Occupational Safety & Health Management System
OSH Policy
Top management shall define and authorize the OSH policy of the organization and ensure that within the defined scope of the OSH management system, it:
- Is appropriate to the nature and extent of risks to the organization’s safety and health.
- Includes a commitment to prevent damage and deterioration of health, and continuous improvement of OSH management and OSH performance.
- Includes a commitment to at least meet regulatory requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes which relate to their OSH risks.
- Provides the framework for setting and reviewing OSH goals.
- Is documented, implemented, and maintained.
- Is communicated to all persons working for the organization in order to make them aware of their individual OSH responsibilities.
- Is available to interested parties.
- Is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organization.
1. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Determining Controls
The procedure(s) for hazard identification and risk assessment must take into account:
- The routine and non-routine activities.
- The activities of all persons who have access to the workplace (including contractors and visitors).
- Human behavior, capabilities, and other human factors.
- Identified hazards arising outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the health and safety of persons under the control of the organization in the workplace.
- The dangers posed in the vicinity of the workplace by work-related activities under the control of the organization. Note 1: It may be more appropriate that these hazards are assessed as an environmental aspect.
- Infrastructure, equipment, and materials in the workplace, whether provided by the organization or others.
- Changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, or materials.
- Changes in the OSH management system, including temporary changes and their impact on operations, processes, and activities.
- Any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementing the necessary controls.
- The design of work areas, processes, facilities, machinery, equipment, operational procedures, and work organization, including its adaptation to human capabilities.
The organization’s methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment should:
- Be defined with respect to the scope, nature, and timing to ensure that it is proactive rather than reactive.
- Provide for the identification, prioritization, and documentation of risks, and implementation of controls, as appropriate.
For the management of change, the organization must identify OSH hazards and risks associated with changes in the organization, the OSH management system, or activities prior to the incorporation of those changes.
In establishing controls or considering changes to existing controls, risk reduction should be considered according to the following hierarchy:
- Removal
- Replacement
- Engineering controls
- Signage/warnings and/or administrative controls
- Personal protective equipment
The organization must document and keep the results of hazard identification, risk assessment, and controls determined. The organization must ensure that risks to safety and health and the determined controls are taken into account in establishing, implementing, and maintaining its OSH management system.
2. Legal and Other Requirements
The organization must develop a procedure that describes the scheme followed for:
- Identifying prevention legislation applicable to the activities of the company.
- Accessing it and extracting the specific requirements to be met and where they apply.
- Updating the legislation.
- Establishing a system by which the information goes to those who must use or apply it (distribution of requirements, for example, more technical office work, etc., and representatives of workers, to comply with the duty of consultation and participation).
- Systematically ensuring compliance with the law and its timely identification and removal of all those points where it was distributed.
3. Objectives and Programs
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain documented OHS objectives at relevant functions and levels within the organization. Goals should be measurable, where practicable, and should be consistent with the OSH policy, including commitments to prevent damage and deterioration of health, compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and continuous improvement.
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a program to achieve its objectives. These programs must include at least:
- The allocation of responsibilities and authority to achieve the objectives in the relevant functions and levels of the organization.
- The means and timetables for achieving these objectives.
Programs should be reviewed at regular and planned intervals and must be adjusted as necessary to ensure that targets are met.
1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility, and Authority
Top management shall be ultimately responsible for the OSH management system and safety and health. Top management must demonstrate its commitment by:
- Ensuring the availability of resources essential to establish, implement, maintain, and improve the OSH management system. Resources include human resources and specialized skills, organizational infrastructure, and technological and financial resources.
- Defining roles, assigning responsibilities, and delegating authority to provide effective OSH management, and must document and communicate the roles, responsibilities, and authority.
The organization must designate one or more members of senior management with specific responsibility for safety and health irrespective of other responsibilities, and should have defined roles and authority to:
- Ensure that the OSH management system is established, implemented, and maintained in accordance with OHSAS 18001.
- Ensure that reports of the OSH management system performance are presented to senior management for review and are used as a basis to improve the OSH management system.
The identity of the person(s) designated by senior management should be available to all persons working for the organization.
The organization must ensure that people in the workplace take responsibility for OSH issues over which they have control, including adherence to applicable OSH requirements of the organization.
2 Competence, Training, and Awareness
The organization must ensure that anyone working for it and performing tasks that may impact OSH is competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience, and must maintain associated records.
The organization shall identify training needs associated with the risks and the OSH management system. It should also provide training or take other actions to satisfy these needs, evaluate the effectiveness of the training or action taken, and shall retain associated records.
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for people who work for it to be aware of:
- The actual or potential implications for OSH of their work and their behavior and the benefits of improved personal performance for OSH.
- Their roles and responsibilities and the importance of achieving compliance with the OSH policy and procedures and OSH management system requirements, including requirements for emergency preparedness and response.
- The potential consequences of departure from specified procedures.
Training procedures should take into account the different levels of:
- Responsibility, ability, language proficiency, and literacy.
- Risk.
3.1 Communication
In relation to its OSH risks and its OSH management system, the organization must establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for:
- Internal communication among the various levels and functions of the organization.
- Communication with contractors and other visitors to the workplace.
- Receiving, documenting, and responding to relevant communication from external interested parties.
3.2 Participation and Consultation
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for:
- The participation of workers by their:
- Appropriate involvement in hazard identification, risk assessment, and determination of controls.
- Appropriate involvement in the investigation of incidents.
- Involvement in the development and revision of OSH policies and objectives.
- Consultation when making any change affecting OSH.
- Representation in OSH.
- Consultation with contractors when there are changes that affect their safety and health. The organization shall ensure that, where appropriate, it consults with external stakeholders on relevant OSH issues.
4. Documentation
The OSH management system documentation should include:
- The OSH policy and objectives.
- A description of the scope of the OSH management system.
- A description of the main elements of the OSH management system and their interaction, and reference to related documents.
- Documents, including records, required by this OHSAS Standard.
- Documents, including records, determined by the organization as necessary to ensure the effectiveness of planning, operation, and control of processes related to the management of OSH risks. Note: It is important that documentation is proportional to the level of complexity, hazards, and risks involved, and to maintain the minimum required to achieve effectiveness and efficiency.
5. Document Control
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for:
- Approving documents for adequacy prior to issue.
- Reviewing and updating documents when necessary and re-approving them.
- Ensuring that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified.
- Ensuring that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use.
- Ensuring that documents remain legible and readily identifiable.
- Ensuring that external documents that the organization has determined are necessary for the planning and operation of the OSH management system are identified and their distribution controlled.
- Preventing the unintended use of obsolete documents and applying suitable identification if retained for any reason.
6. Operational Control
The organization shall identify those operations and activities that are associated with the identified risks for which it is necessary to implement controls to manage OSH risks. This should include change management (see paragraph 4.3.1).
For those operations and activities, the organization must implement and maintain:
- Operational controls as applicable for the organization and its activities. The organization must integrate these controls into its overall OSH operational management system.
- Controls related to goods, equipment, and services purchased.
- Controls related to contractors and other visitors to the workplace.
- Documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviation from its OSH policy and objectives.
- Operational criteria stipulated in their absence could lead to deviation from its OSH policy and objectives.
7. Emergency Preparedness and Response
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure to:
- Identify potential emergency situations.
- Respond to such emergencies.
The organization shall respond to emergency situations and prevent or mitigate the adverse consequences associated with safety and health. In planning its emergency response, the organization must take into account the needs of relevant stakeholders, for example, emergency services and residents.
The organization shall also periodically test its emergency response procedure(s), where feasible, involving relevant stakeholders as appropriate.
The organization shall periodically review and amend as necessary its procedures for emergency preparedness and response, particularly after testing and after the occurrence of emergency situations (see paragraph 4.5.3).
1 Measuring and Monitoring Performance
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for regularly monitoring and measuring OSH performance. The procedures must include:
- Qualitative and quantitative measures appropriate to the needs of the organization.
- Monitoring compliance with the organization’s OSH objectives.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of controls (both for health and safety).
- Proactive performance measures that monitor compliance with the OSH programs, controls, and operational criteria.
- Reactive performance measures that track the deterioration of health, incidents (including near misses), and other historical evidence of poor OSH performance.
- Recording data and results of monitoring and measurement to facilitate further analysis of corrective and preventive actions.
If equipment is required for monitoring and measuring performance, the organization shall establish and maintain procedures for calibration and maintenance of such equipment when appropriate. Records of calibration and maintenance activities and results must be kept.
2 Evaluation of Compliance
Consistent with its commitment to compliance (see paragraph 4.2c), the organization must establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal requirements (see Section 4.3.2). The organization must maintain records of the results of periodic evaluations. Note: The frequency of periodic evaluation may vary according to legal requirements.
The organization shall evaluate compliance with other requirements to which it subscribes (see Section 4.3.2). The organization can combine this evaluation with the evaluation of legal compliance referred to in paragraph, or establish a separate procedure. The organization shall keep records of the results of periodic evaluations. Note: The frequency of periodic evaluations may vary depending on the various other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
3.1 Incident Investigation
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for recording, investigating, and analyzing incidents to:
- Identify underlying OSH gaps and other factors that could cause or contribute to the occurrence of incidents.
- Identify the need for corrective action.
- Identify opportunities for preventive action.
- Identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
- Communicate the results of such investigations.
Investigations should be carried out in a timely manner. Any identified need for corrective action or opportunity for preventive action should be treated in accordance with the relevant parts of paragraph The results of incident investigations must be documented and maintained.
3.2 Nonconformity, Corrective Action, and Preventive Action
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for dealing with actual or potential nonconformities and for taking corrective and preventive action. The procedures should define requirements for:
- Identifying and correcting nonconformities and taking actions to mitigate their impact on safety and health.
- Investigating nonconformities, determining their causes, and taking actions to prevent recurrence.
- Evaluating the need for action to prevent nonconformities and implementing appropriate actions to prevent their occurrence.
- Recording and reporting the results of corrective and preventive actions taken.
- Reviewing the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions taken.
In cases where corrective and preventive actions identify new or altered hazards or the need for new or modified controls, the procedure must require that such proposed actions are taken after a risk assessment prior to implementation.
Any corrective or preventive action taken to eliminate causes of actual or potential non-compliance should be adequate to the magnitude of the problems and commensurate with the OSH risks found.
The organization shall ensure that any necessary changes arising from corrective and preventive actions are incorporated into the OSH management system documentation.
4 Control of Records
The organization shall establish and maintain records needed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of its OSH management system and OHSAS 18001, and the results achieved.
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention, and disposition of records. Records shall be and remain legible, identifiable, and traceable.
5 Internal Audit
The organization must ensure that internal audits of the OSH management system are conducted at planned intervals to:
- Determine whether the OSH management system:
- Conforms to planned arrangements for OSH management, including the requirements of OHSAS 18001.
- Has been properly implemented and is maintained.
- Is effective in enforcing the organization’s OSH policy and objectives.
- Provide information to management on the results of the audits.
The organization shall plan, establish, implement, and maintain audit programs, taking into account the results of risk assessments of the organization’s activities and the results of previous audits.
The organization must establish, implement, and maintain one or more audit procedures that address:
- The responsibilities, competencies, and requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting results, and maintaining associated records.
- The determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency, and methods.
The selection of auditors and the conduct of audits shall ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit process.
Legal Audit
Area: Policy on the Prevention of Accidents at Work
Section: Existence of Prevention Policy
How is the integration of preventive activities within the company? Check possible ways of integrating prevention. May be valid if a policy which stipulates the principle. Is there a document called a preventive policy? Verify the existence of a written document that involves a front organization of the workforce and society, about the guidelines aimed at conservation and development of physical and human resources as well as reducing damage to health and property. It should include commitments such as:
- Establish strategies to implement policy and integrate into the mainstream of the organization.
- Developing organizational structures and a culture that supports risk control and ensure the participation of members of the organization.
- Allocation of resources and proper planning for implementation.
- Review and consideration of preventive activities, to learn from experience.
Is the prevention policy dated and signed? Ensure that the policy has been approved by the signature of an officer, assuming the company’s commitment to work eliminating workplace hazards. Is the location of this policy easily accessible? Ensure that the prevention policy is included physically (as above) in a manual, all regulations in the form of a poster or bulletin board or otherwise. How has the dissemination of the contents of the prevention policy been carried out? Check knowledge of the policy by the different levels of the organization through registered letters, informative posters, awareness talks and/or training courses, ensuring the participation of workers.
Section: Management Leadership
Is there a commitment and management leadership to the prevention of occupational hazards? Check if fulfillment of the principles of preventive policy is included among the functions and responsibilities of management of the company and whether it is in line with the rest of their duties. Does management involve itself in the prevention of occupational hazards? Check if they receive copies of accident reports, if they read them, if the numbers are known and recorded, if the accident figures are part of the business numbers that are managed within the Directorate. Is there a real commitment to address the prevention of occupational hazards? Check whether there is any incentive, commitment, or just willingness on the part of management to achieve the lowest possible number of accidents in their areas of responsibility.
Section: Management Review
Have you reviewed the prevention policy? Check regularly updating the company regarding the area of prevention, to ensure conformity with other content areas to date and verify the extent of the prevention policy. Does prevention determine objectives each year? Check for documents and records demonstrating the determination of annual targets for prevention and have been determined and announced by the Directorate of methods of achieving the objectives of all the controls of the company.
Area: Planning for Prevention
Section: Planning for Prevention
Has a prevention plan been developed? Verify that a prevention plan has been developed in accordance with current regulations. Is the Prevention Plan the minimum established by law? Verify that the Prevention Plan includes: “Organizational Structure, Functions, Responsibilities, Practices, Procedures, Processes, Resource Requirements.” Have you established priorities for action based on the magnitude of risk and the number of exposed workers? Verify that a prioritization of activities has been established based on risk and the number of exposed workers. Have the dates proposed in the Prevention Plan been kept? Ensure that there is a schedule of preventive actions to take, that deadlines are appropriate and are met.
Section: Risk Assessment
Have you made an Initial Assessment of Risks at Work? Check that there is an Initial Assessment of Risks. Does this initial risk assessment cover all jobs? Check through documents and records that an initial report was made on the current situation in prevention at the firm, identifying those positions or risk situations susceptible to be evaluated. Has the Risk Assessment taken account of all preventive disciplines? Ensure that they have been taken into account the risks related to: “Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psychology, Occupational Medicine.” Have you included all workers within the Risk Assessment? Ensure that all workers are included in the Evaluation of Risks (e.g., through the TC-2). Have you taken into account the existence of sensitive workers to conduct the assessment? Check, if any workers are underage, pregnant women, or sensitive people, that this peculiarity has been referred to in the Risk Assessment. Has the Occupational Hazard Assessment been carried out by qualified personnel? Ensure that the person or persons who made the Risk Assessment hold the title of prevention techniques. Does the Risk Assessment contain the documentation provided by Article 7 of the Rules of the Prevention Services? Check that the Risk Assessment contains: The identification of the job, the risk(s), and the ratio of workers affected, the outcome of the assessment and appropriate preventive measures, and the reference to criteria and evaluation procedures. Is the procedure or procedures used for Risk Assessment provide sufficient reassurance about the outcome? Ensure that the assessment procedure or procedures used comply with specific regulations (noise, temperature, lighting, etc.) and/or UNE procedures of INSHT Guides, etc. Does the Occupational Hazards assessment procedure consult with representatives of workers, or failing that, with the employees in their absence? Check through documentation or personal interviews if there has been consultation on the Risk Assessment Method with workers or their representatives. Has there been any review of the Risk Assessment? Check that documents exist that show that the Risk Assessment has been reviewed, especially when new technologies are introduced, there is a change in the machinery, or damage was detected on the health of workers. Are preventive measures or a prevention plan established from the initial risk assessment? Ensure that an Initial Assessment of Risk Prevention Plan has been made.
Section: Emergency Measures
Has the company, according to its size and activity, analyzed the potential emergency situations? Ensure that you have written a Self-Protection Plan (where applicable) that analyzes the potential emergency situations. Has the Self-Protection Plan (where applicable) taken the necessary measures for first aid? Check that the necessary measures for first aid in case of an emergency have been established. Has the Self-Protection Plan taken the necessary measures in the fight against fires? Verify that the necessary measures have been established regarding fire in an emergency. Has the Self-Protection Plan taken the necessary steps needed to be done if an evacuation of workers is required? Verify that the necessary measures have been established in terms of evacuation. Have staff been designated with the necessary and sufficient training to carry out such emergency measures? Check the description of workers to carry out the measures to be taken in case of emergency and check that they have received adequate training and education.
Area: Prevention Organization
Section: Existence of the Organization
Has the company organized Occupational Health and Safety as one of the preventive procedures established by law? Ensure that the company complies with any of the forms of organization permitted by the Prevention Law.
Section: Personal Assumption by the Employer
If this is the preventive mode, does the company have fewer than six workers? Verify through the TC that the company has fewer than six workers. Is the activity of the company included in Annex I Regulations for Prevention Services? Verify the activity of the company. Does the employer normally work in the workplace? Verify through interviews with workers and the employer. Does the employer have the ability to perform preventive functions? Check that the employer has taken a training course to perform preventive functions. Has the health surveillance of workers been met by the use of any of the other available forms of organization? Verify that there is an agreement with an external prevention service or that a worker with sufficient skills has been designated to undertake the supervision of health.
Section: Designation of Workers
For this type of organization, is there a document of designation of workers to develop prevention activities? Verify the existence of documents on the appointment of designated employees and that they accept the nomination. Does the company have over 500 employees or between 250 and 500 and is engaged in particularly dangerous activities? Verify through the TC that the company has no more than 500 people (250 if performing work in Annex I). Do designated workers have sufficient capacity to perform preventive functions? Verify that designated workers have certificates that enable them to perform functions at a basic, intermediate, or higher level. Are the number of workers and their time commitment sufficient for the task to be developed? Check the material made available to designated employees and their suitability to the task. Are the means employed by the employer at their disposal adequate to perform their functions? Ensure that the resources made available to designated employees are sufficient to carry out their task.
Section: Own Prevention Service
In the case of having an internal prevention service, is it constituted as a specific unit? Ensure that there is a document establishing an internal Prevention Service. Are staff members of the internal Prevention Service dedicated exclusively to prevention? Verify through questions and interviews the exclusivity of members of the internal Prevention Service. Does the internal Prevention Service cover at least two preventive specialties to develop within the company? Verify the assumption of specialties in the prevention service, as well as checking the qualifications of the members in it. Has the internal Prevention Service contracted with an external Prevention Service for specialties not covered by the internal prevention service? Verify the existence of an agreement with an accredited Prevention Service for preventive specialties not assumed by the internal prevention service. Does the internal Prevention Service have the material means and facilities needed to carry out their activities? Ensure that the material and facilities are suitable for the activity to be developed. Does the internal Prevention Service have a memory and the annual program of preventive services? Verify the existence of documents in memory and the annual program of preventive actions. Does the internal Prevention Service perform the tasks set out in Article 31 of the Prevention Act? Verify that the Prevention Service provides the company with advice and support regarding: – The design, implementation, and coordination of plans and programs of preventive action. – The evaluation of risk factors that may affect the safety and health of workers in the terms provided in Article 16 of this Act. – Determination of priorities in the adoption of adequate preventive measures and monitoring their effectiveness. – Information and training of workers. – The provision of first aid and emergency plans. – Monitoring the health of workers in relation to occupational hazards. If, moreover, it is a joint Prevention Service, is there an agreement on setting up the same? Verify the existence of an agreement on setting up a joint Prevention Service which expresses the minimal conditions that the service develops.
Section: External Prevention Service
If preventive action is contracted with an external Prevention Service, is there a written agreement or contract? Verify the existence of a written agreement or contract in which at least the following were recorded: – Identification of a specialized body that acts as a prevention service outside the enterprise. – Identification of the undertaking to which the activity is contracted, as well as the workplace of the same to that activity. – Aspects of the prevention activities to develop in the company, specifying the concrete actions and the means to carry them out. – Activity monitoring the health of workers, if necessary. – Duration of the agreement. – Economic conditions of the agreement. If preventive action is contracted with an external prevention service, is there a written agreement or contract? Verify the existence of a written agreement or contract in which at least the following were recorded: – Identification of a specialized body that acts as a prevention service outside the enterprise. – Identification of the undertaking to which the activity is contracted, as well as the workplace of the same to that activity. – Aspects of the prevention activities to develop in the company, specifying the concrete actions and the means to carry them out. – Activity monitoring the health of workers, if necessary. – Duration of the agreement. – Economic conditions of the agreement. Is the External Prevention Service accredited by the Education Authority to act as such on the territory of involvement of the business and the corresponding preventive disciplines? Ensure that the accreditation of the external Prevention Service allows its performance in all workplaces in the company and the corresponding preventive disciplines. If all the preventive activity has been contracted outside the Department of Prevention, does it provide advice and support under Article 31.3 of the Law on Prevention? – The design, implementation, and coordination of plans and programs of preventive action. – Evaluation and risk factors that may affect the safety and health of workers as provided in Article 16 of this Act. – Determination of priorities in the adoption of adequate preventive measures and monitoring their effectiveness. – Information and training of workers. – The provision of first aid and emergency plans. – Monitoring the health of workers in relation to occupational hazards.
Area: Consultation and Participation of Workers
Section: Delegates to Prevention
In the case of employee representation in the company, would Prevention Delegates have been chosen? Check that Prevention Delegates are elected by and from the personal representatives or members of the Company. In the event that there is no representation of workers, is consultation and participation of workers in matters relating to Occupational Health and Safety guaranteed by some means? Verify the existence of newsletters, suggestion boxes, bulletin boards, or other means to ensure consultation and participation of workers in matters related to prevention. Are Prevention Delegates appointed? Ensure that there are documents of appointment and acceptance of the Prevention Representatives. Does the number of Prevention delegates conform to the scale set by law depending on the number of workers? Verify that the number of Prevention delegates is adequate. Have the Prevention Delegates received the necessary and sufficient training to exercise their powers and responsibilities within the company? Verify the existence of documents (certificates of training, qualifications, etc.) evidencing the training of the Prevention Representatives. Do you consult the Prevention Representatives on?: – Adopting a preventive mode. – Choosing who, when, and how to conduct the Risk Assessment and its scope. – Implementing and developing preventive activities. – The Training Plan. – Procedures, processes, records, and work instructions used. Verify the existence of documentation that shows that such consultation occurs.
Section: Health and Safety Committee
In companies or establishments with legal representation of workers and 50 or more workers, has a Health and Safety Committee been established? Verify the existence of an act of constitution of the Committee on Safety and Health. Is the Health and Safety Committee composed of delegates for the Prevention on one hand and the representatives of the company by another, in equal numbers? Check through the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Safety Committee the number, parity, and members of the Committee on Safety and Health. Does the Health and Safety Committee meet at least once every quarter? Verify through the dates of the Safety Committee minutes and Health that they are meeting at least quarterly. Does the Health and Safety Committee participate in the development, implementation, and evaluation of plans and prevention programs? Verify, by reviewing the minutes of the Committee, interviews with the members, etc., that the Committee actually participates in the development, implementation, and evaluation of plans and prevention programs. Does the Health and Safety Committee promote initiatives on methods and procedures for effective prevention of risks to the company, proposing the improvement of conditions or the correction of deficiencies? Verify by reviewing the Committee’s records, interviews with the members, etc., that the Committee actually promotes initiatives on methods and procedures for the effective prevention of risks to the company, proposing the improvement of conditions or the correction of deficiencies.
Area: Planning for Prevention
Section: Training of Workers
Have company employees received training in the prevention of occupational hazards? Ensure that the company has records to ensure the completion of training for all workers on safety and health. Is the training received by each worker specifically focused on their job or role? Verify, through education certificates or course completion programs, that training has been focused on the job of every employee. When new workers enter, whatever their contract, do they receive specific training in the prevention of occupational hazards? Verify through company records that newly hired workers receive the necessary training for their job or function. If a worker has changed jobs or functions, have they received specific training for their new role? Verify, through the records available to the company, that specific training is provided to workers who have changed their position or function. In the case of introducing new technology or changes in work teams, is specific training given to workers for these new changes? Check through the records of the company that training is done whenever there are new technologies or changes in work equipment. Is training repeated periodically to meet changing risks and the emergence of new ones? Check the temporal repetition of training in the prevention of occupational hazards. Is the training received by workers theoretical and practical? Verify, through training certificates and programs, whether the training is theoretical and practical. Is the training received by workers taught, as far as possible, within the working day or discounted if it is not possible? Check through company records and interviews with safety representatives and employees that training is provided within the working day or discounted.
Section: Information for Workers
Has each worker been informed of the risks to safety and health related to their job or function, as well as those affecting the whole enterprise? Verify, through documentation, that each worker receives information and whether this information relates to their job or function. Has each worker been informed of the protection measures and activities applicable to the specific risks of their job or function, as well as those affecting the company as a whole? Check in the worker information records if they include the protective measures and activities applicable to their job or function. Are workers informed of measures taken in case of emergency (first aid, fire fighting, and evacuation)? Check for documentation of the delivery of information to workers on measures to take in case of emergency. If you have legal representation of workers, have they been given any information about the risks of all jobs and the whole enterprise, as well as preventive and protective measures and emergency performance measures? Check records attesting to the delivery of all documentation to the Prevention Representatives.
Area: Risk Control
Section: Work Teams
Has it been shown that teams comply with the conditions laid down in Annex I of Royal Decree 1215/1997? Ensure that it has been found that the company’s teams meet the requirements of Annex I of Royal Decree 1215 or that a certified company has made the start line of the existing equipment in the company. Do you check that the teams are used in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II of Royal Decree 1215/97? Check compliance with the conditions of use set out in Annex II of the Royal Decree. Are risks identified and assessed for each of the teams? Verify, through risk assessment, that the risks of each team have been identified and assessed. In the case of teams that may pose a particular risk to the safety and health of workers, is their use reserved for persons responsible for such use? Verify that an assignment of workers to potentially dangerous teams has been made. Is there regular maintenance and proper use of work teams? Verify the existence of equipment record books or any other system that proves the existence of periodic maintenance of work teams. Do you educate and inform workers about the proper use of work teams? Check for training and information circulars that incorporate how to use work equipment safely. In the case of acquisition of new machinery, is the information necessary for the use and handling of work equipment to occur without risk to the safety and health of workers collected from the manufacturer, importer, or supplier? Verify the existence of the records of the teams regarding their use and safe handling.
Section: Personal Protective Equipment
Are certain jobs or functions in which it is necessary to use personal protective equipment? Check Help in the own risk assessment or specific records, it has been determined which job is necessary to resort to means of individual protection. Has it been determined for each Individual Protective Equipment, the risk or risks against which should offer protection? HELP Verify, documented that the risks have been identified against which each team must provide protection Personal Protection. Has it been determined for each Individual Protective Equipment part or parts of the body to be protected? HELP Verify, documented, determining for each Individual Protective Equipment of the part or parts of the body to protect. Do you track the delivery records of personal protective equipment? HELP Verify that there is a record of delivery control personal protective equipment to each worker and it coincides with the jobs that have been identified the need for Personal Protective Equipment. Have you established criteria for selection of personal protective equipment based on efficacy against the risk? HELP verify that performance criteria are followed in the selection of personal protective equipment. Is there proper maintenance of personal protective equipment? HELP Verify, through interviews with workers, the maintenance of personal protective equipment performed properly.Has trained and informed workers about the risks against which they protect the Personal Protective Equipment, as well as the activities it is useful, the correct way to use it and how to maintain the same? HELP verify, through the training received by workers (or through personal interviews), if properly formed and informed workers about the Personal Protective Equipment.
SECTION: SAFETY SIGNS Safety signs Is used as a complementary technique in order to draw attention to the existence of certain risks, prohibitions, obligations, emergency measures, means of emergency location, etc..? HELP Check visually if necessary, the existence of safety signs at the workplace of the company. Safety signs at the firm, “meets the minimum requirements set out in Annexes I through VII of the RD 485/97? Check HELP safety colors, sizes, shapes, pictograms, etc.., Conform to current regulations. Have been informed and trained employees on the use and meaning of safety signs in the workplace? HELP Verify the existence of such information and training through training certificates, personal interviews, etc.
SECTION: SAFETY Has the company established safety standards for safe working? HELP sure that the company has given in writing, and has disclosed properly to all workers, the rules on the issue of prevention of occupational hazards and safe work procedures. Do you meet the safety standards that the company has made to perform the work safely? HELP Verify that there is a written policy and that disciplinary and applied in case of violation of safety standards and there is a policy of praise to reward those who follow the rules. Do you make revisions to the safety standards and ensure they are continually updated? Check HELP periodic review of safety standards
SECTION: WORK PERMITS Are implanted in the security management system permits for operations particularly dangerous? HELP Verify the existence of the procedure concerning work permits for particularly hazardous operations (filling and emptying containers, work in confined spaces, etc..) If yes, work permits are signed by persons with sufficient competition in the company safety? HELP Verify the existence of signed work permits and the ability and competence of the person or persons signing. Do you use work permits for all hazardous operations where use has been implemented? HELP verify, besides the existence of the procedure for hazardous operations, the real effectiveness of these procedures.
SECTION: SAFETY INSPECTIONS Is there, within the management system of prevention, a procedure dedicated to safety inspections? HELP Verify, documented the existence of a safety inspection procedure in the management system of prevention. Conducted safety inspections, are adopting measures Prevention Plan to improve the deficiencies identified? HELP sure that the safety inspection procedure not only to detect possible deficiencies in places, facilities, equipment, etc., But also allows effective preventive measures to eliminate any deficiencies and ensure that these measures are carried out effectively. Safety inspections, are performed regularly within the company? Check Help in the process, the deadlines for
conducting regular safety inspections and determine if those deadlines are met. Safety inspections, are performed by personnel with sufficient competence to perform them? HELP verify the competence of personnel who carried out the safety inspections, such as prevention techniques, Prevention Delegates, staff with specific training, etc.
Has there been an assessment of the lighting conditions of employment? HELP Verify the existence of an assessment under the current regulations of the lighting conditions of employment. Should have done the evaluation of lighting conditions, have you made a program for adapting workplaces and work to the minimum conditions set by the RD 486/97? Help Check for an Action Plan that has improved the lighting conditions in places where it has been necessary and attending at least the following table: Area or part of the workplace (*) Minimum Illumination (lux ) Areas where tasks running: 1 Low visual demands. 2 º moderate visual requirements. 3 rd highest visual requirements. 4 º visual requirements very high. 100 200 500 1000 Has performed an assessment of the environmental conditions of jobs? HELP Verify the existence of an assessment under the current regulations on the environmental conditions of employment. Should have made the assessment of environmental conditions, have you made a program for adapting workplaces and work to the minimum conditions set by the RD 486/97? HELP Verify the existence of an action program of environmental conditions in those places or jobs that have been necessary. Has there been an assessment of worker exposure to noise in accordance with Royal Decree 286/2006? HELP Verify the existence of an evaluation of worker exposure to noise above under RD If you have exceeded the values of noise exposure of Royal Decree, have you taken the protective and preventive measures necessary? HELP sure that, if they have exceeded the limit values (87 dB (A) a daily or 140 dB peak level), or if they have passed lower levels of action), have carried out the protection measures necessary. If teams or areas where ionizing radiation, are identified and assessed the risks that such radiation can cause on workers? HELP Verify the existence of a risk assessment in which ionizing radiation may be present. Do they take the necessary measures to minimize the effects of such radiation? Check HELP control all sources and equipment likely to generate ionizing radiation. Does have been identified and marked off-limits areas of stay limited, controlled areas and supervised areas according to levels of exposure? Check HELP signaling and control of areas close to sources of ionizing radiation. Has trained and informed workers about the risks and control measures against ionizing radiation? Check Help in the training plans, including specific courses or newsletters about the risks and control measures against ionizing radiation.
Are there measures of health surveillance of workers exposed to various physical agents? HELP Verify the existence of records and specific protocols for health surveillance of workers exposed to physical agents.
The media and equipment used in the evaluation of physical agents, have been calibrated as provided by the manufacturer of your computer? HELP request certification of calibration of equipment used for the evaluation of physical agents.
If the presence in the company’s products or chemical agents, have you conducted a risk assessment that these agents can result in workers? HELP Verify the existence of specific risk assessments of products or chemicals in the enterprise. If after the previous risk assessment or agents have found products that may be harmful, have you taken sufficient control measures to work safely? HELP Verify that measures have been taken control of chemical agents such as: • Changing • agents • Collective Protection Individual Protection
Have been informed and trained employees on the hazards of exposure to chemicals and on measures to take against them? Check Help in the training plans, including specific courses or newsletters about the risks and control measures against chemical agents. Have you taken measures against accidents, incidents and emergencies in which these chemicals are present? HELP Verify the existence of measures to take in case of accidents, incidents or emergencies. In case of chemical agents that have specific legislation, have you met the specific obligations contained in the standard? HELP verify compliance with the obligations contained in the specific rules for certain chemicals like those that may be carcinogenic, and so on.
Has there been an identification and assessment of risks associated with biological agents in the workplace? HELP Verify the existence of risk identification and assessment of biological agents present in the workplace. In case of biological agents in the workplace, are taking control measures and hygiene to prevent and control these risks? HELP Verify the existence of plans for prevention and control of biological agents.
Do you perform the steps of monitoring the health of workers exposed to these risks? Help Check for specific medical protocols in terms of biological agents to which workers may be exposed. Has trained and informed workers about the risks associated with biological agents? Help Check for information and training of workers regarding: • The potential health risks. • The precautions to be taken to prevent exposure. • The provisions on hygiene. • The wearing and use of clothing and Personal Protective Equipment. • The measures to be taken by workers in the event of incidents and their prevention.
Does the company guarantee in general the health surveillance of workers? HELP Verify the existence of the organization of the health surveillance of workers with their own resources or, in concert with foreign media.
Does the worker has given consent to carry out health surveillance? HELP Verify, documented the existence of consent of the employees with the exception that makes the Act: – The awards will be essential to evaluate the effects of working conditions on workers’ health. – To check the health of the worker may constitute a danger to himself, for other workers or other persons connected with the company. – When do so by a legal provision concerning the protection of specific risks and particularly dangerous activities. Do you guarantee the confidentiality of results and information related to the health of workers? Check HELP method followed to ensure confidentiality of information relating to the health of workers.
Do you inform the company about the worker’s fitness to perform the job? HELP Verify the existence of such documentation, which should be a statement of the worker’s fitness to perform the job.
Do you inform the company of the need to introduce or improve protection and prevention measures based on the results of the surveys in relation to health surveillance? HELP Verify the existence of such information provided to the company to take adequate measures.
Health examinations of workers, “including clinical history and labor? HELP Verify that the protocol for health surveillance referred to the health screening includes a clinical history of working with at least: – Anamnesis – Clinical Examination – Biological control – Further studies in light of the risks inherent
Health examinations of workers, do they include, in addition to the clinical history of work: – A description of the job – The length of stay in the same – The risks identified in the analysis of working conditions – measures adopted prevention – If available, a description of previous positions working with risk and stay in each? HELP Verify the inclusion of data relating to health examinations of workers.
The medical staff of the Prevention, “examines and particularly appreciates the risks that could affect workers who are pregnant or recently delivered to children and workers are particularly sensitive to certain risks, proposing appropriate preventive measures? HELP sure that the medical staff of the Prevention studies and assess the risks of workers who are pregnant or recently delivered to children and workers are particularly sensitive to certain risks, proposing appropriate preventive measures.
In the case of having a prevention service itself, does at least one specialist in Occupational Medicine or Diploma in Business, and a Nursing assistants in the business? Check HELP certificates evidencing the formation of the Group Health and Nursing assistants. If you have arranged health surveillance Prevention Service with another’s, has accreditation to work in the discipline of health surveillance in areas where the company has workplace? Check HELP territorial and functional extension of accreditation or prevention services they provide their services outside the company. The actions of health surveillance of workers, are governed by existing specific protocols approved by the Ministry of Health or other specific means, in the absence of the latter? HELP sure to use the protocols of the Ministry of Health to carry out surveys of health surveillance. The medical staff of the Prevention of their own, “provided in the workplace where it is located first aid and emergency care workers involved in accidents or alterations in the workplace? Help Ensure that medical personnel provide first aid and emergency care when necessary.
When the company is a damage to the health of workers, is conducting research to identify the causes that have brought such harm to the health of workers? Check HELP conducting research of all accidents that occur in the company. The results of the investigation of accidents, are used to revise the initial risk assessment? HELP sure that, in case an accident investigation were to indicate the lack or inadequacy of prevention activities, has reviewed the initial risk assessment.
Has there been within the system Prevention Management of a specific procedure for accident investigation? Check Help in the Prevention Manual of the company, the existence of a specific procedure designed to investigate accidents. In this procedure, is established people who did the research? HELP Verify the existence of persons responsible for investigating accidents. Is there a report setting out the reasons for each of the accidents that occur in the company? HELP sure that is done a report for each accident at the company in determining the causes. In each accident investigation report, are set to perform corrective measures to prevent recurrence? HELP Verify that the accident investigation report establishing corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the same and, indeed, put into practice. Is there a statistic of accidents in the company to help monitor the effectiveness of the corrective actions taken after the existence of an accident? HELP sure that you perform a statistical accident in the company in order to verify the effectiveness of the corrective measures taken after accidents.
The company, what remains available to the Labour Authority preventive plan? HELP Verifying the availability of preventive plan for the Labour Authority. The company, what remains available to the Labour Authority risk assessment for safety and health at work? HELP Verifying the availability of risk assessment for the Education or Health Authority, where appropriate. The company, what remains available to the Labour Authority Planning preventive action? HELP Check the arrangement of the planning of preventive action for Labor or Health Authority, where appropriate. The company, what remains available to the Education Authority the preventive and protective measures to take, and when necessary, the protective equipment to be used? HELP Verifying the availability of preventive and protective measures to take, and when necessary, the protective equipment to be used. The company, what remains available to the Education Authority the results of periodic inspections of working conditions and workers’ activity? HELP Check availability or the Health Education Authority, where appropriate, the results of periodic inspections of working conditions and workers’ activity. The company, what remains available to the Education Authority’s practice of monitoring the health of workers and the conclusions drawn from them? HELP Check availability or the Health Education Authority, where appropriate, the practice of monitoring the health of workers and the conclusions thereof.
The company, what remains available to the Education Authority the relationship of occupational accidents and diseases that have caused the worker unable to work more than one day of work? HELP Check availability or the Health Education Authority, where appropriate, the relationship of occupational accidents and diseases that have caused the worker unable to work more than one day.
When you share the workplace with other companies (or self-employed), is established to coordinate media activities? HELP Verify the existence of means of coordination between firms that share the workplace to prevent and protect against risks such as information exchange, regular meetings, joint meetings of Health and Safety Committees, delivery instructions, procedures or protocols Action, prevention resources in the center or the appointment of one or more coordinators of preventive activities, etc. In the case of companies and freelancers in attendance and that no employer is the owner or principal, is reported, conversely, the risks specific to their businesses and their workers turn to these risks? HELP Check type of information shared, whether they are serious or very serious risks that information must be in writing. If you report any emergency which may affect employees of firms and if this information has been communicated to workers.
In the case of the holder of the workplace and other companies (or self-employed) work in it, have they been informed of the risks, prevention and protection measures and emergency measures to apply these companies, being written in the case of serious or very serious risk? HELP Verify, documentary, sending information to subcontractors who provide services within the workplace of the principal.In the case of the holder of the workplace and other companies (or self-employed) work in it, “the employer has sufficient head and appropriate instructions for the prevention of occupational hazards, being written in risk for serious or very serious? HELP Verify, documented the existence of instructions for contracting companies providing services within the workplace of the principal. In the case of the self-employed business or combines with another company that owns the workplace and taking into account the information received from it, “has incorporated into its risk assessment and planning of preventive action? HELP Verify the existence of employer information holder and the incorporation of Information in Risk Assessment and Preventive Planning. In the case of the self-employed business or combines with another company that owns the workplace and taking into account the information and instructions received from it, “referred them to their workers? HELP Verify the existence of paper records to ensure communication with employees. In case of concurrence of companies when a major employer (contractors or subcontractors of the same activity in their workplace), will this lead company, other than information and instructions, monitors the compliance of occupational risk prevention? HELP verify the material and procedural enforcement of the rules of workplace hazards, information and instructions. In case of concurrence of companies when a major employer (contractors or subcontractors of the same activity in their workplace), will this lead company requires its contractors and subcontractors certify in writing that he has done for works and services procured risk assessment and planning of preventive action? HELP Verify the existence of written documentary media to ensure the conduct of risk assessments and preventive planning. In case of concurrence of companies when a major employer (contractors or subcontractors of the same activity in their workplace), will this lead company requires contractors and subcontractors who will certify in writing that they have met their training obligations and information on workers who will provide services in the workplace? HELP Verify the existence of written documentary means to ensure compliance with the obligations of training and information for contract workers. In case of concurrence of companies when a major employer (contractors or subcontractors of the same activity in their workplace), are the contractors, who in turn subcontract with other performing work or services, compliance with its obligation obtain from the subcontractors to give accreditation to the main risk assessment, prevention planning, training and information of their workers? HELP Verify the existence of written documentary means to ensure compliance with the obligations of training and information for contract workers. Are the means chosen are appropriate coordination? HELP sure that the coordination means chosen are appropriate, being preferred choice of one or more coordinators when considered dangerous activities or special risks when there are particularly difficult to control risks serious or very serious, difficult to avoid when developing incompatible activities or special complexity exists for coordination.If the main company providing machinery, equipment, products, raw materials or work equipment to another contractor or subcontractor, “provides the information necessary for the handling and use to occur without risk to safety and health of workers? HELP Verify the availability of contractors or subcontractors of information on the use and handling of machinery, equipment, products, raw materials or work equipment.
Temporary workers before the start of its activity, have received information on the risks they will be exposed, medical checks the existence of special or specific hazards, as well as protective and preventive measures against them? Check HELP document the delivery of the information referred before the start of the activity. The company, has provided temporary workers or fixed-term contract sufficient training appropriate to the characteristics of the job to cover? Check HELP document the training they have received temporary or fixed-term contract. Does the company have a health monitoring of temporary or fixed-term contract? Check HELP conducting health checks of workers in temporary or fixed-term contract. Does the company informed the workers assigned to the preventive activity or prevention services, where appropriate, the addition of temporary or fixed term? Help Check for this type of communication to designated workers or prevention services to develop and their functions.
The user company, has completed the risk assessment of the jobs that will occupy workers made available for temporary employment? HELP Verify the existence in the risk assessment of specific positions occupied by temporary agency workers and the places and areas. The user company, has sought the temporary employment business information on worker’s medical fitness, qualifications and abilities needed for the job? HELP Verify that prior to the making available to the user company has received the information referred to in the temporary employment business. The user company, has informed the employees of the temporary employment business risks, as well as protective and preventive measures to adopt? HELP Verify that the user company has the necessary information to workers of temporary employment. The user company, has informed the representatives of its workers on workers from temporary employment to certain jobs? HELP verify receipt of information by workers’ representatives. The user company, has informed the employees designated to carry out the preventive activity or prevention services, where appropriate, the incorporation of workers in temporary employment? Check HELP prevention service or designated workers receive employee information incorporated temporary employment. The client company, Save the documentation generated with the temporary employment agency available to the Employment Authority? Help Check for documentation of the user enterprise and temporary work available to the Education and Health Authority, where appropriate.The user company, has informed the temporary employment agency for any damage to the health of workers made available had been produced to mark the course of their work? HELP Verify that in case of accident, the user company has informed the employment agency so that it meets its obligations to notify the Labour Authority. The user company, are coordinated with those responsible for prevention of temporary employment agency in regard to health surveillance and the extent and duration of exposure of workers to agents, processes or working conditions that might adversely affect your health? HELP Verify the existence of means of coordination with the employment agency to communicate the existence of agents, processes or working conditions that might adversely affect the health of these workers. The temporary employment agency, “complies with the obligation to provide necessary and sufficient training to workers who will make available to the user company? Help Check for certificates, etc.., Proving the necessary training to workers. The temporary employment agency, “fulfills the obligation to monitor the health of workers available to the user company? HELP Verify the existence of recognition of skills of workers made available. The temporary employment company, has informed its employees of the characteristics of jobs performed and the qualifications required for this?
In the risk assessment of the company, have you taken into account the possibility that workers are particularly sensitive? HELP Check if risk assessments have established special considerations for especially sensitive. In case of workers are particularly sensitive in their own personal characteristics that have been recognized biological or physical disability, mental or sensory impairment, have you taken the preventive and protective measures necessary to protect their health and that of other workers or other persons connected with the company? HELP Verify the existence of measures to protect sensitive workers. If the existence of physical, chemical or biological that can exert mutagenic or toxic to reproduction, both in aspects of fertility and the development of the offspring, have you taken the necessary preventive measures to avoid their effects on workers? Check HELP taking measures to prevent and control possible mutagenic effects of physical, chemical and / or biological.
In risk assessment, have you established the nature, extent and duration of exposure to agents, processes or working conditions which may affect the health of pregnant workers or the fetus? HELP Verify that the risk assessment have been taken into account such considerations. Have you taken the necessary measures to avoid exposure to risks to safety and health of pregnant workers? HELP sure that, if there are particular risks for pregnant women, appropriate measures are taken. If not possible to control the risks to pregnant workers, have you made a list of jobs without risk to effects of changing job or function? Help Check for a list of posts without risk to pregnant women.
In risk assessment, have you established the nature, extent and duration of exposure to agents, processes or working conditions which may affect the health of workers under age? HELP Verify that the risk assessment have been taken into account such considerations. This evaluation of risks, should have been taken into account the risks arising from their lack of experience, immaturity to assess existing or potential risks and their development is still incomplete? Help Ensure that risk assessment is specific to underage workers. Have been informed, both as workers under their parents or guardians who are involved in the recruitment of potential risks and any measures taken to protect their health and safety? HELP Verify, documented the existence of such information, both the worker and their parents or guardians.
Workers who work shifts, do they have the same protection as other employees of the company? Help Ensure that shift workers have the same levels of protection than other workers. If the shifts are firm, is verifying that no worker will be in the night over two consecutive weeks, unless voluntary membership? HELP Verify that no worker is on shift at night over two consecutive weeks, except for voluntary membership.
Workers who work at night, do they have the same protection as other employees of the company? HELP sure that workers performing their work at night have the same levels of protection than other workers. Night workers “ever made overtime? HELP Verify that night workers do not perform in any overtime. The employer who regularly uses the performance of night work, has informed this to the Education Authority? Help Check for notifying the Labor Authority of night work. Has there been monitoring the state of health of night workers before their assignment to the same? Check HELP examinations of health surveillance at the start of night work. Is there regular monitoring of the health of night workers? Check HELP periodic reviews to monitor the health of workers who provide their work at night. For the workers who are recognized health problems linked to the fact his night job, have been employed as day labor that exists in the company and to which they are professionally qualified? HELP Verify the existence of any case where the company and its actual change to a daytime job.
If the company has debt and equity for the development of prevention Has Prevention System under the control of an audit or external evaluation? Check HELP organizational mode chosen by the company and if you made the audit or external evaluation.The statutory audit, are repeated at least every four years or two if Annex I of Royal Decree 39/1997? HELP Verify that the repetition time of auditing does not exceed legal limits. In case of companies of up to six workers, have reported the occurrence of conditions which do not necessitate recourse to the statutory audit? HELP sure that it is true that the company is six or fewer workers, who do not engage in Annex I, that the effectiveness of the preventive system is clear and has reported according to the model set out in Annex II of RD 39/97. The statutory audit carried out, has included a systematic, documented and objective assessment of the effectiveness of the system Prevention? HELP Verify that the audit includes a systematic evaluation of all the system Prevention Management. “The statutory audit aims have been carried out verify the initial and periodic assessment of the risks, nature and planning of preventive activities conform to the rules and the adequacy of the procedures and means required for preventive action? Check Help in the audit report including legal objectives. Are the results of the statutory audit have been reflected in a report made available to the Labour Authority and representatives of workers? HELP Verify the existence of the audit report and making it available to the labor authorities and representatives of workers. The person or specialized entities that have made the statutory audit, do they have the authorization of the Labour Authority for audit activity Prevention System? HELP verify the scope and content of accreditation of the person or entity auditor.
SECTION: Internal Audit
If internal audits done, do staff that has performed adequately trained to perform? HELP verify the training of internal auditors of the company. “The outcome of internal audits Proposals to improve the system? HELP sure that the reports of internal audits Proposals to improve the management system.