Operating Systems and Memory Management Quiz

1 – Which of the following items not part of an operating system service?

A) Program implementation

B) Memory management

C) Acceleration of the calculations

D) Error Detection

2 — In the following alternatives to the concept of kernel is:

A) A process stored in main memory

B) A software responsible for the different programs provide secure access to computer hardware

C) A system call

D) An operating system time sharing

3 — Multiprograma systems are characterized by:

A) Are sequential and the CPU has full control of process execution

B) Have a care with priority queue and a process does not end until you have completed your implementation

C) Increase the CPU utilization by organizing the work so that it always has something to run

D) It serves a job at a time

4 — The main difference between the systems and Batch Batch Simple Sophisticated, respectively is to be:

A) Uniprocessor, multiprocessor


Monoprogramados, Multiprograma

C) Multiprocessor, uniprocessor

D) Operator-dependent, not dependent on the operator

5 — Monoprogramables linear systems are characterized by:

A) They care a queue with priorities and a process does not end until you have completed your implementation

B) They care a queue without priorities and a process does not end until you have completed your implementation

C) Used where there is very rigid time requirements on the operations or the flow of data

d) They care a queue with priorities and a process can terminate upon the completion of its execution or after the expiry of a time interval of fixed attention.

6 — The system call concept refers to the communication interface between:

A) A program and the CPU

B) The system peripherals and CPU

C) A program that is running and the Operating System

D) The CPU and Operating System

7 — With regard to system calls, which features refer to Process Control:

A) Request, release and retrieve attributes of the devices

B) Create, delete and open a file

C) Load or execute another program

D) None of the above

8 — The command line:

A) Decides that processes should use the CPU

B) Swapping handles memory management in

C) It’s a CPU scheduling algorithm

d) It is a program that runs when you start the operating system, which captures a command issued by the user, interprets and then executes it.

9 — Which of the following alternatives is not a description of timeshare?

A) Allows users to share the computer simultaneously

B) The CPU executes various tasks, alternating between them

C) May occur only on systems with 2 processors

D) Users can interact with each of the programs while they run

10 — Select the alternative that does not belong to a multiprocessor system

A) Have more than one CPU sharing memory and peripherals

B) The data is stored in nonvolatile memory (ROM)

C) Assigned a specific task to each processor

D) A master processor controls the system, others expect the teacher or have pre-defined tasks

11 — Which of the following statements define what is a process?

A) Any activity that requires the attention of the CPU of a machine

b) A set of instructions that are in memory of a machine with all the resources administered by the operating system

C) A set of activities that shape and define only the very functioning of the operating system

D) A set of activities that shape and define only the very functioning of the operating system

12 — By definition the program concept refers to a logical sequence of instructions that can be either be:

A) Stored in nonvolatile any means

B) Sorted by the operating system


Intended to be processed at some point

D) Part of the operating system components

13 — The Pooling is characterized by:

A) Allows the CPU to focus on care processes

B) The CPU is constantly asking each peripheral if it has something to do

C) The CPU sends an interrupt request when a device requires CPU attention

D) Is the exchange of pages between primary and secondary memory

14 — Which of the following does not belong to a feature of the parallel processes?

A) There are in the same interval of time

B) They run on separate processors

C) These processes do not require the cooperation of other processes

D) They are active simultaneously

15 — A cooperative process:

A) Share Data

B) Share Resources

C) Not share resources

D) Alternative A and B

16 — A ready-state process:

A) It ended with his execution

B) Exists but is not yet known by the Operating System

C) This ready to run

D) This waiting for some condition is met (E / S, Sign, etc.)

17 — A process that goes back to ready state is because:

A) The process is running has reached the maximum time allowed for continued implementation

b) The process that is running is terminated by the OS if this indicates that it has completed or if we abandon the process

C) T he system is prepared to accept a more (There’s available memory)

D) None of the Above

18 — Turnaround time is:

A) The interval of time between a process that is created comes or until he completes the execution by the system

B) The interval of time between an event which states until the first instruction is executed

C) The number of processes completed per unit time

D)The time the process waits until the processor is granted

19 — The FCFS algorithm is characterized by:

A) The process first asks CPU is the first to be assigned

B) The last process to arrive, is the first served

C) Associated with each process the length of the next burst

D) A new process arrives at the queue of processes ready while another process is running

20 — Thecontrol concept works or processes indicates that this is a functional part of:

A) Operating system at all times regulating states and transitions of processes

B) Core charge only user processes when they are running

C) Operating system that controls and regulates the processes that deliver data at a time

D) Operating system kernel that allows the arrival of programs to memory when it is available

1 — With regard to the allocation mechanism and the number of blocks (partitions) to be managed in memory, the allocation of 2 partitions.

A) It is used in multitasking systems

B)It is used in single user systems

C) Has a partition is used for the operating system and another user is managed by the

D) Has a partition in which operating system is loaded, and the other is free

2 — The definition of main memory, refers to the space: (select the most representative)

A)Where all programs are stored before being executed

B) Volatile using only the user programs the operating system

C) Non-volatile which is administered by the operating system

D) Where information is stored permanently once it has been processed

3 — With respect to memory allocation strategies, the best fit occurs when:

A) The operating system assigns the largest block to find


The operating system searches the memory block that represents less waste as a requirement

C) The operating system assigns the first free memory block with sufficient space to meet the information

D) The operating system assigns the last block of free memory with enough space to satisfy the information

4 — The thrashing occurs when:

A) There is a higher amount of page faults by increasing the page frames in memory

B) When the system can spend less time paging than doing productive work


The degree of multiprogramming is excessive because the system can spend more time paging than doing productive work.

D) It occurs in fewer page faults by increasing the page frames in memory

5 — By definition the MMU (Memory Management Unit), is responsible for:

A) Dynamically allocate memory to the process when it required for its implementation

B) Transforming all directions delivered by the processor logical addresses real

C) Transforming all directions directions actual process understandable by the processor

D) Transporting all directions of each process to the processor and vice versa

6 — The preemptive scheduling policies are characterized by:


Allow a process with higher priority requise CPU to the process that had not completed assigned execution

B) Once the process gets CPU can not be requisitioned until the burst ends

C) These are policies where all processes must be treated equally by preventing the blocking of a process

D) Alternative and c

7 — The technical phrase used by the operating system to simulate the process during its execution has all the instructions and data provided inmemory refers to the concept of:

A) Pagination

B) Segmentation

C)Virtual Memory

D) Swapping

8 — The address of the page frame.

A) Indicates if the page resides in real memory or not

B) Used when the page is selected out of real memory, when there is a default page

C) It serves to support the operating system to select the page to leave when there is a default page

D)Save the address in real memory where the page

9 — With regard to fragmentation

A) This occurs only in the time-sharing operating systems

B) It occurs only when the main memory is managed in blocks of fixed size

C)It occurs in both paging and segmentation, but in different ways

D) It is controlled by the system CPU

10 — Main memory:

A) It’s where processes run

B) It is a chipset that virtual addresses associated with physical memory addresses

C) Use a secondary storage medium high speed access

D)It’s where the CPU reads the instructions to execute as well as some data to use

11 — Which of the following is more representative of the concept of memory virtual?

A)Available space in secondary storage, for all processes that are on standby

B) You have extra space in main memory, there to load all programs simultaneously

C) Set of all directions given to the processor

D) Swap space that allows all programs to be executed at random transparently to the user

12 — Which of the following page replacement policy is more efficient if you compare the number of page faults produced in each? Consider the references indicated.























A) FIFO is lower because the number of page faults

B) They have the same number of page faults

C) LRU is because fewer page faults

D) There are no page faults

13 — Indicate which of the following alternatives represent functions of the Process Control Block:

A) Address of CPU registers, system calls, context switches made


State of the process used files, resources that the process is consuming

C) System calls, leading to secondary storage, memory addresses used

D) Memory addresses used, leading to secondary storage, changes made contexts

14 — The operating system should maintain a relationship between the logical address space (used by the processor) and the physical address space (used by the processes).

A) Page table

B) Process table

C) Process Control Block

D) States of processes

15 — If we have the next set of page references: (3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3).

When comparing the number of page faults on the same page replacement policy (LRU), using 4 and 5 marks respectively. “It becomes more or less efficient by increasing the frames?

To answer the alternative that you consider correct, perform the necessary calculations.

A) Less efficient because it decreases the page frames

B) More efficient because they increase page faults

C) It generates the same mistakes

D) More efficient because they reduce page faults

16 — With regard to Belady’s anomaly.

A) It occurs only in the LRU algorithm with three and four page frames

B) It occurs only in the FIFO algorithm with three and four page frames

C) It occurs only in the thymus ° algorithm with three and four page frames

D) It occurs in all algorithms

17 — It is the piece of code where a process uses a non-sharable resource, so be enforced mutual exclusion.

A) Deadlock

B) Thrash

C)Critical Section

D) Swapping

18 — According to the following sequence of references 2, 4, 6, 3, 2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 4, using the FIFO algorithm with three and four marks. “Belady’s anomaly occurs?

A) No, because by increasing the number of failures frames is less

B) Yes, because increasing the number of frames the number of failures is greater

C) Not because in both cases you get the same number of page faults

D) Yes, because increasing the number of frames the number of failures is less

19 — Select the correct alternative with respect to memory allocation methods.

a) In paging, the memory is divided into blocks of variable length, whereas in the memory segment is divided into blocks of fixed length.

b) On the page a page fault occurs when the page if you reside in real memory instead segmentation a segmentation fault occurs when a segment it resides in main memory.

C) The pagination leads to external fragmentation, in contrast to frafmentación internal segmentation

D) In paging, the memory is divided into blocks of fixed length, whereas in the segmentation block lengths

20 — What are the 4 conditions to be met for the existence of blocking each other?

A) Circular Wait, no preemption, Progression, Alternation

B) Hold and Wait, Wait circular, Mutual Exclusion, Alternate

C)Circular Wait, no preemption, Hold and Wait, Mutual Exclusion

D) Mutual Exclusion, Alternate, Hold and Wait, Wait Limited

21 — Speaking of external security, referred to:

A) Data Security

B) Security Protection

C) Physical and logical security

D) Physical Security and Management

22 — The safety protection features:

A) The first concerns the second physical security and logical security

B) The second includes strategic information and data protection of any user

C) Security is related to the defined policies and protection with mechanisms to implement these policies

D) Alternative b

23 — What kind of threats may suffer a computer system?

A) Viruses, Hackers, crackers, Metal Detector

B) Breach of keys, data loss, virus

C) Magnetic elements, viruses, Metal Detector

D) All are threats

24 — In the context of protection domains, which of the following statements is false?:

A) A domain is a collection of access rights

B) Domains can share access rights

C) The elements of a system is categorized as processes and objects

D) The processes can share access rights

25 — A protection domain is:

A) Is a matrix indicating the restrictions of a user on an object

B) Set of pairs (user, object) where each pair identifies the permitted operations on him


A set of pairs (object, operations) in which each pair identifies an object and the operations allowed on it

D) Alternatives (a) and (c)

26 — Which of the following statements is NOT correct?:

A) Internal security considers the security of memory

B) Internal security considers the security of your files

C) Internal security is controlled by the operating system itself

D) Internal security considers the integrity of data transmission

27 — The process to which we must submit the information to make it secret is called:

A) Username

B) Password

C) Encapsulation

D) Encryption

28 — Which of the following statements is NOT correct?:

A) A strategy for access to resources, files or directories is to have user identities

B) The set of users who share resources and need similar access is called a group

C) Generally, users of one group are created and modified by the administrator

D) The only types of users are classified into owners and groups

29 — In a list of users can access:

A) Require different types of access to a file or directory

B) Require that access is not directly from the user, if not the system

c) Working as groups of users and thus have access to a set of attributes. (Attributes assigned to a broad group of individuals).

D) Browse archives naming only

30 — In the following alternatives, identify which belongs to physical security.

A) Smoke detectors


C) Motion detectors

D) Security cameras

31 — What threats can suffer a computer system from the viewpoint of user applications?

A) Outage

B) Deadlocks or deadlock in the system

C) AntiSpyware

D) Trojans

32 — What is the greatest risk facing the operating system level applications, if seen in terms of memory addressing, for example?

A) User improper revenue

B)Vulnerability protection

C) Errors in safety

D) Errors of access to resources

33 — Indicate the correct alternative that gives meaning to the phrase: If each user could be a domain then the set of objects that can be accessed depends on ___________. There domain switching when you change _____________, and if a new user logs ____________ occurs.

A) a user id, user, domain switching

B) user identity, access rights, creation of an object

C) objects, the domain, creating a new user

D) the user, the domain switching, the generation of access rights