers are convinced that becoming is a mistake of our senses and so build their “real world” safe from becoming. The end result was the negation of the affirmation of being and nothingness. 3-Whoever invents another world does so because he believes this will be better, and the other feels pain for life. 4-The lack of strength is what makes one invent another world, the real one. The end result is putting aside becoming, the man who undergoes something higher as a god.
Critique of Conceptual Knowledge
Criticizes the conceptual knowledge: Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics is completed with the conceptual critique. First, report on a certain Platonism in the genesis and the formation of concepts, concepts that one day were created for a referral, and over time have become substances. Moreover, the genesis of concepts requires a process of abstraction to achieve a universal representation. Actually, it is a set of abstractions without concrete content. If the concepts do not learn the true reality of being, becoming and change, we are left with only aesthetic behavior. Finally, there is a relationship between language and metaphysics and conceptual knowledge. To avoid the petrification that becoming suffers, the philosopher exalts metaphorical imagination in the human being.
Critique of Morality
He criticizes the moral: Nietzsche understands morality as “contranaturaleza,” that which objects to life. His idea is to consider that the instincts Christianity attempts to boot, should be used as expressions of life. The world of ideas has just become the kingdom of heaven because the authentic human being is not in this life but in the other.
Death of God and Nihilism: The Superman
Death of God and nihilism: Superman: The Superman restores a sense of nihilistic life, but without putting it beyond the world. How to accomplish this is through an act of will. The Superman is a hero of the future: a philosopher who includes the truths of God’s death. The Superman who says yes to life is to undergo a triple metamorphosis:
- Camels (symbolizes conforming to obey)
- Lion (negation of all values)
- Child (Absolute Freedom)
The Will to Power
The Will to Power: Nietzsche’s metaphysics is known by the name of will to power: dynamic ontology combats static ontology. On the other hand, being is becoming, because it is always doing, always acting, and is always in process. Thus, we find that the truth cannot be stable, but that what is an appearance has been imposed through the usual.
From Vitalism to Existentialism
Of vitalism to Existentialism: Existentialism is a radicalization of the philosophy of Nietzsche’s life. Human existence has a character he developed in free and absolute freedom. Features:
- The existence is being in the world; man is open to things and in things.
- The world is an open field I can.
- The choice of possibilities is itself in its freedom; freedom is absolute.
- God is the true humanism; part of the death of God leaves man in absolute freedom.
Critique of Heideggerian Metaphysics of Presence
Criticizes Heideggerian metaphysics of presence: Nietzsche criticizes a static metaphysics and conceptual knowledge, which has been followed in Heidegger’s thought. This author makes the metaphysics of presence, which shows how metaphysics has been set at present and has been a growing forgetfulness of being.