Objectives in Natural, Social, and Cultural Knowledge
Objectives of the Area of Knowledge: Natural, Social, and Cultural
The objectives of this area of knowledge are:
- Identify the main elements of the natural, social, and cultural environment, analyzing their organization, characteristics, and interactions, and progressing in the domain of increasingly complex spatial areas.
- Behave in accordance with the habits of health and personal care arising from knowledge of the human body, showing an attitude of acceptance and respect for individual differences (age, sex, physical characteristics, personality).
- Participate in group activities by adopting responsible, constructive, and supportive behavior while respecting the basic principles of democratic functioning.
- Recognize and appreciate social group membership and cultural characteristics, evaluating the differences with other groups and the need to respect human rights.
- Analyze some manifestations of human intervention in the environment, taking a critical appraisal and behavior in daily life for the defense and recovery of ecological balance and conservation of cultural heritage.
- Recognize changes in the natural, social, and cultural environment related to the passage of time and investigate some relations of simultaneity and succession to apply this knowledge to the understanding of other historical moments.
- Interpret, express, and represent facts, concepts, and processes of the natural, social, and cultural environment through numeric codes, graphics, mapping, and more.
- Identify, consider, and resolve questions and problems associated with significant elements of the environment, using search strategies and treatment of information, making conjectures, testing them, exploring alternatives, and thinking about the learning process itself.
- Plan and implement projects and simple devices with a pre-determined purpose, using the knowledge of the elementary properties of certain materials, substances, and objects.
- Use information technology and communication for information and as a tool for learning and sharing knowledge, assessing its contribution to improving the lives of all people.
Chronological Framework
First Cycle (6-7 years) | Second Cycle (8-9 years) | Third Cycle (10-11 years) |