Noucentisme: Catalan Cultural and Literary Movement

Noucentisme: A New Era in Catalan Culture

The name Noucentisme was associated with a new era. It is a literary movement, but behind it, there is a government with a clear cultural application.

An important Catalan political culture, with a very clear Enric Prat de la Riba, was supported by Pompeu Fabra, Eugeni d’Ors, and Josep Carner. His government modernized the political language and Catalan culture. Enric Prat i la Riba scored lines in orthography. Since the Rebirth, they already tried to modernize wisely after the downgrade.

Noucentisme normalized spelling rules with Pompeu Fabra. This means that the bourgeoisie goes ahead and takes a dictionary of spelling rules.

The role of the writer during Noucentisme is supporting the bourgeoisie, at his side, to power. Years ago, the writers went against the bourgeoisie.

Noucentisme has a background that creates models of a bourgeois country of Catalonia: cultured, orderly, bourgeois, refined…

The platform to publicize all of this is a major newspaper, The Voice of Catalonia, which is the reference point. Eugeni d’Ors published in this journal.

Concept of Noucentisme

The concept was invented by Eugeni d’Ors and published on January 1, 1906, in The Voice of Catalonia.

  • Namely, the creation of intellectual professionals: technician poetry, teaching…


  • 1900 – 1913
  • Prat de la Riba: Chairman of the council of Barcelona
  • Eugeni d’Ors and their glosses
  • The Tasty Fruits of Josep Carner (past time, happy day)
  • Spelling rules of Fabra (1913)
  • Creating the IEC (Institute for Catalan Studies)
  • 1914 – 1923
  • Man reported Catalonia
  • Network of public libraries and school librarians in Catalonia
  • School Teacher, Art demographic
  • 1918 Catalan Grammar Fabra

Ideological Agenda

  • Europeanism: open to Europe
  • Possibilism: not a revolution, but ongoing reform
  • Pragmatism: short-term goals and rejection of idealism
  • Classical Mediterranean: Catalonia has roots that lead us to classical culture. Review the past (in the poem, we know it by describing the type of landscape)
  • Refereeism: they respect the rules. It is a process of natural things more streamlined
  • Civilism or civility: the city is an arbitrary product, born by spontaneous axon, refers to poems of clean streets, beautiful buildings, gardens, ordered. This means reason and sanity.

Cultured, modern, civilized cities: after all this, they were moved to towns, and libraries began to appear in some villages.

Differences Between Modernism and Noucentisme

  • Modernism: ruralism, spontaneity, and romance
  • Noucentisme: civic, arbitrate-ism, and classical

Nineteenth-Century Poetry

  • Careful and balanced
  • Distancing of the poet: less intimate, the poet tries to distance himself from feelings, classicism, and stark beauty, easy and simple
  • Parnassianism and symbolism: quality. The last of a text is a symbolic value.
  • Assonances: Greek, Latin, and medieval
  • Reworking of cultured folk themes: themes or use popular forms passed through the filter of Noucentisme
  • Poet perfectionist

Carner would be what Maragall was in Modernism.

After Noucentisme will be post-symbolism.