Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Superman and the Will to Power
Nietzsche’s Philosophy: Transvaluation of All Values
The first step should be to transmute all the values of our traditional culture. The new morality is a morality of lords against the weak and the slaves. It is a celebration of the primal instincts of life, an affirmation of the apparential world versus the “stable and static real world” of dogmatic philosophy. It is an affirmation of egoism against self-contempt.
Overcoming the Superman:
Man is half done: a bridge between beast and Superman, a transition from pure animality to super-humanity. He refuses to abandon the values of the past and give new meaning to humanity. Superman embodies the supreme value of life, with its highest expression the will to power and domination. It is the exaltation of the instincts rising. The man to become Superman has to expel God from within. This is not a deification of man, but a replacement of God by the Superman. This will become a being with full power and dominion over himself and others. Superman is a superior, free of past values, independent, aggressive legislator. He is his own rule because it is beyond good and evil. It will to dominate, will creating new values. Represents the supreme goal of humanity. The life that leads to it will be up and away to unnatural and decadent. The Superman is the hero of consciousness, the hero-thinker, philosopher venidero. It is the ultimate goal of man, because from him and no more goals but pure chaos acceptance of the forces and the “eternal return.”
Eternal Return:
The affirmation of eternal recurrence is tragic, does not guide the evolution towards a final reconciliation in which all debts will be settled and every tear wiped away, the world as a whole is not subject to valuation is not justifiable because they do not need to be. Suffering is a reality none in the world, no less than joy and irreducible weakness is a factor as strength.
Critique of Western Culture
Nietzsche criticizes the values of Western culture because it has invented a world of good (moral), divine (religion), true and rational (philosophy and science).
Critique of Traditional Morality:
- It is unnatural because its laws and imperatives are contrary to the vital instincts.
- Their ideal is to alienate the man and make him the perfect slave.
- It denies the reality, truth and value of this world for another invented.
- Their values are immoral and have been imposed by violence, deceit and injustice.
- He despises the “I” and preaches altruism. It is based on resentment.
- Promotes human weakness and believes the positive values of Deity.
Critique of Religion:
- Religion is born of the human fear of taking their destiny.
- Religion alienates man to promote values mean and annihilate the positive inclinations of strong spirits.
Critique of Philosophy:
Metaphysics invents a perfect world, unchanging and intelligible through lies and truth antithesis attributed objectivity.
Critique of Science:
It makes us believe we can know reality by introducing order, regularity, consistency and laws where none exist. Criticism, therefore, the mechanism, positivism and scientific determinism.
What Should Be Done?
Western culture, after losing faith in the “real world” becomes nihilistic. Nihilism is an ambivalent process because the negative side symbolizes the decay and disintegration of values and positive face of power will vital. The characteristic nihilism is a dialectical process because it is a force that goes from negative to positive: to deny say, destroy to create. The negative point is the responsibility of understanding and positive criticism is the domain of instinct rising and the abundance that symbolize life.
The Necessary Transmutation of Traditional Values:
It is necessary to liberate man of all notional values, returning the right to life, existence. We must prepare the world for the advent of “Superman”: we must create values and ways of living that make possible the Superman.