Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Key Concepts and Definitions

Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Key Concepts


Reference is made to at least two things culturally: a form of art, and an instinct which represents the will to power as a force of creation and conformation. The Apollonian-Dionysian is the symbolic expression of the ontological structure of the will to power and life. Apollonian expresses or symbolizes the brightness, harmony of form or order, the world of the beautiful appearance, and sound conformation force.


Becoming expresses the most radical and complete opposition to what the Platonic metaphysical tradition is interpreted as being. Becoming expresses the eternal nature of primitive being. These are the categories of mobility, multiplicity, and plurality that are the true reality. In the body of your starting point and more adequate expression.


It is richer, more explicit, and more knowable than the spirit. The body is claimed as a matrix interpretive scheme of reality. The body is the human being in toto. Behind thoughts and feelings is the body. The body is a plural unity of sense and spirit, of war and peace, a great earthly reason.


Dionysian expresses two questions: a critical moment or establishing a tragic culture and art, and an instinct that is the will to power. What is Dionysian is one of the constitutive moments of the ontological structure of the will to power; it is the root of becoming.


A system of value judgments that are in relation to the conditions of existence of a requirement imposed by being. The established life values and norms are a function of the organization of the instincts and the kind of will that carries life. Morality is an expression of the living conditions of men.

  • Morality means the system and set of values that has been ruling the Western tradition.
  • Morality means the new value corresponding to an affirmative will to power of life and the new figure of man, the superman.


Expresses a very complex phenomenon: “God is dead”, supreme values collapse, losing their intended value. What had been placed as true becomes nothing. Nihilism is the negative effect of a will and a reactive life. Nihilism expresses the creative will to power, an affirmative determination of active and creative life.


Value is a condition of life. It is life that makes ratings. Values are conditions for the preservation and enhancement of life.

  • Values are views. The values set different worldviews and life.
  • Value is enrolled on the course. There are no eternal and immutable values.


Life is the will to power and highly relevant to the self. Life is not only preservation but increase. It would ignore the essence of life and every event and becoming. The life that is active can become negative and therefore reactive.

Will to Power

The innermost essence of being. Life in all its manifestations and ramifications, but will also be able to draw any power or force in general. All reality and all life is fundamentally an expression of power. It has a general ontological character. Life is expressed through the concepts of “struggle” and “creation of forms.” It manifests as a struggle; the creation of forms is the way the will acts and renews in its will. The Will to Power wants its act of love renewed. The will to power is self-improvement.