Nietzsche’s Perspectivism, Superman, and Eternal Return

Nietzsche’s Core Concepts


Nietzsche defends the possibility of perspectivism, arguing that objective knowledge is impossible and absurd. He considers reality itself, every affirmation, and every belief as dependent on the point of view that a person has created. Nietzsche never believed that what seems more real is necessarily the truth, even questioning the Cartesian cogito. Nietzschean perspectivism is a form of relativism and subjectivism.

The Superman (Übermensch)

The transmutation of all values is a necessary moment for the end of traditional morality. Nietzsche does not propose living without values but intends to invert the table of values, overcoming Western morality through new values that represent a radical affirmation of life. Nietzsche attributes the replacement of the morality of lords by the morality of slaves. The Superman appears after the death of God, an individual faithful to the values of life and earth. This concept has led to dangerous interpretations, including the Nazi attribution of traits to a terrible superman.

The Superman is possible only when absolutely dispensing with belief in God. Nietzsche’s idea of the death of God is essential. Nietzsche does not believe in universal realities for humanity, race, or nation. The Superman cannot be identified with a class with social privileges because tradition rests on its social power. We can recognize the Superman from their morality:

  1. Rejects slave morality: gregarious behavior and humility.
  2. Rejects the majority.
  3. Creates following values: moral values are inventions of human beings, though not all men create them.
  4. Lives in finitude: does not believe in any transcendent reality, not a god nor a privileged destination for human beings.
  5. Likes risk: embraces new and difficult experiences.
  6. Is contrary to egalitarianism: loves the fullness of life and is not afraid of the intensity of difference.
  7. Loves life: joy and health.

In conclusion, the Superman is energetic in the affirmation of life and the creator and owner of their own meaning of life, a free spirit.

The Eternal Return

The eternal return is accepting that all world events, all situations past, present, and future, will be repeated eternally. Everything will be repeated an infinite number of times. Nietzsche says that many give but no one understands infinite times. The idea can also be seen as the maximum expression of the vindication of life. Nietzsche gets this idea to life as absolute.

The will to power is the basic principle of realities from which all beings develop, seeking to remain in being and be even more. Nietzsche believes that in all things we find a desire for existence. Nietzsche attempts to describe his vision of reality positively, with the notion of the Dionysian. The characteristics of reality are:


Reason is only one dimension of the world. Reality is not rational but chaos, multiplicity, difference, variation, and death.


The primary force that determines the course of everything is not conscious. Consciousness does not create a new level or independent reality.

Lack of Purpose

Forces of life take different manifestations, not looking for anything.


This force cannot be identified with a staff; it is a cluster of forces that seek existence and will be more. For Nietzsche, it is a manifestation of the deep force of our being. It is not a will to exist, but a desire to be more, an overcoming that is present in all living things.