Nietzsche’s Will to Power and the Concept of Becoming

The Will to Power

For Nietzsche, the character actually has a mobile, dynamic perspective. It is impossible to carry out a fixed compression of reality because not only is reality constantly becoming, but the human intellect, in performing scientific analysis, uses its own forms of understanding, which are subject to evolution and a diversity of perspectives. The reality of the world is multifaceted, and the human being has a plurality of drives and instincts, each with its own perspective. This multiplicity becomes a “look” when it is shown in a perspective that we establish as the only determinant.

On the other hand, being is becoming, always doing and always yet to be done. The conception of being as becoming points to this double sense: being as a permanent movement and being as a result of an eternal process. The metaphysical arguments that combat ontology saw in becoming a mere appearance. Nietzsche affirms that the simple truth is that without a certain kind of error, living things could not live.

Another concept that Nietzsche reverses is the language about being. If concepts do not serve us to get closer to the reality of evolution, which is multiple and changing, then the metaphor is a true insight. With it, an integration of diversity is achieved, offering the possibility of non-Platonic dogmatism, because the metaphor remains open to the world and not closed. Uniqueness and plurality are the respective attitudes of these two classes.

This exaltation of the theory and practice of metaphor leads to the idea that there is no causal relationship between the world of logic and the order of the subject. Thanks to Apollo, the god of individuality, man can withstand the vicissitudes of life with the creation of concepts or categories that hinder becoming. The logical affirmation of pluralism manifests the radical atheism of Nietzsche.

Being is like the will to power, the creation of new values, self-signatures on their own production (god of death). The nihilism that considered becoming should be absorbed, because God was something multiple, an unjust trial.