Nutrition and Physical Activity: Impact on Health

Proteins: Essential Functions and Role in Physical Activity

1. Functions of Proteins:

  • Formation of cells and tissues (e.g., muscle)
  • Aid in blood clotting
  • Oxygen transport
  • Muscle contraction to produce movement
  • Formation of antibodies to defend the body
  • Regulating the balance in cells

2. Proteins and Physical Activity:

Proteins do not represent a significant source of energy during physical activity. They only intervene in efforts lasting over 6 hours.

Vitamins and Minerals: Importance for Health and Exercise

3. Importance of Vitamins:

Vitamins are needed in very small amounts. They are necessary for regulating human metabolism and its complex processes.

4. Vitamins and Minerals in Relation to Physical Activity:

Most vitamins have an important role in physical activity. For example, vitamin C is essential for the formation of bones, ligaments, and blood vessels. Minerals are also essential for physical activity. Calcium is needed for muscle contraction, iron is needed to carry oxygen, and sodium and potassium affect nerve and muscle function.

Minerals: Functions and Importance for the Body

5. Functions of Minerals in the Body:

  • Help structure and form the body (primarily teeth and bones)
  • Regulate metabolic processes
  • Maintain the balance of certain functions, such as muscle contraction (movement) and cardiac function (heartbeat, etc.)

Water: Crucial Element for Body Functions and Exercise

6. Importance and Functions of Water for Our Body:

Water is a crucial element in the body and must remain in balance. Its energy value is zero. Its main functions are:

  • Providing a constant shape to the body
  • Transporting nutrients and waste metabolites
  • Helping metabolize nutrients
  • Lubricating joints
  • Helping maintain body temperature

7. Water and Physical Activity:

During physical activity, the body’s cooling mechanisms are put into operation since it must maintain a constant body temperature.

Nutrient Distribution and Guidelines for Fat Reduction

1. What Would Be Approximately a Proper Distribution of Nutrients Throughout the Day?

  • Carbohydrates: 55-60%
  • Protein: 10-15%
  • Lipids or fats: 30%
  • Vegetable Fiber: 22 g/day
  • Salt: 3 g/day
  • Water: 2 to 2.5 liters
  • 40 Kcal per kilogram of body weight per day

2. Guidelines for Reducing Fat Intake and Calories:

  • Remove energy-dense foods: sugar, alcohol, chocolate, etc.
  • Add foods rich in fiber, which leads to increased satiety (feeling full).
  • Drink water and non-caloric beverages at meals and when fasting.
  • Spread the diet into 5 to 6 meals daily and do not snack between meals.

Metabolism, Energy Expenditure, and Weight Management

1. What is Basal Metabolism?

Basal metabolism (BM) is the minimum amount of energy needed by the body to maintain vital functions. It is necessary for the maintenance of life.

2. What Two Parts Make Up the Energy Expenditure of a Person?

Energy expenditure is made up of fixed energy expenditure and variable energy expenditure.

3. Factors on Which a Person’s Basal Metabolism Depends:

Individual factors:

a) Size and body composition: BM increases with a person’s size. It also increases with increasing muscle mass.

b) Age: From 20 years old, there is a decline in BM.

c) Sex: Generally, BM in women is lower than in men.

Environmental factors:

a) Temperature: Warm-blooded animals need more BM to keep that energy. Therefore, exposure to cold requires more BM to raise our temperature.

b) Food: Taking food and digestion itself causes an increase in BM, the so-called “specific dynamic action of food”.

c) Physical Activity: Physical activity represents an increase in BM. Increased physical activity increases energy expenditure.

4. Citing One Example of Sports in Caloric Expenditure Function: Sports with High, Medium, and Low Caloric Intake:

  • High consumption: Cycling, handball, water polo
  • Medium consumption: Judo, karate, football
  • Low consumption: Golf, sailing, horse riding

5. Types of Obesity in Terms of Fat Distribution and Health Risk:

Gynoid obesity and android obesity.

6. Methods That Allow Us to Find Out if Your Weight or Fat Percentage is Appropriate:

To find out if our levels of obesity can jeopardize our health, we can measure our waist and hips using a tape measure. Another system that helps us determine whether our weight is right is the body mass index (BMI), calculated taking into account your weight and height.

Obesity Levels and Effective Weight Loss Strategies

1. What are the Levels That Indicate Obesity or Risk in Each of These Methods: BMI, Waist Circumference, % Body Fat?

  • BMI: From 30 in women and 31 in men.
  • Waist circumference: From 80cm in women and 97cm in men.

2. What is the Correct and Effective Way to Lose Weight? Why?

The best formula for losing weight and maintaining proper body composition is to combine a balanced diet with physical activity.