Non-Literary Narratives: Characteristics and Types
Non-Literary Narratives: Elements and Structure
Non-literary elements include the narrator, characters, and action (made in time and space). Narrative frame structure, development, or final location of action, and there is linear development, although retrospection and anticipation can occur. Narrative language uses past, present, and historical temporal markers.
Order is important, even if a place is prominent. For example, spatial order. Description language uses spatial markers and adjectival epithets in metaphors and similes. Description includes “etopeya”, “propografia”, story and characters, and places (portrait topography).
Spontaneous and planned language combines modalities of the statement, called to give an interlocutor and linguistic formulas (to manage dialogue). Interview. Dialogue point in direct narrative, and there are ways: direct style and indirect style.
This is a type of discourse whose purpose is to convey information in a clear, orderly, and objective way. There are informative and specialized expositions. Expository texts are used in various fields. Structure: Introduction, Development (causal, spatial, chronological, and enumerative), and Conclusion. It can also be structured as analyzing (general to specific) or synthesizing (particle in general). Examples include definition, comparison, answer questions, and problem-solving. Expository language complies with clarity and objectivity, reflected in precise lexicon where words retain their meaning, and technical terms, data, connectors, and discourse markers are often used.
This is a mode of speech where an idea is defended. Three elements: object, thesis, and arguments. Structure: introduction, exhibition, argumentation, and conclusion. Arguments by functions: support and counter-arguments (rebuttal and negotiation). Argument types: hedonistic argument, ethical argument, and useful purpose argument. Argumentation can be rational (analyzes and evaluates reasoning capacity) and emotional (uses affect to persuade the receiver). Procedures and language include:
- Logical argument: rational procedure underpinned by cause-effect.
- Analogous argumentation: use of similes and metaphors, examples, and appointments.
- Implication of the issuer: procedure to display emotional subjectivity.
- Appeal to the receiver: effective process to move and persuade the recipient.
Argumentative genres are present in various forms of communication, written texts, and audiovisual communication. Written genres include administrative texts (pending application for a service, journalistic claims), opinion articles, editorials, letters, and essays.
Aims to regulate or guide the behavior of the receiver in the development of an activity or task. Normative text gives orders or instructions. Rules have a meta-structure (title, explanation, goal) and program (enumerative or chronological order). Language uses visual and verbal code, frequent mixed sequences (descriptive and explanatory), markers of order, and verb forms with hortatory value.