Operating System: Functions and Features

Operating System

An Operating System (OS) is a program or set of computer programs designed to ensure effective management of a computer’s resources. It starts working when the computer is turned on and manages the hardware of the machine from the most basic levels, allowing interaction with the user. An operating system can normally be found in most electronic devices that use microprocessors, such as cell phones, DVD players, car stereos, and PCs. These devices use the OS to understand the machine and ensure it fulfills its functions.

Basic Functions

The OS, as a software layer, enables and simplifies the management of the PC, performing a variety of basic functions essential for the management team. Among the most noteworthy, each performed by an internal component (core module in monolithic and microkernel server), are the following:

  • Provides comfort in the use of a computer.
  • Efficiently manages the computer’s resources, performing services for processes (programs).
  • Provides a user interface, executing instructions (commonly commands).
  • Allows developmental changes in the OS itself without interfering with existing services (evolutionary).

Five Basic Functions in the Operation of a Computer System:

  • Providing the user interface
  • Resource management
  • File management
  • Task management
  • Support services and utilities

User Interface

The user interface is how the operating system communicates with the user, allowing them to load programs, access files, and perform other tasks. There are three basic types of interfaces: command-based, menu-driven, and graphical user interfaces.

Resource Management

Resource management functions serve to manage the hardware and network resources of an information system, such as the CPU, memory, secondary storage devices, and input/output peripherals.

File Management

An information system contains file management programs that control the creation, deletion, and access of data files and programs. This also involves keeping a log of the physical location of files on magnetic disks and other secondary storage devices.

Task Management

The task management programs of an operating system manage the performance of computing tasks for end users. These programs control which areas have access to the CPU and for how long. Task management functions can allocate a specific portion of CPU time to a particular task and interrupt the CPU at any time to replace it with a higher-priority task.

Support Services

Support Services for each operating system will depend on the particular implementation. Among the best-known are implementations of UNIX (developed by different software companies), Apple Inc.’s Mac OS X for Apple computers, Microsoft operating systems, and free software implementations like Linux or BSD (produced by companies, universities, governments, non-profit organizations, and/or development communities). These support services usually consist of: versioning, security enhancements, including new utilities (new graphical environments, assistants to handle particular functions), drivers for new peripherals (coordinated with the hardware manufacturer), software error correction, etc.