Oral and Written Language: Understanding Communication and Textual Coherence

The text and set forth:

contained: unit of communication, message minimo.Tiene full sense, the elements that compose the Unidos por relationships are contained grammatical, syntactic autonomy has, in the lenguaje hablado contained stretches between 2 adults and breaks it with pronucia a determinda intonations in the lenguaje escrito aparece contained between 2 points.


is a set of coherente enunciados.Es mxima the unit of communication, expresses the entirety of content is transmitted to the sender that you want, that it enunciados Forman them have a relationship that consistency mechanism for uniting both by achievement must be adecuado and can be expanded or reduced.

Oral and Written Language:

Writing: is the vehicle that imparts the whole cultura.Tiene paramount importance to our professional life.Oral comunicamos is the way we like with our family and friends, although you require in the dominarla Ambito academico.Gran part of the professional and personal development dependera to defend our points of view publico.Estas habilidades not learn how ESPONTANEA.

Characteristics :

oral form is adquiere ESPONTANEA primeros during the years of life, it develops in time, those who speak and soil present fisicamente Then among these trials, it sounds in EXPRESS, imparts it by air or other media that sound transmitan, enunciados the oral floor come complementados by other forms of communication, there is a syntax and suele’ve cared less repetitions, paragraphs, different shades and Placement records, there is a low or null planificación.Los enunciados be improvisan on the driving.
written by themselves adquiere middle of the enseñanza, it develops in the space, participants will not soil the present writer and simultaneamente lector.Se letras or GRAPHIC EXPRESS in the channel the support of the paper and other written communications escritura.La suele Berro gráficos or be accompanied by such iconicos tipos de letra, banks .., there is a syntax more carefully, and avoid repetition tiende to keep the same tone and register of the text, especially in hay mas Planning Documents formal and elaborate.

Adecuacion the text:

the text is the property that does not violate or cumple ninguna de las normas social, personal, LINGUISTIC
regulan all that situational communicative event. adecuado Text: adapting to the issue of who is aiming hablar, adapting it to the person or the person emite it receives, is conveniently situated in or in the place that emite (SPEAK concert) to accommodate the purpose to be aiming, adjusts the level of tone or formalidad with the situation, respecting the Standards of a social group, adapting the level of first language in which it develops the communication and adapting to the Standards of courtesy (in a formal atmosphere).


is the property of the text which gives unity and sense and allows interpretarlo. Nace de las relaciones internas that introducing between the parties that compose it, as well as the location of its adecuacion.
Relations with the world real or possible, if a text is its coherente mensajes not contradicen with the normal sense of things, nor with the COMMON SENSE. Relationship with himself Decimos k coherente if a text is: This is an issue whether general refiera to the text, if its not contradicen Words from Here, if you dice it is timely and important to REASON with the global sense, if the info Moves ordenadamente and jerarquizada and no treatment that introduces elements of that topic. coherence classes: set out in: When Words and enunciados sentido.No have any idea if it tendrian enter into contradiction with each other or the world that se refiere.between enunciados: when each joins lógicamente contained in them and that which will precede the information to other enunciados Avanza approx. global when establishing the relationship between all the content unit and gives the sense in which texto.Se EXPRESS jerarquizado and the text is proved and the importance of each part as soon as the whole.

Mechanism for uniting:

set of resources lingüísticos k ayudan us to percibir the relationship of unity and coherence of a text mantienen the parties together and in relationship with the everything. CONECTORES: Parts were k indicating the union, and relates avance approximately enunciados with others. semanticos: blocks of relationships texto.Se Usan to continue with the same idea (addition), oponerse to another idea (however) and indexed consecuencia (for both).Metadiscursivos: Order indexed organizing them, Introduces a comment (well prongs) or señalan a digresión (por cierto). Explican the reformers (es decir) rectifican (but good), recpitulan (conclusion) or Marcan Superacion (for all modes). conversational: Contact (¿eh?) evidence (of course) and acceptance (man).

Conceptismo and culteranismo:

introducing barroco.Subyace in a deep life escepticismo k causes Distintas fled in 2 directions and complementary: the conceptual and the cultivated and manierista.Ambas break with the balance and seek help at Renaissance Literary Similar resources: the artificio and the difficulty in style, the exaggerations and the contrast, the provocations of the surprise in the reader writers .. Conceptistas utilizan esa elemntos cultistas or culteranos and vice versa. culteranismo:su maximo representante Luis de Gongora k are looking to create a lengua poetica cultured propia.Tiende the formal beauty and to the colorful and sensorial.Lo ACHIEVE brillantez thanks to the careful preparation of the language, and the profusion of various resources such hipérbatos, cultismos .. Who ya estaban present century literature can anterior.Se obaservar fabula in the poem of Polyphemus and Galatea.


ademas de l picaresque novel, are the short, Byzantine, and allegorical costumbrista. SHORT: initiated by con las Novelas ejemplares Cervantes, be cultivandose.Se colecciones.Los a variety of topics can be publicans variados.Algunos authors are: Mary and ZAYAS blooming. Byzantine: are some works escribiendose entiendo k is such referrals century Byzantine novel anterior.El Peregrino en su patria de Lope de Vega. alegóricos:Baltasar Gracian representante de la novela Criticón.