Noucentisme and Juan Ramón Jiménez
Noucentisme and the Generation of ’14
Noucentisme, Generation of ’14, or Vanguards are the generic names of a primarily literary aesthetic movement. This movement gathered authors, mostly essayists, situated between the Generation of ’98 and the Generation of ’27. The term Noucentisme, coined in Catalan by Eugenio d’Ors as noucentisme, refers to the Catalan authors who emerged from the Renaixença and aimed to elevate Catalan culture to a European level. They sought beauty and formal perfection, with a penchant for archaic words, classical references, and harmonic rhythm.
Characteristics of Noucentisme
Although lacking group consciousness, Noucentisme exhibits consistent features. Most notably, these include high intellectual preparation (writing doctrinal books and essays), Europeanism (preferred over the ’98 style), a constant obsession for precise work, devoid of improvisation, and meticulous attention to form.
Key aspects of the movement include a break from the past, rejecting sentimentality and Romanticism. Art should be intellectual rather than vital, breaking with anecdote and argument to renew narrative genres. There’s a clear enthusiasm for classical and mythological themes. Change is envisioned as top-down, originating from a minority and transforming the majority’s sensibilities. This cosmetic change aims to improve the masses’ perception of culture and science. Art should offer imaginative visions detached from reality, utilizing mood and genre renewal with new techniques that move beyond storyline or plot. Digressions are abundant. The most cultivated genre is the essay, which extends its influence to other genres. Neatness, detachment, and balance (“dehumanization”) are highly valued. Literature is seen as elitist and evasive, intended for minorities. Intellectualism is central to the artistic event, with a focus on “pure art” and the autonomy of artistic work. Language renewal is also emphasized.
The Rise of Noucentisme
Around 1910, a new generation of more scientific and systematic writers emerged, marking the rise of Noucentisme. This movement reached its peak during the 1920s and began to decline around 1930. Intellectuals, thinkers, and philosophers played a crucial role in disseminating Noucentisme’s ideology.
Key Features Summarized
- Strong intellectual foundation and systematization of proposals.
- Europeanization, contrasting with Spanish traditionalism.
- Intellectualism over sentimentality.
- Pure art, focused solely on aesthetic enjoyment.
- Emphasis on form.
- Classicism: a return to the serenity of Greek and Latin models.
- Collaboration with the workforce and officials to influence the country’s transformation.
The Noucentista Novel
The Noucentista novel continues the path of subjectivism and renewal initiated by the Generation of ’98. Noucentista authors often manipulate situations to express their views on diverse themes. Some, like Gabriel Miró, embrace lyricism, while others, like Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, opt for humor.
Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958)
Early Life and Education
Born on December 23, 1881, in Moguer, Spain, Juan Ramón Jiménez was the son of successful wine merchants. He pursued his education in various institutions, including the Institute of Huelva and the College of St. Aloysius in Puerto de Santa Maria, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1896, he moved to Seville to pursue painting, believing it to be his vocation. He frequented the University of Seville’s library and began writing prose and verse, contributing to Seville and Huelva newspapers and magazines.
The Sensitive Stage (1898-1915)
This stage is divided into two sub-stages: the first until 1908, and the second until 1916. The first is marked by the influence of Bécquer, Symbolism, and Art Nouveau, characterized by tenuous rhyming assonance, minor art, and intimate music. Descriptions of landscapes dominate, reflecting the poet’s soul—landscapes that are neither natural nor inspired by travels like Machado’s, but rather evoke the stillness of an indoor garden. Vague feelings, melancholy, music, faded colors, memories, and dreams of love prevail. This emotive and sentimental poetry showcases the poet’s sensitivity through a perfect formal structure. Rimas (1902) belongs to this stage.
The Intellectual Stage (1916-1936)
Jiménez’s first trip to America and his contact with English poetry (Yeats, William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Shelley) profoundly marked his second stage (1916-1936), which he termed the “Intellectual Time,” linked to the Novecento literary movement. A fundamental event occurred: the discovery of the sea as a transcendent motif. The sea symbolizes life, loneliness, joy, and the eternal present. A spiritual evolution began, leading him to seek transcendence.
The Sufficient Stage (1937-1958)
The “Sufficient Stage” encompasses all works written during his American exile. Juan Ramón remained introspective, searching for beauty and perfection. His yearning for transcendence led to mystical experiences, identifying with God and beauty. His poetic language evolved into a unique idiolect with numerous neologisms (ultratierra, desiring…). After a period of relative silence, he published Animal de Fondo (1949), Third Anthology of Poems (1957), On the Other Side (1936-42), and God Desired and Desiring (1948-49).