Oracle Database Administration: Concepts and Best Practices

Oracle Database Administration

1. Data Block Size

The typical size of a data block ranges from 8 to 32KB, but we have observed sizes from 2 to 32KB.

2. Tablespace Usage

A tablespace is used to store: c) Data logically

3. System Tablespace

The system tablespace: b) Stores data dictionary information

4. Oracle Segment Types

Segments that exist in Oracle include: c) Temporary and Rollback

5. Oracle Extents

Extents in Oracle are utilized to: c) Monitor tablespace size

6. PCTFREE Parameter

The PCTFREE parameter defines: a) Minimum percentage of a block to be kept free

7. Undo Data Usage

Undo data is used to: d) Recover transactions

8. Value Consulate

For the value ‘consulate’: e) None (context needed)

9. Definition Set SGTE

The definition set SGTE refers to: a) Segments

10. Partly Available

‘Partly available’ means: a) Contains information of a transaction in doubt

11. UNDO_RETENTION Parameter

The parameter that sets the time in which undo information is retained is: c) UNDO_RETENTION

12. Default Tablespace in User Creation

The default tablespace during user creation corresponds to: c) A place where the objects created by the user are stored

13. QUOTA in User Creation

Within the format of user creation, the term QUOTA corresponds to: c) A mechanism that controls the use of resources by the user


The privilege CREATE ANY DIRECTORY allows a user to: c) Create directories in the operating system

15. Role Definition

A role is: d) A set of privileges that can be granted to users


The DBA_SYS_PRIVS data dictionary view: c) Lists system privileges granted to users

17. Oracle Listener

The Oracle Listener corresponds to: b) A server process that provides network connectivity to the Oracle database


The security parameter PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME means: a) That a user must change their password within a certain number of days after it has expired

19. Fine-Grained Auditing

Fine-grained auditing provides for: e) None of the above (context needed)

20. Creating a Locally Managed Tablespace

The correct statement to create a locally managed tablespace named DATACURSO is: b) CREATE TABLESPACE DATACURSO DATAFILE ‘c:/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/oracle_1/datacurso01.dbf’ SIZE 600M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL;

21. Dropping a Table with PURGE

The statement ‘DROP TABLE employee PURGE;’ will: c) Remove the table employee permanently, bypassing the Recycle Bin

22. Renaming a Tablespace Datafile

For renaming a datafile associated with a tablespace, the tablespace must be in a state: b) Offline

23. Temporary Tablespace and Read-Only Mode

The false statement is: b) A temporary tablespace can be put in read-only mode

24. Revoking CREATE SESSION Privilege

To revoke the CREATE SESSION privilege from a user called ‘manager’, the following statement is used: b) REVOKE CREATE SESSION FROM manager;

25. Locating Offline Rollback Segments

To locate the number of offline rollback segments, the following query is used: d) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dba_rollback_segs WHERE status = ‘OFFLINE’;

26. Locking a User Account

To lock the account of the user ‘Prueba04’, the following statement is used: b) ALTER USER Prueba04 ACCOUNT LOCK;

27. ALTER ANY ROLE Privilege

The system privilege ALTER ANY ROLE is used to: e) All of the above (context needed)

28. Database Auditing

Auditing in the database: c) Must be enabled via the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter

29. Rollback Segment States

Some states that a rollback segment can be in are: c) Offline, Online, Needs Recovery, Invalid

30. Table and Index Storage

A table or index in Oracle is stored: c) Logically within a tablespace and physically within a datafile

31. UNDO Retention Value of 0

An UNDO retention configuration with a value of 0 means: d) The retention time will be determined automatically by the system

32. Logical Structure Components

Which of the following components correspond to a logical structure of an Oracle database? d) All of the above (context needed)

33. Creating a Locally Managed Tablespace

After executing the statement ‘CREATE TABLESPACE DATA DATAFILE ‘c:/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/oracle_1/datacurso.dbf’ SIZE 600M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL ONLINE;’, the result is: a) A locally managed permanent tablespace is created

34. PCTFREE Parameter

The parameter indicating the minimum percentage of a block that must be left free to accommodate updates to existing rows within the block is: a) PCTFREE

35. Setting the Undo Tablespace

The statement used to define ‘undo1’ as the undo tablespace for the database ‘db1’ is: c) ALTER DATABASE db1 SET undo_tablespace = undo1;

36. Revoking SELECT Privilege

The statement used to revoke the SELECT privilege on the EMPLOYEES table from the user ‘jdoe’ is: c) REVOKE SELECT ON employees FROM jdoe;


The parameter that specifies the number of days during which a user cannot reuse a password is: d) PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME

38. Profile Creation and PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME

By creating a profile with the following statement: ‘CREATE PROFILE Profile1 LIMIT PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME 30 PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME 5 PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME 30 FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 3 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 5/1440;’, the account will be locked for: c) 5 minutes

39. Autoextending Datafiles

When creating a tablespace, which of the following clauses allows datafiles to be automatically enlarged? a) AUTOEXTEND

40. Creating an Externally Authenticated User

The statement ‘CREATE USER (…) DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY’ creates a user who will be authenticated by: c) The operating system


The PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION profile option allows you to specify: a) A PL/SQL function that checks the complexity of a password before it is assigned

42. Clearing Audit Records

After executing the following statement on user ‘Juan’ and the table ’employees’: ‘AUDIT SELECT ON Juan.employees;’, what is the correct way to clear the audit records generated by this statement? d) NOAUDIT SELECT ON Juan.employees;

43. Types of Audit

Which of the following options does not correspond to a type of audit? b) Audit Statistics

44. Disabling Session Auditing

To disable session auditing for users ‘MMena’ and ‘JAlfaro’, the following statement is executed: c) NOAUDIT SESSION BY MMena, JAlfaro;

45. User with Security Check Activation

The user who can activate security checks is: b) SYSTEM

46. Rollback Segment Purpose

A rollback segment’s purpose is to: b) Store information that has been changed by uncommitted transactions

47. Block Header

The header of a block: c) Contains general information about the block and the segment type to which it belongs

48. Oracle Listener

The Oracle Listener: d) All of the above (context needed)


The statement ‘WHENEVER SQLERROR’ allows auditing of statements: c) To audit only SQL statements and operations that fail or generate errors

50. Assigning Limited Quota

To assign a limited quota to user ‘Test01’ on the tablespace ‘academics’, the following statement is used: b) ALTER USER Test01 QUOTA LIMITED ON academics;