Nietzsche’s Will to Power and the Revaluation of All Values

The influence of Nietzsche‘s most important is to get the irrationalism of Schopenhauer’s metaphysics, he in turn was influenced by Kant (in particular the idea that man can only achieve the phenomenal reality)
. Schopenhauer defended the existence of the “will to live” as a metaphysical principle, and maintained a pessimistic position. The concept of “will to power” Nietzsche bears some resemblance to this concept of Schopenhauer:


The “will to power” Nietzsche is a new conception of reality: the reality is life, not something static and unchanging, but a constant struggle and antagonism of all being individual against everything else. This reality is irrational: we try to bring order to what is only chaos and change, is unconscious: what determines the course of things is not conscious. Nietzsche does not believe that life has an ultimate sense, ie there is no goal or purpose.
The will to power is Nietzsche’s final theory and on it are reflected all his ideas. Nietzsche represents the critical rationalism and idealism from a perspective that has two points of view: from the negative, a critique of the core values and concepts that have served to explain the world in Western culture. From a positive standpoint, is the attempt of understanding and explanation of life, so it is called vitalism.
(Apollonian and Dionysian)
Nietzsche believed that the forces originating in the Greek culture had been two aesthetic forces fighting each other, and that can not exist without each other, ie they are antagonistic: the Apollonian and the Dionysian. I Apollonian represents reason, order, measure, containment, boundary, based on the god Apollo (god of the sun and light) as a fee. The Apollonian is metaphysical and eternal, and bears some resemblance to another well Platonic IdeaConsidering Apollo as the god of the Idea of Good, being absolute and universal. The Apollonian said that everything good is coming, is a becoming. Nietzsche asks what does this aesthetic concept, if we really want never arrives or is coming. Plato and Socrates are more Apollonian philosophers: they invent concepts as absolute and far that we do not sirven.Lo opposite, the Dionysian, can be represented by Nietzsche himself, who says it is necessary to recover the “tragic vision” of the world. Dionysian breaks all barriers and ignores all limitations. It realidad.En the chaos of this criticism is founded on the Platonic-Christian tradition: the Socratic rationalism led to the decline of Greek culture and authentic philosophy.
Nietzsche criticized a Europe in which this phenomenon has occurred: the Apollonian to the Dionysian dislodged. The continent needs a renovation. Christianity also criticized because it has received the message from Socrates and Plato.
(REVIEWED THE LANGUAGE) knowledge is relative, truth can not be contained in concepts that are nothing more than the “freezing” of a certain aspect of reality. The concepts we have invented are simply an attempt to preserve what they represent in the existential reality is a constant becoming, while the concepts are fixed. Nietzsche proposed the language of the imagination, based on the metaphor that respects the change of reality. According to him, concepts (metaphors residues) and the words keep us from getting at the truth, I feel it a deceptive guise of reason. (…) The Platonic-Christian tradition has led us to identify the good and virtue, reason and truth and Apollonian values with happiness. For Nietzsche this is the biggest mistake he has committed the philosophy goes against the proposed evolution. There are no eternal ideas, nor a “sensible world” and an “intelligible world” there is only space-time world experienced by the senses, and the metaphysical is an invention. Nietzsche proposes to atheism: a form of confrontation between the Apollonian and the Dionysian. He claims that we need a revaluation to overcome nihilism.

(Nihilism) To create new values is essential to destroy and replace the existing new values, vital and sensitive. We talk about the death of God, the superman, the will to power and eternal recurrence.
(DEATH OF GOD AND SECURITIES Transmutation) The abolition of the importance of values entails replacing the idea of God as “sense” of the world by other vitalistic in nature. The “death of God” entails the elimination of absolute values, giving rise to two possibilities: the impoverishment of man with a superficial atheism and moral debauchery represented by the “last man” or “superman“. This Superman is the only one who is able to perform the revaluation.
(SUPERMAN and willpower) The slave morality is characterized by a constraint, which ensures that things get done for something, as a medium. Instead, the Superman overcomes this and provides the moral of the Lord, which is characterized by the lack of means, ie there is only one purpose. Their morale and performance are comparable to those of a child who does not respond to tax values or erroneous conceptions of right and wrong, not burning to eternity or power to change the flow of life.
This Superman is the hero of the future, the philosopher come to understand the great truths of the “death of God” and the “will to power,” the essence of life. Nietzsche says that we must create values and lifestyles that make possible the coming of Superman, that being a genius, a free and creative individual (not destructive), and willing to continually overcome the consequences or foreign bonds. The transmutation of values would be the way to assert the will to power.
(Eternal Return) The “eternal return” is the unfinished part of the philosophy of Nietzsche, and by them paid to misinterpretation. Nietzsche meant by “eternal return” a sort of space-time loop by which we would be doomed to live again and again the same. That is why Nietzsche declared that he should live life so that if I had to re-live it, it would do exactly the same, without changing anything. Superman would be one capable of carrying out this desire for power, wanting to live as one wants.